My Italy

Chapter 495 The Booming Automobile Industry

Turin has become more and more important in Italy's economic map in recent years, and has been promoted from the sixth largest industrial city in Italy to the top three.

Turin's rapid development is, of course, thanks to its huge automobile manufacturing industry. When it comes to Italian cars, all countries agree that Fiat is the brand, and Fiat is still the largest car manufacturing company in the world. Although other countries are gradually having their own automobile industries, the first-mover advantage is not easy to break. Among other things, Fiat’s numerous patents alone are something that many people who are interested in establishing a foothold in the automobile industry cannot avoid. .

Fortunately, Fiat also knows not to cause public outrage, so they are willing to license these car patents. As long as they pay money, they can obtain the right to use the patents. Just last year, Fiat received more than 8 million lire in revenue from patent licensing alone.

However, the income from these patents can only be regarded as additional income. For Fiat, the most important thing is its own automobile manufacturing industry.

Last year, Fiat manufactured more than 80,000 cars, with the best-selling model being the Fiat A.

Yes, it is the cheapest car sold by Fiat. It has a waterproof canvas carport and looks like a simple A-type car in every aspect. It is the best car sold by Fiat.

Of course, the current Type A cars are definitely different from the Type A cars sold at the beginning. At least the current Type A cars have also undergone certain upgrades. After all, Fiat has spent a lot of money on automobile research in recent years, and many practical small technologies can be improved at little cost. In this case, people who are short of money and desperately want a car can choose this model.

Last year, more than 50,000 Model A cars were sold, each priced at only 3,100 lire. There is no car in the world with a lower price than the Model A car.

Fiat can sell the car at such a low price, on the one hand, it is large-scale production. After all, as long as it reaches scale, the price of materials will be suppressed. On the other hand, it is excellent cost control. In this regard, Fiat's The founder Giovanni Agnelli has made great contributions. He completely decomposed and optimized the automobile production process, which allowed Fiat automobile production speed to be qualitatively improved.

And the salary offered by Fiat is also good. A qualified worker who works five days a week and nine hours a day can receive a monthly salary of about 240 lira. Although this does not seem high, compared with the high salary in the United States, it is a bit behind, but in Italy, it is already considered very good. Every time Fiat recruits workers, it is always crowded. There should not be too many people who want to enter the Fiat factory.

In addition to the best-selling Type A car, Fiat's Type B car is not too bad in sales, with more than 20,000 units sold last year.

The Type B car, which was originally intended to replace the Type A car, failed to take advantage of the price advantage of the Type A car in terms of performance and styling. This made Fiat executives dumbfounded.

Speaking of which, the B-type car is actually not expensive. At the current price of 4,200 lire, it is considered a very affordable car. However, the price difference was 1,100 liras, which directly more than doubled the sales of Type B cars.

In addition to the A and B models, Fiat also has an S model. This is Fiat's entry into the high-end market. The streamlined body has a metallic-like luster paint, as well as mahogany calfskin leather seats, ivory inlaid ashtray and other decorations, making the entire S-type car extremely visually impactful.

The price of each car is as high as 54,000 lire, making many wealthy people and nobles choose this car as their travel vehicle.

With these three cars, Fiat accounted for two-thirds of global car sales last year.

At present, in addition to Fiat, automobile companies from various countries are also developing and growing with the injection of capital. For example, in the United States, a man named Ford founded the first mass-produced car factory in the United States. The Ford Model A he sold was said to be selling well in the United States, squeezing out a lot of Fiat's share in the country. . In France, Renault is not bad either, selling a lot of cars as well. As for Germany, Daimler and Mercedes-Benz also show the presence of German cars.

Of course, these car companies do not yet pose a threat to Fiat. You must know that Fiat's first-mover advantage is not small, coupled with abundant capital, these young guys can only follow the soup.

In addition to these three cars, Fiat has also just launched a car, the Fiat truck.

Yes, it's a truck.

Fiat's top executives have long had a unanimous view on the car's involvement in the transportation industry. As long as there is a good cargo truck, the heavy-duty cargo carriages on the market will not be able to fight back, and the transportation industry will surely become a new growth point for automobile sales.

So after three years of research and development, Fiat finally came up with a truck. This car is powered by an 80-horsepower gasoline engine jointly developed by Fiat and Milan Dynamics Laboratory. It can carry 1.5 tons of cargo and run at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

Once this truck was launched, it immediately attracted a strong response from the market, and its first batch of 2,000 trucks was sold out. More truck orders then snowed in to Fiat. Because anyone who buys this vehicle can do some calculations, a heavy-duty carriage can only pull one ton of goods on the road, but it requires 4 horses, and the horses have a big appetite. Moreover, the animals cannot rotate continuously. After working for several hours, the horses must be allowed to rest.

Although trucks seem to be more expensive, a truck that can pull 1.5 tons costs 5,800 lire, but in terms of usability, they really beat the horse-drawn carriage.

In docks, mines and other work sites that require high-intensity transportation, this truck is a perfect match for a horse-drawn carriage. In addition, in terms of long-distance transportation, trucks cannot match horse-drawn carriages due to their cargo capacity and speed. That's why the emergence of such a truck will bring so many orders to Fiat.

It needs to be said here that among the many orders, there are also orders from the military of various countries, especially the orders from the domestic military and the German military.

The Italian military purchased two hundred vehicles, while the German military purchased five hundred vehicles.

The reason why the militaries of the two countries attach so much importance is simple: its load capacity.

The German military has experimented with using Fiat trucks to tow artillery maneuvers. During the towing experiment on a Krupp 105 mm light howitzer, the artillery was easily pulled 48 kilometers by the car, but it ended due to damaged wheels. .

However, the German military saw the huge role of trucks in the military field, so it wanted to purchase more vehicles and conduct further experiments.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Germany and Italy will let Fiat develop trucks with better performance in the future for the transportation of larger artillery.

But for Fiat, it is certainly not a bad thing to be able to enter the military's field of vision.

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