My Italy

Chapter 555 Secret Mobilization

The much-anticipated mediation trip by King Carlo ended quickly. After staying for ten days, the Italian delegation left on the grounds that the mediation had failed.

After the Italian delegation left, Germany's attitude also became further toughened. The German War Ministry issued a military mobilization order and began to recruit reserve forces.

In the face of Germany's tough attitude, Britain and France are actually not afraid. France also expanded the scope of mobilization from local to comprehensive. Under the general mobilization order, a large number of young French laborers were recruited by the army.

As for the United Kingdom, the combat plan has been distributed to the fleet, and the British Army has also begun mobilization.

Seeing that the situation is getting more and more dangerous, the neutral countries are shouting for peace, and many people are running for it.

However, the attitudes and remarks of these people cannot affect the current situation, especially Carlo, who returned to Rome after his visit.

In his office, after Carlo signed his name on a mobilization decree, he spoke to General Simeone in front of him. "I have read the Army's mobilization plan and can start implementing it."

Seeing the decree signed by the king, Simone immediately spoke. "Your Majesty, the Army is ready for mobilization and will start mobilizing immediately."

The mobilization Simone refers to is secret mobilization. Some reservists and retired officers and soldiers are recruited into the military camp for various reasons. These secretly mobilized reserve officers and soldiers are a relatively outstanding group in the mobilization system. Most of them will be matched with the capable personnel transferred from various ministries. Join forces to form new troops.

As for the replenishment of troops, it can be carried out after a formal mobilization order is issued. At that time, Italy can complete mobilization in the shortest time, or the mobilization can be completed in the same time to exceed the enemy's estimated military scale.

Since secret mobilization is so useful, why are not many countries using it? Because confidentiality work is difficult to maintain, if the number of people mobilized secretly is small, it will not be able to mobilize, but if the number of people is large, it will be very easy to leak.

The Army finally came up with a very feasible plan after Simeone's countless simulations and practices. The Army had actually implemented it before, but the result was not discovered. Now, this secret mobilization can be put to use.

The Army is conducting secret mobilization, and the Navy, as an important combat force, will certainly not lag behind. Currently, all fleets of the Navy have received orders to stop vacations, recall vacation personnel, put all personnel on duty, and inspect and repair warships and ammunition.

In addition, major shipyards have also received orders to speed up the construction of large and small warships under construction and work overtime.

Of course, these orders are all carried out in secret, but although they are carried out in secret, there will always be clues left. However, the military also knows that this secret mobilization does not mean that it must be kept secret forever, as long as the time for the other party to know is delayed. Just wait until the time you expect.

Beyond that, Italy has some moves.

In the East African Governor's Palace, Cabrera had just put a telegram he had read into the brazier. He waited until the telegram was burned to ashes before opening the office door and speaking to his secretary. "Find Lieutenant General Timothy immediately and tell him that I have something to ask him about."

The next day, the East African colonial government sent a telegram to the Kingdom of Abyssinia, asking the other party to recruit another 30,000 people to work for the colonial government.

In response to the East African colonial government's order, the Kingdom of Abyssinia immediately issued an order for each feudal lord to send personnel to deal with this year's recruitment task.

Speaking of which, the Kingdom of Abyssinia has been very happy to recruit people over the years. The reason is very simple, because the colonial government really wants to pay people, and it will give some materials or funds according to the number of people recruited every year.

In fact, the money is not much. Basically, it is calculated as 600 lire for each person recruited (they have to work for the colonial government for two years), and most of these rewards are divided among the kings and feudal lords of the Kingdom of Abyssinia. The remaining Only the soup and water will be left to the family members of the draftees.

Even so, there is a way out for these draftees. If someone does well in two years, his family will be taken over. Of course, most people finish the work in two years and then go back. Some people also lost their lives during this period.

This kind of recruitment is mainly for hard work, such as road construction, mountain digging, excavation, etc., which is hard and tiring.

The colony of Borneo has always been Italy's most economically valuable colony. Every year, the colony pays more than 100 million lire in taxes to Rome (the latest statistics show that Borneo paid 212 million lire last year).

Not to mention the current cash crop cultivation industry in Borneo, which accounts for more than half of the world's rubber production. Pepper and sago also rank first in the world, and rice and coconut production are also not low. In general, 80% of Borneo's economy is driven by cash crops, and the other 20% is driven by Balikpapan oil, ship maintenance, and docking services.

Therefore, the colonial governor of Borneo has always been a high-ranking role, not to mention that he had previously taken charge of diplomatic work in the Far East.

Looking at the candidates who have served as governor before, Cairoli, the first governor, had served as prime minister before. The second Governor Antonio also became the Prime Minister of Italy. The subsequent four Governors were not as fierce but equally good. When they returned, they either served as ministers or became Speakers of Parliament. From this, it can be seen that the Borneo Colony played a very important role in the Italian government. status.

But now, Governor Baron clicked on the lighter and carefully placed the telegram he had translated in front of him under the flame. Baron watched the message burn until it was burned in the brazier, and then he found the local military commander, Major General Solis, to discuss it for a day.

The next day, the Governor-General of Pontianak issued an order announcing that 20,000 people would be recruited into the army within a month. Along with the order, government officials were asked to count various materials in Borneo, both public and private.

This was obviously an order to mobilize and inventory supplies, but some people immediately felt something was wrong. But no one can disobey orders and can only obey them.

It didn't take long for the quota of 20,000 people to be filled. Most of the people recruited were local Chinese and indigenous people, and less than 1,000 people were white.

And these mobilized people will spend more than half a year in the military camp. Of course, with the abundant financial resources of the Borneo colonial government, these people will be trained into qualified soldiers.

In addition to these explicit statements, the Governor actually issued a secret order. Only a few people know that the Borneo government will make every effort to purchase various supplies. Except for a small portion, all other supplies will be shipped to East Africa and the mainland.

That's right, what the Borneo colonial government is doing now is to prepare for the retreat, preparing to move all the colonial funds and supplies first.

Although the Borneo colony is very rich, it is too far away from the mainland. The surrounding British and French forces have an absolute advantage. The combined effect of Italy and Germany only makes it more difficult for the other party to capture it. Therefore, Rome has long been ready to give up Borneo. Prepare,.

The telegram received by Governor Baron was the beginning of Italy's preparations.

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