My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1083 The third military reform, recruit policy!

Not only Chen Shen, the village chief, but also Li Hu, the head of the security department, and some managers in charge of security and patrols discovered that the current combat effectiveness of the guards and soldiers was seriously insufficient.

In fact, even the residents of the territory felt it.

There is no way, no fighting breaks out in peacetime, and you can still rely on training results to cover up shortcomings in combat effectiveness.

But in the chaotic wasteland, the only criterion for measuring combat effectiveness is the outcome of the battle.

Don't talk about your glorious achievements in the virtual realm, let alone what records you broke in daily training.

When I went to the battlefield, I would feel dizzy and hot, or my legs and feet would be sore.

What kind of warrior is he who turns into a weakling when he sees the enemy? He can't even hold the gun steady.

Especially in recent times, when the food supply in the territory has gradually become less scarce.

The timid mood of comfort will inevitably begin to overflow.

The rejection of danger is rooted in the human genetic chain.

As a result, the guards and soldiers, not only dealing with the gophers in the city, but also the aliens who were able to suppress and beat them with their bloodiness a year ago, became timid.

As a lord, Soma also gradually discovered this fact after several large-scale battles.

When he led them, the soldiers of the Tianyuan Army were indeed fierce, each one seemed to be possessed by the God of War.

But as long as it's not him, it's someone else.

The combat effectiveness of the entire team was instantly reduced by 50%, and the team's performance was not even half of its normal state.

At this point, Sumo thought it was due to insufficient training, so he arranged for more frequent virtual realm training.

But now, he was shocked to find these two piles of reports handed over by Chen Shen on his desk.

The training in the virtual realm is useless at all.


It should be said that it is something that was trained in the virtual realm and cannot be taken out at all!

Bullets whizzed overhead.

Knowing that they would not die, each guard wanted to rush out with his body to block the bullets and create opportunities for his teammates.

But in the real world, who dares to take a bullet?

Charge with the enemy, and would rather exchange injuries for injuries than take half a step back, shouting that my fate is up to me.

But when it comes to the real world, it immediately becomes like a bruise on the leg, which makes me moan for a while.

This gap is too big!

Look through what Chen Shen provided, as well as the various suggestions submitted by Tianyuan Army and the village management.

It is said that good soldiers are created by "money". In the past, the territory did not have such conditions to cultivate them.

But now there are millions of copper coins in the account.

Sumo no longer hesitated and immediately decided to allocate 300,000 yuan to start the third Tianyuan military reform.

And this time, combatants are no longer classified in that vague way.

According to the suggestions gathered below, almost 90% of people suggest directly applying the modern method.

Squad, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, army!

Clear at a glance, accurate and intuitive.

In addition, soldiers and guards also have new level standards.

Starting from the third class private, going up: private first class, first class sergeant, third class sergeant major, second class sergeant major, first class sergeant major.

Starting from the third-level guard, going up: second-level guard, first-level guard, third-level police inspector, second-level police inspector, and first-level police inspector.

Similarly, there will be grade distinctions between soldiers and officers, basically using the modern set of three and ten levels.

Namely: lieutenant, school officer, general.

Even the training methods and rules for new recruits, Sumo plans to hire experienced veterans to replicate them.

Start with a new recruit company and undergo military training until you have combat effectiveness before joining the real battlefield.

In peacetime, red-blue confrontations or internal military exercises are also needed to increase experience. In the chaotic wasteland, wars may occur every day in the future.

This is a mature system, and there is no need to be clever and innovate.

It only takes a few large-scale battles to verify whether this system works well.

"Three hundred thousand copper coins as a start-up capital, for up to three months, I need to see a group of soldiers with mature combat capabilities."

"By the way, the Tianyuan Army's camp will no longer be located here in the village. Move it directly to a deserted place."

Sumo continued to make arrangements.

According to the suggestions provided by Pei Shao, allowing the Tianyuan Army soldiers to go to the village to chat and eat after training every day would really weaken their will to fight.

Modern times have a mature training system, but they still need to keep soldiers away from bustling areas and into the wilderness to hone their character.

There is no reason to come to the wasteland. You need to feed the soldiers with good food and drink, and then wipe their butts when the battle breaks out.

"Okay, do you need Zero to perform message delivery now?"

"Pass it on. By the way, let Li Hu, Chen Shen, Chen Kai, Pei Shao, and Qi Qin come over. We will start reforming this afternoon. The reform must be completed before the next batch of refugees arrives."

Sumo clicked on more than a dozen people in succession, and Zero began to use radio waves to transmit information.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Tianyuan Army only has over a hundred people and the guards only have five hundred people, reform is the best decision.

When the refugees arrive next, the reorganized Tianyuan Army will be able to absorb new effective forces immediately.

At present, the number of people in the entire army does not need to be too large, and Sumo has initially set it at three thousand people.

Only these three thousand people are needed to have a certain combat effectiveness, plus Hunter Tiger's Pingtan Army and Kevin's Huo Army.

The alliance's soldiers will exceed 10,000, and occupying one-third of an acre of land is definitely enough to protect themselves!

January 31st of the second year of the wasteland calendar, the last day of January.

Amidst the quiet changes, only a few people noticed that the Tianyuan Military Camp near Hope Village suddenly became silent.

The barracks that had been built to some extent were demolished, and the training equipment inside was moved to unknown locations.

The military camp has been moved?

Not seeing any announcement information on the channel, the residents of Hope Village were surprised for a while and quickly forgot about it.

Because just inside the village, the security department, which already had a certain size, had actually undergone personnel changes.

"Damn it, from now on the guards will only be selected from the Tianyuan Army, and there will no longer be open recruitment?"

"Now all the guards on duty have to be assessed. Those who fail will be dismissed directly, or will they participate in the next recruit registration?"

"Recruits? Damn, come to the village entrance and take a look. From now on, the territory will have a recruitment policy!"

"Let me see, all residents over the age of 18 and under the age of 45 must perform military service during the farm break?"

"Damn it, is it true? We can also serve as soldiers?"

The greatest benefit of direct management is most vividly demonstrated at this moment.

In just one morning, the entire reform was finalized and announced to the public.

Of course, this is also the reason why the military reform has been brewing for several months.

Those various detailed changes had been considered several times by the corresponding person in charge, until the dwarf siege broke out and everyone realized that this shortcoming could no longer be ignored.

Then, under the "angry" leadership of Chen Shen, all opinions were handed over to the office of Lord Sumo.

At this time, hundreds of people had gathered at the entrance of the village. While reading the military service announcement that covered half of the wall, they nervously discussed the impact of various changes.

The most eye-catching one is probably the change to ‘military service’.

In the past, the Tianyuan Army was selected individually. Due to the scarcity of various materials and the difficulty of territorial construction, the territory was unable to supply a large number of full-time soldiers for training, and could only be selected from talents whose combat effectiveness was recognized or whose personal skills were outstanding.

Moreover, the selection scope is that only those who first join the security department and become a formal security guard are eligible.

Now, the military service has finally been changed and turned into a range selection.

As long as their age meets the selection criteria and they have no obvious physical disabilities, they can enter the military camp and receive training.

This is so cool!

It wasn’t just the combat players whose eyes were widened with surprise.

Even some life players were extremely pleasantly surprised at this time, wishing they could become a recruit tomorrow.

It can only be said that the dangers of the wasteland have made everyone aware of the need to become stronger. If an individual wants to survive in this chaotic era, it is not enough to just rely on the protection of others.

There will always be accidents, and there will always be more weird disasters.

What if something happens to the territory?

Although the possibility is small, this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

Instead of expecting others to protect you when danger strikes, train yourself to be that “other.”

At that time, whether it is to deal with dangers or to find opportunities in dangers, we will not be as stretched as before.

"The training time for new recruits starts at two months, and closed training is required throughout the process."

"Registration starts on March 1st. Does that mean there is still a month to prepare?"

"Wait, can't you join the training in advance?"

"Yes, you can, but you have to pay twenty copper coins and one hundred contribution points."

"If there is a war, I will be called back. I won't say anything anymore. I will go to the military camp to sign up tomorrow."

"Wait, buddy, but your route is to be a cook?"

"What happened to the cook? Get out of here, have you heard of the cooking class? I was once the class leader on earth!"

"Are you afraid you are the pig-raising squad leader~"

"Don't let me catch you in the barracks in the future, otherwise you'll be waiting to eat swill."


More and more people came together, and this explosive reform news began to spread.

In peacetime, there are indeed some people who cannot bear the hardship of military service.

But in the wasteland, what does this little pain mean?

Think about how you haven’t had a full meal for ten days and a half just after traveling through time, and you have to be wary of aliens appearing from around the corner at all times.

After surviving that kind of environment, how can you still be afraid of not being able to train for a period of time?

Even though Sumo had already predicted this event, he was still shocked when the statistics came up that night.

During the two-month military service starting on March 1, recruits do not need to pay any food expenses.

Of course, there is no salary.

But sign up now and it’s not cheap.

Twenty copper coins, converted into supplies, is basically equivalent to two months of food expenses for an adult.

One hundred contribution points is even more expensive, and is a prerequisite for living in the underground city and enjoying various policies of the village.

With such an "expensive" fee, the number of people who chose to sign up as recruits on the first day reached 565!

Yes, the number is actually four times that of the current Tianyuan Army!

"Among them, there are mostly scavenger route players, but it is not difficult to understand that many of them were ordinary people before. Now even with the route bonus, they dare not really explore outside the territory, lacking real practical experience. And ours this time Recruit training is just like the personal trainers in Fishman Village. Not only is the price cheaper, but the scale is larger, and it is even possible to stay in the army and develop. No wonder they are so excited to sign up."

"The remaining people, the largest proportion are retired soldiers who have participated in compulsory training in peacetime. Their idea is very simple, they just want to make contributions in this chaotic era."

Li Hu said the reason angrily.

Of course, there are several deeper reasons he didn't say.

If you join the recruit training in advance now, won’t they become veterans when more recruits come in?

As the size of the team increases, veterans will be prioritized for upgrades in military rank and position.

So it seems like it’s costing a lot of money now, but in the future, it will actually be very profitable.

Sumo knew this in his heart, but he also had deeper thoughts.

Now the recruits selected in this way, whether it is training enthusiasm or personal strength, are much better than the recruits who join uniformly.

Focusing on training these people in advance will not only reduce the burden on the Tianyuan Army soldiers, but also prepare for future expansion.

"Go and get ready. Since they are all willing to join, we can't go back on our word and refuse."

"However, the training standards and training intensity must be the most severe for me. From now on, the virtual realm will only be used as a post-war simulation and will no longer be open to recruit training!"


Li Hu nodded and walked away backwards.

It wasn't until he left the door and Sumo's face was hidden behind the wooden door that he couldn't suppress his excitement and punched the air hard.

What was supposed to come, finally came.

Who knows how long he has been waiting for this day.

In the past, the separation of military and police forces allowed him to select ordinary people from the masses to join the team, and he had to spend a lot of time training them.

Not only is it time-consuming and laborious, but it also cannot guarantee combat effectiveness.

This is simply unbearable for florist soldiers who have received complete modern training.

But now, after receiving the delegation of power from Sumo, he has taken the initiative to resign from the position of head of the Security Department.

Recruit camp, battalion commander.

Lieutenant Mao.

There are three companies under his command, six hundred people!

This is Li Hu's new identity and his main responsibility in the next few months.

It all sounds a bit sci-fi when you think about it.

When he was on Earth, he was just a noncommissioned officer who had no choice but to retire after three periods.

No matter what you say, sergeants are just soldiers.

But when he came to the wasteland, he miraculously lived a "second life" and became an officer.

Looking at the gloomy sky of the wasteland, Li Hu couldn't calm down for a long time.

It wasn't until a muffled thunder sounded that he turned his head as if waking up from a dream and saluted deeply at the door of the dungeon.

Visible to the naked eye, a momentum steamed from Li Hu's body.

When he turned around again, he was already in full swing, and there was no trace of the vicissitudes of being over forty years old!

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