My Italy

Chapter 533 The Second Balkan War

Although the negotiations in London are progressing slowly, they will eventually be completed.

After three months of long negotiations, the three Balkan countries finally reached an agreement.

The Ottomans retained the narrow Black Sea Strait area in East Thrace, which mainly includes the Bosporus Strait where the capital Istanbul is located, the Gallipoli Peninsula guarding the Dardanelles Strait, and the narrow area near the Sea of ​​Marmara. It can be said that The Ottoman territory in Europe was compressed to the extreme, and the European territory it occupied would only be more than 5,000 square kilometers.

In addition to losing South Macedonia and most of Eastern Thrace, many Ottoman islands in the Aegean Sea were also divided. Islands that actually belong to Asia, such as Lesbos and Chios, which are only a few or more than a dozen nautical miles away from the Ottoman Asian territory, have been cut out.

It can be said that as soon as Ottoman fishermen go to sea in the future, it will be very easy to go to other countries.

In addition to territorial losses, the Ottomans also needed to pay war reparations of 1.5 million pounds to Bulgaria and Greece. In view of the explanation given to the Ottoman people, this war reparation had a different name and was called payment of food expenses for captured Ottoman soldiers.

No matter what the name is, the Ottoman cession of land and compensation cannot escape. This result is something that every Ottoman does not want to see. But what can be done about this? What cannot be saved on the battlefield cannot be saved at the negotiating table.

For the Ottoman negotiators, everyone knew what it meant to negotiate like this. This was the end of political life.

After the results of the London peace talks were sent back to Istanbul, the Ottomans fell silent, and even Al-Shabaab, the toughest and most nationalist party, did not express its opinion.

The reason is very simple. It is useless to object if you are not as strong as others. It had been tried once before during the Italian-Turkish War, and had no other effect except creating harsher conditions.

The Ottomans surrendered and signed the peace treaty, declaring the end of the war.

For both Bulgaria and Greece, which have paid a huge price, the harvest season has arrived. The two countries mobilized 500,000 troops for this war and suffered more than 80,000 casualties, injuries, prisoners, and missing persons. After spending such a huge price, of course the sweet fruits of victory were needed, and the new territory obtained in the London negotiations was enough to make this fruit of victory sweet enough.

Cutting off such a large piece of fat from Osman naturally made the two countries very happy, but then, when the two countries divided this piece of fat, trouble arose. Greece believes that it has paid a huge price in this war and needs to pay more, and their request is to receive Salonika and the Chalkidiki Peninsula as compensation.

Bulgaria was very dissatisfied with this sudden request from the Greeks, because if coupled with the territory to be divided to Greece in the previous agreement, it would almost be equivalent to Greece occupying Austrian Macedonia alone.

Not to mention that Thessaloniki is the largest port in Macedonia and is extremely important to Bulgaria. If this was done to Greece, Bulgaria would not be able to fight any more, and it must be stopped resolutely.

Faced with Greece's unreasonable demands, Ivanjov, Bulgaria's Foreign Minister, said publicly. "The Greeks have an appetite that's much bigger than their bellies."

Its Prime Minister Petkov even said so. "Have all the Greeks converted to paganism? It is completely unreasonable that they would make such unreasonable demands."

Faced with the dissatisfaction of the Bulgarians, the Greeks were even more stubborn and determined to take over the above-mentioned areas. For this reason, Greek Prime Minister Theotokis even said that Greece deserves to obtain the above-mentioned areas because Greece has made huge sacrifices in exchange for them and should not be ignored.

Faced with the sudden outbreak of the dispute between Bulgaria and Greece over the spoils of war, all countries not only showed expressions of surprise for three seconds, but also got involved.

The dispute between Bulgaria and Greece immediately detonated the world.

Faced with the attention of various countries, both Bulgaria and Greece refused to give in, and several negotiations ended in vain. Several public demonstrations broke out in the two countries to protest against each other's greed.

For this reason, the two countries that were allies a second ago are in danger of falling out at this moment.

At this moment, Serbian Prime Minister Pasic suddenly made a statement, claiming that the Greeks' demands were understandable. The sudden appearance of the Serbs made the Bulgarian government feel that something was wrong. What do the Serbians mean by sending these remarks at this time? Do they want to get involved in the disputes between themselves and the Greeks and benefit?

Although Bulgaria has increased its vigilance at this time, it does not believe that Serbia and Greece dare to fight with it. The reason is very simple. Neither Serbia nor Greece can compete with itself.

Yes, this is the view of the Bulgarian military. First of all, the Greek army. In this battle with the Ottomans, although the Greek army performed well, it was not as brave and good at fighting as the Bulgarian army. According to the estimates of the Bulgarian General Staff, with the same equipment, 80,000 Bulgarian troops were enough to defeat 100,000 Greek troops.

As for the Serbians, the two countries fought once more than 20 years ago, and it only took four days for Serbia to declare defeat.

Besides, Bulgaria has a larger population than Serbia and Greece. If a war breaks out with these two countries, Bulgaria is not afraid of them at all. As a result, Bulgaria has a very tough attitude, demanding that the Greeks must withdraw from Thessaloniki and the Kitiki Peninsula, otherwise Bulgaria will take it upon itself.

Faced with Bulgaria's tough attitude, Greece was not to be outdone and immediately began to recruit soldiers on a large scale to prepare to defend Salonika. Faced with the tense situation between Bulgaria and Greece, various countries have claimed to mediate the conflicts between the two countries. As for how to mediate, it is a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

For this mediation, Britain and France shipped tens of thousands of guns to Greece. For this mediation, Russia sent 8,000 rifles and 40 artillery pieces to Serbia.

For this mediation, Germany and Austria sent 10 million marks worth of weapons and ammunition to Romania. To this end, Germany and Austria also promised it to ensure the security of its border with Russia.

As for Italy, although it has not sent weapons to several Balkan countries, it has also given hints that Italy will ensure absolute neutrality. The implication is that Bulgaria will never get help from Italy.

Although Bulgaria had close relations with Italy before, its growth has affected Italian interests in the Balkans. Italy and other major powers are absolutely unwilling to see the emergence of a regional power in the Balkans that far exceeds other countries. (Before World War I, it was absolutely impossible for a regional power to emerge in the Balkans, because it could not grow stronger at all. Whoever took the lead would be dealt with, and Austria and Russia would personally end it if necessary.)

As for why all countries suddenly acted in tacit agreement, the reason is simple. Bulgaria's expansion threatens the interests of various countries in the Balkans, and they want to defeat the ambitions of the Bulgarians.

Ever since, with the efforts of various countries to mediate, things have become worse and worse. Not only Bulgaria and Greece, but also Serbia and Romania have expressed dissatisfaction.

Facing three malicious neighboring countries, the Bulgarian government feels something is wrong. It is impossible to give up at this time. It must find a way to break the situation.

Not to mention, Bulgaria really thought of a way to break the situation, and that was to strike first. Before the Three Kingdoms are ready, defeat one country first.

The target chosen by Bulgaria is Greece, which has disputes with itself.

So on November 19, 1908, Bulgaria submitted a declaration of war to Greece on the grounds that Greece was occupying Thessaloniki and the Chalkidiki Peninsula that should belong to it.

After receiving the news that Bulgaria had declared war on Greece, Serbia and Romania immediately demanded that it immediately stop its aggression against Greece. At the same time, the two countries also announced an alliance with Greece to jointly respond to Bulgaria's military operations.

A new war has rekindled in the Balkans where the war has not subsided.

Chapter 530 was obscured, and I was quite speechless.

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