My Little Country

Chapter 468: Necromancer

After all, An Xiu failed to leave the city of miracles to do business with the manager.

Shortly after he left, he was chased back by someone from his family.

But today the city was informed that the great protector of the kingdom issued a decree to open the Miracle City Wizard College.

Starting today, we will recruit all innocent, talented miracle city residents.

The Anxiu family is an earl in the Sini Empire. Although Anxiu has long been tested for talent, the ordinary earl's financial resources can only barely support Anxiu's uncle's practice in a wizarding college.

Therefore, Anxiu gave up training him because he did not show his talent.

Unexpectedly, after coming to the city of miracles, he got such an opportunity!

How can you not let the Anxiu family be excited and surprised!

Isn’t it obvious that you choose between the merchant and the wizard?

Not to mention that the two former third-level wizard apprentice adults supported by the Anxiu family have all been killed in the disaster of the wild beast.

If Anxiu can become a wizard, even if he is just a wizard apprentice, they can give their entire family a new backbone.

An Xiu also knows for the first time that the protector of the kingdom can reach this point without any money.

You know, there are more or less talented mortals in this world.

But the wizards have always been sparse in number, and there are only a hundred of them in the tens of millions.

Why? Without it, if you want to repair a wizard, you must first have money!

Without money, where can the Spirit Enlightenment Possess you?

How precious the Qiling Elixir is, whether the annual output of all the extraordinary forces in the whole continent can exceed 100 bottles...all may be unknown.

One can imagine how valuable this thing is!

Unexpectedly, the giant suddenly said a word to recruit talented people in his hand, intending to cultivate talents.

After returning home to listen to the commentary, An Xiu still didn't believe it. Until the past, a wizard tower was recruited to start the academy, and he was assured by an official wizard who tested talent.

Only An Xiu felt relieved, knowing that the protector of the kingdom is really playing this time!

He is really willing to take out a large amount of spiritual potions in order to cultivate a large number of wizards!

An Xiu quickly passed the test and got a mid-low rating.

However, in terms of affinity, Anxiu's performance of the element of the thunder system made the inspected wizard glance at him and recorded it silently.

The wizard remembers that the great protector of the kingdom is most concerned about the thunder wizard.

Recently, it seems that he is studying the humanoid remote control technology developed on the basis of thunder witchcraft.

I don't know what it is for.

However, it is already certain that all Lei wizards and even apprentices under his command need to register and file and manage them uniformly.

Almost every mortal of the thunder talents will get enough to become a wizard!

An Xiu has already started to outperform others!

And the reason why such a big battle came out, for Xiao Yu, this is really nothing to do.

Xiao Yu's recent work in various countries, various brain holes, and a lot of material resources can be forgotten.

The key is manpower ~ especially the wizard is seriously inadequate!

Don't look at the fact that when Xiao Yu was in trouble, the wizards were as cheap as Chinese cabbage.

That is the accumulation of extraordinary forces for hundreds of years!

Don't think about wanting to recover after spending a squandering time without a century!

Although the wizards accepted by the city of miracles during this period of time, there are too many fantastic ideas that can not stop Xiao Yu.

As a result of the allocation, there is a shortage of wizards everywhere.

Even wizard apprentices are extremely lacking.

Xiao Yu had no choice but to divide the enlightenment potion made by the Heart of the Abyss obtained from the modern world into a part to train a large number of wizard apprentices for his own forces.

Fortunately, Citigroup's navy was quite powerful at first, helping Xiao Yu get the massive abyss monster.

Let Xiao Yu not be worried about Qi Ling at least for a short time!

But obviously ~ it is still too slow in view of the current progress!

Xiao Yu felt the helper he needed!

Therefore, Xiao Yu has been learning new things with several Necromancers recently.

These necromancers come from a small school of wizards, living in the swamp of the Qianyu Empire.

It has been relying on the protection of the King of Hydra to survive.

After being heard by Xiao Yu's black guard.

As a royal wizard brought a small note written by Xiao Yu...

Eh~ Okay, this little note is about five meters wide and fifteen meters long in the view of China.

It is almost the same as a long-length giant painting.

The king of the Hydra in the Everglades, after seeing the little note of the giant Xiao Yu.

Obviously withered, did not deceive me too much as many people hoped and then even against Xiao Yu.

As an extraordinary Warcraft that lived longer than the Qianyu Empire.

The King of Hydra took the initiative to capture these undead wizards and dedicate them to the royal wizards.

The most powerful of these Necromancers is only the first-level peak, and their overall strength is not as good as that of the Shuangye Wizard College in the Kingdom of Steel Capital.

They thought that this time the city of miracles was caught must be bad luck.

After all, they had heard about it at first, and their predecessors participated in the alliance against giant tyranny.

It's not that the giant hated the undead creatures in this way, so that even these little characters would not let go!

As a result, the Necromancers saw Xiao Yu, a giant of 180 meters.

They were dumbfounded.

They did not expect that the reputation of the kingdom’s protector, the giant...

He actually hoped that he and others would teach him undead witchcraft and solve his doubts.


This is really incredible!

The most important thing is... this giant is willing to pay tuition!

He is different from the King of Hydra, he does not eat white food!

Necromancers were inspired by the large amount of precious materials brought out by Xiao Yu, and one by one saw the possibility of advancing to the second-level necromancer.

So when they teach the giants, they do their best.

Xiao Yu even made suggestions and improved some undead witchcraft according to Xiao Yu's requirements.

In order to worry about Xiao Yu constructing the undead witchcraft array was exhausting.

These necromancers also worked together to make witchcraft runes for Xiao Yu's witchcraft so that Xiao Yu only needs to instill mana to inspire related undead witchcraft.

Let Xiao Yu save a lot of time and effort.

So one week after Xiao Yu returned to the city of miracles.

Xiao Yu returned to the real world with the achievements of Necromancers.

"Judging from this time, the giant undead is very useful!"

"I have also learned about Necromantic Witchcraft, and there is another team of Necromantic Witchcraft to help."

"Having no worries, I can expand my undead team on a large scale!"

"Just don't know... when the higher undead in the Canyon of the Dead see the giant undead appearing in the mountains and the wilderness that they don't control."

"What expression do they have?"

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