My Italy

Chapter 521 Phase Change

The stars in the night sky in Rome twinkle, and a car drives in the middle of the night. In the back seat of the car, Antonio rubbed his forehead and looked out the window at the beautiful night view.

The negotiation with Cruz did not go too smoothly. Antonio spent a lot of energy on this, but no results were achieved.

Antonio didn't think there was any problem with this. It would be impossible to negotiate a result the first time. The main purpose of his visit this time is to let the National Socialist Party know his attitude. Specific negotiations will take place several times in the future.

Soon, a familiar house appeared in front of him. This was his home.

"The Prime Minister has arrived."


Antonio got out of the car and walked into the room greeted by the butler.

"Ma'am, are they asleep?"


Antonio washed up a little, walked into the room quietly, and his sleeping wife next to him squinted. Maybe he was too tired, and after a while Antonio also fell asleep.

In the following days, with the return of important ministers, the government was busy dealing with the squeeze. As for the Prime Minister, in addition to handling government affairs, he also needs to take time to discuss with the National Socialists headed by Interior Secretary Cruz. Of course, in addition to the Prime Minister, there are also senior leftists.

In order to convince the top leaders of the party, Antonio also took great pains, pulling these people one by one to have a heart-to-heart talk. As for the effect, it was pretty good. As Antonio continued to tell facts and reason, the party's top leaders also recognized the facts. They could not continue to govern after offending the king and blocking the prying eyes of the National Socialist Party.

In this case, there is nothing wrong with making a deal with the National Socialist Party. This is called strategic retreat, preserving the strength to wait for new opportunities.

Don't think that there is a big feud between the left and right political parties. Although the ideologies are different, the struggle between the two parties is not too fierce under the pressure or control of the king. This also fully shows that as long as the highest power does not fall into competition, partisan struggle will be greatly restrained. After all, it is not too much to go too far if someone above is watching.

In fact, the exchange of interests is not unacceptable to the National Socialist Party. The current National Socialist Party is no longer what it was a few years ago. Although I cannot say that it can guarantee the superb ability to govern, years of study and experience have given the National Socialist Party the courage to govern and the confidence to govern.

Of course, the National Socialist Party is also quite happy with the exchange proposed by the left-wing parties, and the only difference between them and the left-wing parties is the amount of exchange benefits. Of course, the two major parties also know that it is not easy to reach an agreement, but on both sides Despite the intention, the negotiations actually went very quickly, and a preliminary agreement was basically reached within a week.

According to the agreement, the National Socialist Party promised not to cancel several welfare bills passed by left-wing parties after taking power, the most important of which was the insurance bill.

This bill requires companies to purchase insurance for their employees, and the introduction of the insurance bill has benefited millions of workers in one fell swoop. Although corporate and factory owners have a lot of opposition to this, it was forcibly passed under the organization of left-wing parties.

At that time, the left-wing parties also paid a heavy price for the smooth passage of the bill. In addition to the exchange of interests between political parties, in order to reduce opposition, the government also participates in purchasing insurance for workers. The three parties pay according to the ratio of 3, 4, 3, and this allows the government to gain A financial expenditure of hundreds of millions of liras per year.

As for the left-wing parties, in view of the relationship between the National Socialist Party and those corporate and factory owners, as well as the huge expenses caused by future military expansion, it is necessary for the National Socialist Party to maintain these welfare bills.

Don’t think that this is because the left-wing parties are selfless and only focus on the welfare of the people. The continued implementation of these welfare bills can make the people remember the contributions of the left-wing parties and attract more knowledgeable people to join.

"Your Majesty, according to our investigation, the left-wing parties and the National Socialist Party have almost reached an agreement. This is the result of their talks."

In a secret room in the palace, a middle-aged man submitted a piece of information to Carlo.

Carlo took the information expressionlessly and then read it carefully.

Carlo had always been very wary of the National Socialist Party, which he supported with one hand, so they had secret talks with the left-wing parties, and Carlo soon found out. And he immediately ordered Pierre, the leader of the kingdom's secret agents, to keep an eye on him. He needed to know the contents of the secret conversation as soon as possible.

Carlo's expression made the secret agent dare not express his anger. For a moment, except for the sound of reading, the secret room seemed to be silent.

"Okay, get out."

The words, like the sound of nature, liberated the intelligence chief.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After saluting, this person was ready to leave.

"The National Socialist Party needs continued attention."

"As you command, Your Majesty."

As the door closed, the room became quiet again, except for the occasional sound of paper flipping.

"Alas" I don't know how long it took, but a sigh brought vitality to the silent room.

Carlo put down the document he had read and rubbed his aching temples.


A lit cigarette is held in Carlo's hand. This is a way for him to reduce stress. The occasional stimulation of nicotine can make him feel less tired.

"Antonio is such a cunning old man, he has a really keen sense of smell."

Complaining about the outgoing prime minister at this time is really just a complaint for Carlo. Although the Prime Minister disrupted his plan, he could only complain to the other party in his heart when no one was around. Because this is politics. Although he is the king, this is not a game. Others are not NPCs. Everyone has their own ideas, so how can they act according to their own wishes?

Although he is not yet ready to launch the National Socialist Party, but now that the left-wing parties have played such a trick, it is impossible not to launch it.

When he thought of this, Carlo, who felt like he was being tricked by Antonio, was so happy.

But it is useless to say this now. Although it is still a bit hasty, it seems that it is impossible to prevent the National Socialist Party from coming to power. Thinking of this, he picked up the phone. "Chief of Guards, call Interior Secretary Cruz and tell him that I want to summon him now."

Putting down the phone, Carlo began to think about the next conversation with the future prime minister.

Although he has performed very well in the position of Home Secretary, the position of Prime Minister is much more difficult than that of Home Secretary. I don’t know whether the other party can do a good job.

As for Cruz, after receiving the order from the king, he immediately rushed to the palace by car.

This time the king's summons was unusual because no one knew what the two men talked about. Throughout the summons, the attendants stayed away from the room.

Cruz, who came out after the summons, was also tight-lipped and refused to speak even when asked by other high-level officials in the party.

Just as many people were pondering this strange summons from the king, a major earthquake in the political world attracted everyone's attention.

Prime Minister Antonio suddenly submitted the resignation of the cabinet to the king, and a new cabinet election battle came so unexpectedly.

Many political parties were mobilized urgently to get a piece of the electoral pie.

For a time, the city of Rome was in a turmoil, and good shows like "you sing and I go on stage" were staged one after another, which added a lot of talk for the people of Rome before tea and after dinner.

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