Although Sun Zhang chose to avoid meeting somebody, Li Fan would not give up so easily.

Judging from the words he couldn’t help comforting Su Changyu that day, at least he wasn’t a wicked person. The reason why he kept his face cold before was probably because he didn’t want to be too involved with the mortals of Immortal Land.

Compared with strangers, Li Fan prefers to deal with people who know some details.

So Li Fan went back and forth, and came to the Heavenly Treasure Building again.

“Why did you brat come back? Courting death?” The black clothed man at the door looked at Li Fan vigilantly, and said fiercely.

Li Fan smiled slightly: “I’m here to do business with you Heavenly Treasure Building. If you don’t talk about it, you will chase people away. This is how your Heavenly Treasure Building treats guests?”

Li Fan deliberately let go of his voice, attracting people around him to look over.

“You…” The big man was furious and was about to come up to beat someone, but was stopped by the person beside him.

After going back and asking for instructions, the big man led Li Fan in with a somewhat resentful expression.

I came to a guest room and sat down, and a maid served a cup of tea.

Li Fan at a moderate pace Earth Grade took a sip, the tea poured into his stomach, and he felt a warm current flowing from his stomach to his whole body.

In just a moment, Li Fan felt warm, even a little hot, just like the one hour sun in winter.

“Good tea!” Li Fan couldn’t help but praise.

“Dayuyanlong, growing in the seabed crater around Dayu Island, there are only a few dozen of them. Now with the destruction of Dayu Island, this Dayuyanlong has temporarily become a Peerless Grade. “A man walked in with a smile on his face and said slowly, it was Sun Zhang.

“That’s because of Elder Sun’s light.” Li Fan was also polite and drank the rest of the tea.

When Li Fan put down the teacup, Sun Zhang squinted his eyes and asked slowly, “Da Li is over, there should be no more disputes between you and me. Why do you find it now? Me?”

Sun Zhang’s tone was very rude, and there was a hidden murderous intention in his eyes, as if Li Fan’s answer could not satisfy him, he would kill him.

Li Fan didn’t care about Sun Zhang’s guilt, but replied with a smile: “Elder Sun misunderstood, I am indeed here to discuss a business.”

“Business? Just you?” Sun Zhang was stunned for a while, then looked at Li Fan with a sneer.

Li Fan’s face remained unchanged, but he smiled and said nothing.

Seeing this, Sun Zhang gradually became more serious: “What business?”

“I wonder if Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is interested in the fleet of overseas fleets.” Li Fan slowly said.

“Every time the fleet goes out to sea, not to mention the occasional treasures that can be salvaged, the colored glass fish and some other sea specialties alone are enough to make a lot of money. If we say that our Heavenly Treasure Building does not have If you are interested, it is impossible.”

“But the fleet quota is firmly controlled by Manager Qian, not to mention our Heavenly Treasure Building, even Manager Zhao, it is extremely difficult to occupy one more. You are new The person who comes, who has the ability to dare to attack it?” Sun Zhang stared at Li Fan, as if to see something from his face.

“If I can meet Manager Zhao, I will have my own way to convince him.” Li Fan said confidently.

Seeing Li Fan so determined, Sun Zhang was a little unsure for a while.

“Then let him meet Manager Zhao, it’s not difficult. If it doesn’t work, chop him up and throw him into the sea to feed the fish.” The voice came from outside the house.

Li Fan expression congeals, I saw a woman wearing pale-yellow clothes and a veil walked in.

The woman is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but her curvaceous figure exudes a mature and seductive atmosphere.

“I have seen the shopkeeper.” Sun Zhang saw the yellow cloth woman, stood up immediately, and greeted respectfully.

“Then I would like to thank the shopkeeper first.” Li Fan bowed his hand as usual.

“You seem to have several points of confidence. It doesn’t look like you are talking big.

” Sitting opposite Li Fan, the yellow cloth woman tilted her head and looked at Li curiously. Fan.

“I have always made a promise, stand by one’s word.” Li Fan said calmly.

The yellow cloth woman laughed softly.

“If it does come true, I will take the corresponding benefits from Heavenly Treasure Building.”

“According to the island’s rules, every time you go out to sea, you can keep 30% of the harvest. One cent to Manager Zhao, and half to your Heavenly Treasure Building.” Li Fan agreed with no half, and the words were amazing.

The yellow cloth woman was stunned.

She looked at Li Fan carefully again: “That’s surprising, then, what do you want after so much trouble?”

” I only need a spot for the Cleanbody Spirit Pond once every three years.” Li Fan said frankly.

“Huh…” The woman was really shocked at this time. She glanced at Li Fan several times, as if to confirm whether she heard it wrong.

Li Fan looked at her with a firm gaze.

“hahahaha…” As if hearing a funny joke, the yellow cloth woman laughed outright.

“Please, uncle, you are already old, and you still want to learn from other people’s cultivation?” After laughing for a while, she stopped with some difficulty, and after reluctantly said a word, she couldn’t help laughing again. .

Sun Zhang looked at Li Fan with disbelief.

Li Fan just looked at the yellow cloth woman so quietly and didn’t speak.

yellow cloth The woman’s laughter is getting smaller and smaller.


In the end, she laughed dryly and returned to normal.

“But if you want to live forever, you won’t regret it even if you die.” Li Fan said lightly.

Yellow cloth The woman was silent for a long time.

“Okay, I’ll take care of this.” Finally, she made the decision. “When the appointment is made, I will send someone to inform you.”

“That’s it, it’s settled. I live in the No. 7 house outside the city, you can go there to find me. “Li Fan cupped his hands and turned to leave.

Only the yellow cloth woman and Sun Zhang were left in the room.

After being silent for a long time, Sun Zhang couldn’t help but say: “The shopkeeper’s place in the Cleanbody Spirit Pond…”

“Although the place in the Cleanbody Spirit Pond is contested every year on the island, It is very difficult to deal with, but our Heavenly Treasure Building is not without strength. Even more how if he can really get a fleet going to sea, in about five years, the profit brought by the fleet will barely be enough. It’s worth a quota. This is a guaranteed profit.” The yellow cloth woman disagreed.

“It’s…” She frowned, looking at the direction Li Fan was leaving, and muttering to herself.

“What?” Sun Zhang couldn’t help asking.

“That person’s eyes look so scary…” The yellow cloth woman patted her chest, and seemed to have some lingering fears.

Sun Zhang was stunned.


On the way back, Li Fan stopped by the pharmacy to buy “Profound Yellow Clear Heart Mantra” and the matching medicine ingredients.

Even if all goes well, it will be two years before Cleanbody Spirit Pond opens.

It can’t be abandoned for so long.

Why don’t you go to Cultivation “Profound Yellow Clear Heart Mantra” first to see the effect, maybe Li Fan’s talent is amazing, he can get rid of his miasma in less than two years?

For the next few days, Li Fan has been staying at home Cultivation, waiting to meet Manager Zhao.

Who would have thought that before Manager Zhao’s face could be seen, Li Fan heard a shocking news.

Su Changyu is dead.

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