My Little Country

Chapter 710: Is 10,000 true?

Full Wharf Island Port Area.

A professional agent in the claims industry in a gray suit stood with a cigar unbuttoning his shirt and stood by the railing on the shore. After looking around, he rubbed his messy short hair and began to complain to colleagues behind him.

"This is a big project, but our boss is really crazy and even jumped out to pay for the disaster."

"Soon we people will be busy, and we need to work overtime until early morning the next day if we sort out the items that have reported losses."

"Yeah." The young colleague behind the gray suit nodded and complained. "They are affected by the transcendence. This is a force majeure factor. If it is brought to court, our team of lawyers will never lose. Right."

Speaking of which, the man in the gray suit suddenly received a call.

After making this call, the old man in the claims industry twitched and said:

"The boss actually asked us to relax the standard of claims, so don't let it go if you can pay more...Oh my god, either our boss suddenly went crazy, or the boss behind the boss spoke."

"This matter is not as simple as we seem on the surface!"

"Ah?" Hearing this, the young colleagues' faces changed slightly, and they were all startled.

In their business, of course, they know what level the big boss behind their claims industry represents. To say a little conspiracy theory, it is a powerful person who has mastered more than half of the lifeline industry of Citi.

They can only admire the existence that can not be looked directly at.

Their orders need not be questioned, just obedience.

Therefore, once again look at the harbour area in a mess.

These young colleagues who were responsible for the settlement of the settlement of Man Wharton Island laughed bitterly.

These days... they are busy!

In addition, the aftercare staff responsible for the Manchuria Bridge, besides feeling the same as above for the above decision, is even more intriguing.

However, several major insurance companies have sent elite backbones to approach the Anne family selected by the ink stone tablets, and after expressing sympathy for their unfortunate encounter, they promised to pay them a lot of compensation.

Anne's parents faced these enthusiastic claims adjusters, and the first reaction was dumbfounded.

Especially the content of this claim... so that Anne’s father always felt that he might have been in a state of amnesia for some time.


Even the car insurance for your own car is fine.

When did you buy traffic accident insurance for your family? And the compensation for mental loss can be so high, but the limit is so low!

In addition, it is true that I have damaged a set of brand-name clothes, but...I actually insured this suit for a thousand Citi knife?

This is unscientific. When I bought the clothes myself, I didn't hear the clerk say that the insurance was included!

This... this is sending money!

Anne's father is not stupid, knowing that this is deliberately legally and reasonably giving his family a lot of money.

It's just that Anne's father, who was completely at a loss as to the cause and effect, didn't dare to just accept it.

This embarrassing stalemate came to an end until an armed helicopter suddenly flew over.

"insurance claim?"

Admiral Nick personally disembarked the helicopter, introduced his identity, looked around the people, and after understanding the situation, he laughed and said:

"Please rest assured, sir."

"I guarantee with the reputation of General Citigroup Nick that all this is reasonable and legal, and you will never be held accountable for it."

"This is all you deserve."

Annie's father looked at Admiral Nick with his mouth wide open. If there were armed helicopters above his head, he almost thought it was a prank.

"Someone really rushed to send money?"

Annie's father murmured, looked at Annie, and found inexplicably a piece of black stone in the palm of her daughter's palm.

He couldn't help but chuckled and hugged his daughter tightly.

"This money...I don't want it anymore." Annie's father gritted his teeth and shook his head to refuse.

Admiral Nick shrugged and invited Annie's family to board the helicopter to evacuate the bridge area where he wouldn't want to leave by car for a while.

The insurance industry backbones quickly responded, saying that they would go through the process as quickly as possible. When the facts are so clear, they do not need the parties to sign, and they will also pay the compensation to the parties' bank accounts.

Also invite Anne's father to pay attention to the investigation...

Admiral Nick listened in his ears, but he had no time to manage these little things.

After he personally took over the Anne family, he flew straight to a special zone.

At the same time, he personally reported the news to the Citizen General.

"Yes, the person I picked up personally, so that those in Financial Street didn't dare to start." Admiral Nick nodded slightly during the call: "However, you will be under pressure during this time.

"But it's worth it... The mysterious power must be the weight of the country, how can it also be controlled by those private forces?"

"Well, yes, our people have also taken the lead in the underground waterways, and those people have no chance to falsify inside."

"However, some experts report that there are several areas in the underground vault that are seriously collapsing. There may be a little gold and treasure falling into the channel and going out to sea.

"Yes, it's very difficult but we won't give up, after all... this is also a possibility!"

Speaking of which, Admiral Nick hung up the phone, leaned on the co-pilot's seat, closed his eyes and recalled.

In particular, a possibility raised after the brain opening of an expert not long ago has also attracted the attention of these superiors.

This history researcher, after the bald giant and Thor Man hit the underground vault all the way, boldly doubted.

Although the bald giant claims to be from Celtic, his manners are too high-profile.

Not consistent with the low-key and connotative impression that the extraordinary have always given to everyone.

Would this fight play... were these two deliberately played?

The purpose is naturally to find an opportunity to reach the underground vaults of Citigroup and find treasures useful to them!

This idea is bold.

And once it comes true, not only the Thor God Zhao Mang and the bald giant, but also the Qingming Onmyoji and the tall sword fairy gate, will be suspected of their intentions and become lower in the style of everyone.

At the beginning, the instinctive reaction of Admiral Nick and others was that he didn’t believe that the extraordinary would do I even felt that such extraordinary and high-level organizations as Qingming Onmyoji and Jianxianmen were really not. These things must be involved.

However, with a detailed analysis, they all felt that... this way it seems that something really happened.

Although the possibility is not high, what if...?

What if the bald giant and the thunder **** Zhao Mang are such extraordinary people, and can the sword immortal gate not be blocked by affection?

As for the most critical evidence.

It is undoubtedly to see if there is anything really missing in the underground vault.

Therefore, even after many experts have calculated that if you want to salvage the lost treasure as much as possible, the cost will be an astronomical figure. Compared with the value of the lost thing, it is simply worth the loss.

Admiral Nick or Citigroup Commander is still pushing the matter.

In order to... I hope to know if this underground vault is really the goal of the transcendental people because of something.

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