My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 1055 Curiosity, the academy base is just around the corner!

On the dirt ground with crisscrossed ravines, two personnel carriers, one behind the other, flanked the tank and galloped towards the side where the sun was setting.

According to visual inspection, the speed is at least 50 kilometers per hour.

No, it should be said three tanks.

Lao Wang has never seen anyone add tracks to this truck-like thing.

The crunching sound of debris became louder and louder, and the undulations of the ground did not affect the speed of these three big guys at all.

"I didn't expect that there would be a gathering place for Blue Stars here?"

"They have tanks. It seems they are not weak. At least they are not afraid of the academy."

"It's hard to say, but the academy is one of the most powerful forces in Blue Star."

"If they are willing to help us block the pursuit of the academy, then how can anyone from Blue Star offend the academy?"

"Should we follow up and take a look? This is the first large gathering place we have seen after escaping."

Looking from a distance, the tank did not enter the ruins, but rushed further west.

The refugees in Tongzilou were a little anxious.

They kept cursing and looking at the end of their field of vision with regretful eyes, looking forward to the arrival of the second convoy.

However, what is disappointing is that after more than 20 minutes, there are no more vehicles there.

On the contrary, three mutant rats accidentally passed by and became one of the refugees' supplies.

"We have to go check it out"

"Even if they can't take us in, it would be great if they could grab a vehicle from there."

Lao Wang almost gritted his teeth and squeezed out these words from between his teeth.

People are always responsible for the choices they make.

He knows.

Saying this now means that everyone has to take huge risks.

But compared to the pursuers behind

No matter how furious everyone is, they can't change the current situation of embarrassment and embarrassment, nor can they remove the tracker hidden somewhere in the body.

However, at this moment, the surroundings seemed to be unusually quiet.

The broken door of the Tongzi Tower that blew in the wind also seemed to be fixed and no longer made any sound.

"No, yes"

Lao Wang's eyes instantly froze, and his body sitting on the ground bounced up in an instant.

But unfortunately, although this reaction speed is fast, it is of no use in this narrow room.


A stone-like object was thrown to the floor and rolled down.

First some white smoke seeped out.

Next is


A dazzling white light instantly erupted from the center of the rolling object, mixed with a dizzying piercing cry.

In just an instant, several people who were close to him twitched and fell to the ground. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

The remaining people also quickly lost all combat effectiveness within a few seconds.

At the open door, facing the light, Lao Wang could see several figures walking in cautiously.

He mustered up his energy and wanted to make a last-ditch effort.

But the strange thing is that after hearing the words of those who came in, the vigilance that had just been raised instantly collapsed.

"Oh, are there a lot of people here?"

"Don't these people know that there is no fog now and the detector can detect them from a long distance?"

"Huh? You don't look like the gopher guys in the city. They are all quite strong?"

"Whoever he is, if he dares to ambush us here, let's just take him back for interrogation."

"Don't be careless, be careful of this group of people resisting!"

"It's okay, this is a super flash bomb with five times the dose added by the madman. Even if these people are supermen, they can't handle it!"

The familiar Chinese language instantly relaxed the refugees who were still struggling to stand up and resist.

Especially when they heard the words "take them back", many people squeezed a few tears from the corners of their eyes.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m sad because of old things brought up again, or because I’m stimulated by the flash bomb.

"Save us!"

Facing the soldiers who came over, Lao Wang used all his strength to say the last few words.

The next second, he couldn't hold on anymore, his head tilted and he fainted on the ground.

Tianyuan Underground City Research Laboratory.

Several large screens pieced together displayed dense numbers. The receiver connected to Zero continuously acquired data, and finally various data with clear entries were displayed on the screen.

Among them, there are not only the latest economic data and material data, but also a summary of the levels of residents on each route.

Thanks to Zero's ability to absorb data, he doesn't need to face-to-face or find a keyboard to input slowly.

As long as residents dictate their relevant information during the collection period, it can easily collect it into its own storage device.

"The highest level player is now at level nine, and will soon be close to level ten for the first qualitative change."

First on the level list.

Surprisingly, it is "Spicy Iron Hammer", the big director of Lianmeng Steel Factory.

As the largest factory in the territory, the steel plant never stopped working during the fog.

The high-quality iron produced in large quantities is used in all aspects of the territory.

Especially for those Dali series iron materials, even if they are produced non-stop, there is still a huge gap that cannot be filled.

As the factory director, Spicy Iron Hammer has shared the most experience.

Mechanical Apprentice, Level 9.

There is less than 30% of the experience bar left to fill up before reaching level ten.

"Well done."

After scanning the top thirty lists below, Sumo nodded with satisfaction, and an unexpected smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

During the hibernation period in the territory, although they tended to explore, combat scavengers and training ground soldiers did not gain experience.

But players who focus on the life department are making a lot of money.

Especially the cooks in charge of food, the per capita level has reached an appalling level six!

If you advance to another level, you will have to catch up with Somo himself.

And based on the speed at which they gain experience, Sumo can conclude that it won't take long for the cooks to be the first to reach an average level ten.

Even if it can't bring any benefits to the territorial battle, it can "plunder" a lot of materials in another economic aspect.

However, thinking of this, Sumo couldn't help but have a headache.

Allies in the western suburbs alliance have been almost exhausted. Hunter Tiger, who is not good at business, does not have much inventory at all. The residents are also very poor and cannot provide many orders at all.

Although Aldrich's giant city shelter is better, he doesn't need extremely high-priced food. He only needs some daily necessities and small commodities. It is still difficult to make money.

Looking at the slowing development data on the screen, Sumo's thoughts couldn't help but fly thousands of kilometers away as the numbers changed.

It would be great if the Red Spider Caravan could arrive at the Foundation headquarters as soon as possible and bring a large amount of tradable supplies.

Only such large forces can still have the ability to purchase premium products in the wasteland.

But in any case, this is just an expectation, and we cannot keep all our hopes on a group of people who will never come back.

At this time, the sound of footsteps outside the door interrupted Somo's thoughts.

The guard wearing the blue and black uniform of Hope Village knocked on the door and walked in from the outside after asking for permission with a respectful tone.

"Manager, according to the news from the front line, Professor Lu captured a group of humans in the wilds of the southern suburbs on his way back."

"A gopher guy from the city?"

Su Mo frowned, and his unhappy mood suddenly became worse.

How long has it been since then? Have they already discovered the Alliance's route to the bunker and set up an ambush?

This is not good news and means that more effort will be required in the future.

"No, according to the returns from the soldiers, they should be one of our own, a group of players!"

"One of our own?"

Hearing this, Sumo raised his eyebrows.

It seems that the migration wave has indeed affected further. Not long after the Harvest Tribe arrived, the second group of people arrived.

Well, that's good news.

There is no shortage of supplies in Tianyuan Territory now, and it is capable of taking in even if a large number of players arrive.

Of course, it must be a player who can manage and be obedient.

"How long will it take before I can come back?"

"Three hours, if nothing else happens."

"Very good, let Feng Long forget it and let Li Hu prepare the place. I want to interrogate him personally."

Subconsciously saying Feng Long, and then thinking that the unfortunate guy was still lying in the hospital, Su Mo simply asked Li Hu to make arrangements.

And from this, it can also reflect his emphasis.

Players are different from aborigines. They have game panels and can transmit information to the outside world at will.

Although they are not worried about what they will expose due to their size, it is still a problem.


The guard nodded, respectfully stepped back and left.

After passing through the ruins of the southern suburbs and entering the wilderness, the speed of the troop carrier accelerated again.

The speed will be close to 70 kilometers per hour.

Naturally, the suspension of the trolley provided little riding comfort, and the violent bumps soon woke up the floating refugees.

Because there is not much space, everyone is almost crowded together.

As soon as one person groaned, the entire carriage was filled with painful groans.

"Be honest, you are all captured now!"

A guard with a gun stood up from a squatting position, knocked the butt of his gun twice on the carriage, and the muzzle of the gun passed over everyone's heads without restraint.

For the captives who are willing to cooperate and are humans from Earth, they will not be treated extremely harshly.

After all, it is very likely that everyone will become friends in the future, and some may even join the Tianyuan Army.

The strange thing is that not long ago, when a soldier was moving a prisoner, he was accidentally hit by him unconsciously.

Good guy, how powerful can a person be in an unconscious state?

The soldier who was pushed out directly hit the carriage and fell to the ground in confusion.

The strong pain told him that everything that had just happened was real, and the fighting power of this group of prisoners was simply beyond imagination.

If the flash bomb hadn't exploded in the confined space and caught them off guard, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been an advantage in a head-on close combat.

"We we surrender."

"We are all earthlings, we are all brothers, please don't shoot!"

Lao Wang was pinned down, and when he heard the warning sounds of the soldiers, he struggled to climb out.

What is the probability of encountering a human gathering place in the enlarged new wasteland?

Maybe 1%?

Maybe 01%?

Anyway, during the hundreds of kilometers along the way, no one had ever found any trace of a human gathering place on Earth.

Especially the fact that there are tanks in this gathering place is really shocking.

"Of course, we will not shoot at our compatriots, provided you can control your hands and feet."

The soldier glanced at Lao Wang, who turned his head and suddenly had black lines on his face.

The other refugees who had woken up were looking around curiously, and a few of them were restless and banging on the car with their cuffed hands.

The unshaven man in the corner was holding a steel plate that he pulled out from somewhere.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, he smiled sheepishly, but the hand holding the steel plate made no movement at all.

"Old Cui, put it down, this is one of our own."

"Old Wang, I remember you said the same thing when we were captured before, right?"

Lao Cui was tit for tat and didn't show any mercy.

"We were humans on Earth before, our compatriots. Those damn things tricked us into the academy's research base and became poor experimental subjects."

"Do you think they have such advanced weapons and tanks, so they won't be the lackeys of the Blue Star people?"


Lu Kuan, who was busy processing and researching energy stone fragments, suddenly turned his head. He actually heard the word "college" on the communicator hanging in the carriage?

"Don't stop him, let him continue."

The voice sounded from inside the carriage, and Lao Cui had an expected expression on his face.

"Look, I guessed it right, they are indeed very familiar with the academy."

"Those damn Blue Star people covet our route ability and want to copy this ability on themselves. Is there anyone in this wasteland who is not interested in power?"

After all, he is still an innocent person. Even if he has been deceived once, he has no intention of hiding his true feelings.

But having said that, Lao Cui himself is not stupid.

Looking at the smiling expression on the soldier's face, he still instinctively felt something was wrong.

"why are you laughing?"


Realizing that his smile had been discovered, the gunman was a little embarrassed.

Is he going to tell everyone about catching a big fish and most likely receiving extra rewards?

This group of people has obviously been caught once, which is not a good thing to say.

Fortunately, Lu Kuan's voice from the troop carrier next door rang in time, resolving the awkwardness.

"You said you were caught by the academy, and the researchers there wanted to decipher the secrets of your bodies?"

"Of course, if you are also from the academy, or are Blue Star's lackey, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible."

"To tell you the truth, we have trackers in our bodies right now, and the pursuers will be here soon."

Lao Cui is a straight-tempered person.

There was no need to interrogate him. After he was caught again, he simply dumped everything.

Lao Wang next to him didn't stop him, and kept calmly looking at the soldier's expression with his eyes.

After hearing the word 'tracker', the soldier's expression obviously changed, but he quickly calmed down.

What is the background of this group of people? They are not afraid of the academy?

Lao Wang realized this, and other people around him also reacted. Even the steel plate in Lao Cui's hand couldn't help but loosen a little.

"Where is the academy?"

"Just a few hundred kilometers away, in a grand canyon, there is a research base they built there!"

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