Beethoven's "Sorrow and Pity" sonata uses a lot of rest in the Zhuangban part, but unfortunately, no one can perform it except the master in the previous life.

However, Mu Qiu is an exception, because his sage-level piano skills have given him abilities that surpass ordinary people and piano skills that surpass ordinary people.

It can be said that in terms of piano skills, his strength is already at the same level as Beethoven. It can be said that Mu Qiu is now a living "Le Saint".

Even if Beethoven is reborn, he may not be able to compare to Mu Qiu in the existing piano music. Now Mu Qiu, in the piano world, has been the same as his gambling, and he has been defeated.

However, Mu Qiu never cared a bit. He thought it was totally boring. Since changing his piano skills, he had no idea what it meant.

Of course, the current Mu Qiu doesn't know, he will know later, knowing where Mu Qiu has gone, and after knowing those things, he will naturally understand.

What kind of existence does the Manifestation class represent, and no one in the world can do it except Beethoven.

This is also the reason why Beethoven is called Le Sheng. Of course, there is no more Beethoven in this world, so Mu Qiu is the only pianist with Le Sheng level.

Mu Qiu gave the pianists a good lesson on "Stop" in this section of Zhuangban. This "sorrowful shot" is believed to be an unforgettable experience for many spectators in the competition field!

After that, Mu Qiu stood up and looked at everyone. At this moment, he said softly: "Next, this last piece of music is my latest piece."

"No one has listened to this piece of music, but today, I want to dedicate it to the people I love the most. I am very grateful to them. If it weren't for them, there would be no me. Thank you."

"The name of this piece is Starlight!"

Looking at the young man who had grown up, Mu Qingcheng looked at Mu Qiu's back and said seriously: "Tonight, Mu Qiu really set foot on the world music scene, this music is destined to make the whole world crazy."

A faint blue beam projected onto Steinway in the center of the stage. Tens of thousands of spectators stared. Quietly staring at the intent figure in front of the piano. Looking forward to the beautiful music flowing from his fingers again.

Slowly stroking the keyboard with his left hand. Gently brush. A burst of soft and low chords flowed out slowly. Brings people a sense of incomparable tranquility. Only this one chord. Then everyone calmed down from the excitement just now.

Small clauses bright as crystal. It rang in the high range. With a little bit of mystery. Like a dream. do not think so. A line from Xu Zhimo's words appeared in everyone's minds:

"Crumbled among the floating algae. Precipitating a rainbow-like dream..."

The sound of the piano at this moment is like the quiet and undulating ocean at night, the occasional brilliance that resounds like broken silver, like the silent splashes of waves...

As the undulation of both hands on the keys accelerates, the melody becomes more complicated. Several different melodies echo each other on each part and blend together perfectly.

At this moment, the piano has been separated. Its characteristics as a solo instrument are more like a band, a band composed solely of piano.

The sound of the hammer hitting the steel string clearly seemed to have undergone endless changes under Mu Qiu's hands, warm, soft, crisp, and dexterous.

The dry expression terms that are usually written on the music score are expounded by Mu Qiu vividly at this moment, and the dreams are infinite, which makes people have infinite reveries!

Kissing, Levi's, and others who watched from the side had already unconsciously revealed an obsessive look.

As a piano authority, these people can hear the excellence of this piece more than anyone else. Although this tune does not have fast dazzling skills, it has always been a soft and dreamy melody from beginning to end.

However, every subtle change in this song can't escape the sensitive ears of Kissin and Levi's and others. They can hear it, except for the first few sections which are simple theme presentation parts, which are relatively simple. outside.

The next piece of music absolutely requires very advanced performance skills. Because even now they have at least three melodies in them, even when the musical structure is the simplest.

And the intervals between them are relatively far away. You must know that people only have two hands. Bach’s three creative songs or four creative songs have already challenged the limits of the use of the brain.

But listening to this "Starlight Fantasia" at this moment, Kissin and Levi's and other talents know that the achievement of this song in polyphony is definitely better than any of Bach's creative songs!

"This is a truly wonderful polyphonic work. It is simply a miracle in piano works. How did he do it?!" Kissing, Levi's and others felt that what they heard was a concerto!

Those independent melody, matched just right, brought the rich sound of the piano to an unbelievable level!

The dreamlike melody, like an elf falling in the mortal world, dances in everyone's heart. People's eyes are all watching the hands that gracefully undulate on the keys, and they gradually get lost with the ups and downs of those hands...

The song "Starlight" completely indulged the tens of thousands of viewers in that wonderful artistic conception, with faint smiles on people's faces.

At this time, the sound of the piano is over, but people still don't want to wake up from that wonderful state. For a while, everyone forgot to applaud.

At this moment, Mu Qiu stood there quietly. He had no interest in scoring anymore. As for the championship, whoever is interested, let it be given.

He even wanted to leave and hug those who loved him so much. Mu Qiu looked at Jun Riyue, gently hugged his little mother, and said with a smile:

"Little mom, does it sound good?"

After listening to these words, Jun Riyue looked at the child in front of him, smiled softly, and said dozingly: "As expected of my son, it is really great."

"Brother!" A figure suddenly hugged Mu Qiu from behind, and Mu Qingcheng took a provocative look at his mother, then said with a smile:

"It's really my brother, it's really great. After you go back, you must teach me the last piece, and I also want to learn it."

Mu Qiu carried Mu Qingcheng on his back, and said helplessly: "Sister, I know, I know, but can you come down, don't rub my hair anymore."

When Jun Yuelan saw this scene, she also smiled softly, but Jun Riyue didn't say anything, one man and three women left here quietly. ,, ..

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