My Italy

Chapter 578 The Wedding of the Century

Now that you have decided to get married, you need to confirm the time and place of the wedding.

First of all, in terms of time, after some discussion, the two parties decided to postpone the wedding one month later. Although both parties have plans to complete the marriage as soon as possible, it will take time to invite guests.

There was a slight twist in the choice of the wedding location because William II had some small ideas.

He hoped that the wedding could be held in Berlin. In fact, the wedding should be held in Rome. However, in order to show his love for his precious little daughter, and to show the courage of the Hohenzollern family and the strength of Germany, he Hopefully the wedding will be in Berlin.

Carlo did not agree with William II's idea at first, but after William's insistence, he agreed.

A wedding is just a formality. As long as the two newlyweds can be together and have a happy time, it can be held anywhere.

Now that the conversation was almost over, Carlo left first. As for his wife and son Vittorio, the protagonist of the wedding, they were left to prepare for the wedding. As for why Carlo left first, with so much going on in the kingdom, how could Carlo let go for a month, so he had to go back first, and then he would come with the Italian military and political leaders when the wedding preparations were almost complete.

As for keeping his wife and children, on the one hand, it makes the relationship between the two newlyweds closer, and on the other hand, their husbands are indispensable in wedding preparations. Although Germany is responsible for the main preparations, Italy also needs to make contributions.

In terms of wedding preparations, with the strength of Germany and Italy, and the influence of the two royal families of Hohenzollern and Savoy, royal families, nobles and dignitaries from various countries have received invitations to the wedding. Nearly two thousand invitations were sent out for the wedding alone. It will definitely be the grand wedding of the century.

As time went by, the guests who received the invitation began to arrive one after another. The city of Berlin is also becoming more and more lively.

And Carlo also rushed over with Italy's top military and political officials a week before the wedding.

At this time, the city of Berlin was crowded with guests, and any one of them would be a viscount or count. He could tell the story of his family's glorious history for a long time.

It was also an eye-opener for the people of Berlin. The arrival of a large number of nobles and dignitaries made everyone feel the same pride.

And there were many distinguished guests, such as King George V of England, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, Crown Prince Ferdinand of Romania and his wife, and King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria.

Yes, there are so many people named Ferdinand.

This situation finally came to a head on September 28, as the wedding finally took place today.

The wedding was held at the Berlin Cathedral. In order to accommodate so many guests, the surroundings of the cathedral began to be decorated and renovated a month ago. After more than 20 days of hard work by hundreds of workers, it ended five days ago.

In order to prevent any accidents, Berlin's military police conducted vigilance and patrols around the Berlin Cathedral and on major roads. Especially the area around the Berlin Cathedral was the focus of the inspection. After all, with so many guests witnessing it, if there was any accident, it would be a huge event.

As today's two protagonists, Crown Prince Vittorio and Princess Louise are of course also preparing.

"Don't be nervous, relax, take a deep breath, today is your wedding day, you should be happy instead of nervous."

In the men's lounge, Carlo looked at his nervous son and patiently advised him.

Faced with his father's words, Vittorio obeyed and said to Carlo with a slightly nervous expression. "Thank you dad, I feel better."

"That's good, keep it up. Today is your special day, and you don't want any small flaws in this perfect wedding."

After leaving these words, Carlo went out. There are so many guests today, even if he is a king, he still needs some entertainment. Of course, like him, he also has a married daughter, William.

On the woman's side, Louise was comforting her mother, Queen Augusta. "Mom, please stop crying. If you cry again, I will cry too."

As for why Queen Augusta cried, it was very simple. Seeing that the daughter she had worked so hard to raise was about to get married, the mother was dominated by reluctance and tears could not stop flowing down her face.

"It's okay. I'm happy too. These are tears of joy. They'll be fine in a while."

Although Queen Augusta didn't want to lose her composure in front of her daughter, she couldn't stop crying for some reason.

It is reasonable for Queen Augusta to be reluctant to part with her daughter.

However, these are private matters, and the guests who came to watch the ceremony from outside were assigned according to their respective circles and identities. Everyone has his or her own circle, so although there may seem to be a lot of people, everyone is very orderly.

The top one among them must be the circle of the fathers of the two newcomers.

How luxurious is this circle? They are all monarchs or heirs to the throne.

For example, what we see now is composed of Kaiser Wilhelm II, King George V of England, Tsar Nicholas II, King Carlo I of Italy, the Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, the King of Bulgaria and the Crown Prince of Romania.

This circle includes most of the European monarchies. If anyone can integrate into it, the benefits will be unimaginable. But it's a pity that no one dares to strike up a conversation, because the surrounding guards can directly block you from outside.

At this time, a guard whispered something in William II's ear, and he opened his mouth. "Everyone, the wedding is about to take place. Please take your seats. Carlo and I have to excuse ourselves."

Following his words, the guests present quickly looked for their seats.

As for William, he would go to the woman's room to bring his daughter, while Carlo would bring his son.

Soon, after the guests found their seats and sat down, the wedding march sounded. Amidst the music, Vittorio stood at the front, and in front of him was the Archbishop of St. Peter's Cathedral of Hamburg who presided over the wedding. Varo Kracsvali.

As for the bride, Princess Louise, she slowly walked into the church wearing a white wedding dress under the guidance of William II.

He then hands his daughter over to Vittorio and the ceremony begins.

"Today you are holding a wedding ceremony in front of God and all relatives and friends. Therefore, I want to ask you some questions. You must answer them honestly and make promises to each other in front of God and all relatives and friends."

The archbishop asked the two if they were willing. How could they not be willing? They both said yes.

Next, the Archbishop laid his hands on them and announced: I declare them husband and wife by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit.

As these words fell, a round of applause broke out at the scene to bless the newlyweds.

At this time, a young man who came to attend the wedding felt a little sore in his nose when looking at the beautiful couple in front of him for some reason, as if he had lost the most precious thing.

"Ernst August, what's wrong with you?"

The person next to him who knew him asked.

"It's okay, I'm happy, I'm happy."

Since he has said so, it is not easy for others to ask. After all, this is also the heir to the original Kingdom of Hanover.

The church ceremony has come to an end, followed by a float parade, and the two newlyweds need to receive blessings from the people of Berlin.

As for the talented and beautiful couple, the people of Berlin cheered and everyone was happy for it.

Finally finished writing, although not very satisfied, but Mantou tried his best, and then came the familiar battle for hegemony.

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