My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 591: :Tongtian Fog Pillar

By the way, this air shark is not too strong. Chen Fang can do what he is afraid of doing?

In fact, Chen Fang is not really afraid of these air sharks, but was a little scared by the scene of the shark-eating birds just now. Think about it, he is in the mist and his vision is blocked, and he may be attacked at any time. I sprang out a few big mouths to bite you, and everyone was shocked.

This is instinctive counseling, and I can't blame him for being courageous.

Chen Fang wanted to go but couldn't go. He had already lost his sense of direction after making a few moves. He didn't know where to rush to get out.

Nima, shouldn't come in curiously, Chen Fang was upset.

Suddenly, there were a lot of water breaking noises from all directions. It should have been attracted by the screams of the bad bird before, and now it has just come. Hearing that the number is not normal, Chen Fang secretly felt bitter.

He can fight, but it doesn’t mean that under this kind of poor vision, the sharks are fighting alone, and the ants often kill elephants. Everyone understands the truth, and Chen Fangyin can feel that there is a big terror in the mist. For example, the sound of a whale that attracted him to come only to hear the sound but not to see it.

Chen Fang has never forgotten how terrifying the nest whale was when the beasts of the new city were crowded.

The sharks in the air caused by the screaming of the Er bird were numerous. Chen Fang could feel that there were no less than three air-swimming fishes swimming near him. He didn't even dare to take a breath, and he didn't dare to lie down on the ground. move.

When several air sharks passed by his head, Chen Fang really mentioned his throat. Fortunately, nothing happened and was not found. This gave him a bold guess.

Following his thoughts, Chen Fang cautiously grabbed a larger stone from his side, daring not to make any big moves, but threw the stone out with the power of his wrist.

As the stone cut through the fog, the fog around Chen Fang stirred. A head shark flew through the fog towards the stone and chased it. The fog was too thick for Chen Fang to see the specific situation, but through the sound Judging, the sharks in the sky have all chased to the place where the stone fell.

It seems that this air shark should have no sense of smell, and its eyesight is also affected by the fog, but its hearing is sensitive, and it can perceive the direction of objects in the fog like a fish can feel the water ripples.

This is Chen Fang's previous speculation, and this will be confirmed.

So as long as you move slowly, you should not be discovered, Chen Fang thought.

This is good news, which means that he doesn't have to sit still.

But not knowing the direction of Taniguchi is a big problem.

Chen Fang couldn't think of a way for a while.

No matter what, just find a direction to climb, you will always climb out of the range of the weapon.

If you can't figure out a way, then don't think about it. Do it first. Maybe in the course of the action, you may encounter something to relieve your troubles or suddenly a flash of inspiration, so Chen Fang began to move slowly on the ground.

The ground was very damp. Chen Fang became a mud monkey not long after moving on the ground, but at this time he had no intention of caring about this. He cared more about whether he could climb out.

As time passed, Chen Fang didn’t know how long he had been climbing, but he felt that he had spent half a day, and logically he had climbed a few hundred meters, but he still didn’t climb out of the mist, but instead felt the surrounding water break. The sound increased a little, and this situation undoubtedly showed that he had climbed in the wrong direction.

So Chen Fang hurriedly turned his head and backed away in the direction of his foot when he came.

After spending a lot of time, Chen Fang returned to his original position. This time he did not immediately change direction, but calmed down to feel the surrounding environment.

Suddenly a faint wind blew across his cheeks, and Chen Fang was overjoyed. He felt that it was the wind blowing in from Taniguchi, so he discerned the downwind direction and moved slowly in that direction.

As time passed, the distance that Chen Fang moved increased, and the sense of wind became stronger and stronger, to the point where Chen Fang needed to stare at the wind and grasp the ground to crawl.

According to the strength of the wind, no matter how thick the fog is, it should disperse, but in fact Chen Fang feels that the fog around him is getting heavier and heavier, flowing like a turbulent flow.

Although the sound of fish swimming in the air in the surrounding air became smaller and sparser, Chen Fang sounded like it was caused by the fish swimming in the air in a higher place.

Nima, won't you crawl the direction again?

Chen Fang thought bitterly, who wouldn't want to accept it, but he knew it was like this in all likelihood.

Going back to start over again.

Chen Fang sighed in his heart, but had no choice but to turn around and crawl back.

But just when he was about to turn his head, the wind direction suddenly changed, and at the same time, the sound of whales that had disappeared for a long time sounded again, and it was even sharper.

No, this is not the sound of whales, but the screaming of wind passing through the cave.

Chen Fang realized that he had listened to something wrong before, and the whale call he heard outside the valley was actually the sound of the wind.

But whether it's the sound of whales or wind, it doesn't matter anymore.

As the sharp sound of the wind sounded, the wind direction suddenly changed, and a huge suction dragged Chen Fang forward.

The ground was wet and muddy water had no friction. Chen Fang couldn't resist this suction at all. He slid on the ground like a ski, even if he spread his limbs and showed the word "too", he couldn't stop the momentum of advancement. What's worse is that he slid to a place with a slightly upturned slope. As a result, he flew up in the air along the **** and rushed directly into the air. This time, he couldn't struggle and could only fly with the wind.

The wind in the foggy air in the air was more windy and there were a lot of turbulence. Chen Fang was still rising while spinning around in the air, making him almost vomiting.

I don’t know where to be brought there by this strange foggy wind. Chen Fangxin is nervous. What’s even more terrifying is that he finds that he is in mid-air now. From time to time, there will be an empty world that is involuntarily rolled by the wind like him. Swimming fish.

There are a lot of big and small ones, and the small ones have big palms. The big Chen Fang doesn't know how big they are. At least when the wind blows past him, Chen Fang doesn't have the eyes of the ice fish Big.

While this swimming fish of unknown size flew by, Chen Fang tried to grasp its body surface, trying to attach to it. Once the wind stopped suddenly, he would at least not be able to have this swimming fish. He fell to death. Secondly, this fish was stable in the wind. It was not swaying like other smaller fish, and attached to it at least so that he would not feel nauseous~www. After several attempts, Chen Fang finally grabbed the scales on this behemoth.

The scales were cold and biting, but Chen Fang did not dare to let go.

Grasping the edge of the scales a little larger than his own body, Chen Fang pressed his body tightly and leaned on it. After he stabilized his body, he started to look around.

At first, the fog was still thick, Chen Fang couldn't see through, but he could feel himself rising. As time went by, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

I don't know how long it took, the fog seemed to become thinner, and Chen Fang could already see the scene outside the fog, as well as what shocked him.

I saw the tile-blue sky beyond the fog, and the distant view below was distant mountains and the green earth. This scene undoubtedly showed that he was above the sky.

"Where is my special?" Chen Fang couldn't help yelling.

Where is Chen Fang?

On top of a tornado.

This tornado looked like a white pillar from a distance, connected with the world and the earth, magnificent.

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