My Italy

Chapter 471 The dust has settled

In May 1902, a piece of news shocked the whole of Italy and even Europe.

The Italian government has just defeated an attempted armed rebellion. The heroic Italian military police arrested 82 people, including the Earl of Berwick, Viscount Fiorella, and Baron Carboni. Among them, 5 people including Viscount Belle are still at large. major political events.

For such breaking news, in addition to Italian domestic media, foreign media are also rushing to report it. In the face of the swarming media, the Ministry of Interior produced a lot of evidence, such as seized guns and artillery and other weapons, as well as the confessions of the criminals. Faced with the evidence presented by the Ministry of the Interior, the domestic media naturally had nothing to say. Of course, they continued to praise the Ministry of Interior for its boldness in catching all the local nobles who were preparing to launch a rebellion in one fell swoop.

As for the foreign media, they are not so easy to talk to. Many media claimed that this was just a coup by the Italian government because the local nobles were dissatisfied with Rome's takeover of power.

Okay, these many wild guesses have really revealed the truth, but is it useful?

For the Kingdom of Italy, as long as the people accept what they say, it will be fine. The media in other countries can just say that the other country is spreading rumors and causing trouble, because it is impossible for the other country to provide evidence. Since there is no evidence, it is just a barking dog, so just ignore it.

The arrest of dozens of local figures who resisted Rome's takeover of power sent an even greater shock to the Italian political scene. These officials are very sensitive to politics. Regardless of the charges of these arrested local powerful figures, just look at the actions of the Roman government and you will know that whoever dares to resist Rome's power resumption will not end up better than these big figures.

So after these big shots were arrested, Italy's pace of converting regions into provinces suddenly accelerated. Officials who had complained before immediately praised the bill, saying that it was the beginning of Italy's strength, the right way to open up the country's chess game, etc. Anyway, I am not the one who complained before. I am a member of the Pro-Rome team, and I will worry about anyone who opposes this bill.

The huge change in the attitude of officials also shows the strength of the Italian central government. I believe that after this experience, officials will be more complimentary to Rome and will work harder when executing Roman orders.

Faced with the big change in the attitude of local officials, everyone in Rome was very relieved that it was not worth spending such a high price.

However, after arresting these local opposition figures, there is still a problem that needs to be solved. This is not only a matter of great concern to the government, but also to Carlo.

"Your Majesty, this is the property we seized from criminals who conspired to rebel."

Interior Secretary Cruz placed a detailed list of assets in front of Carlo.

Now Cruz is very ambitious. As soon as he took office, he led the Ministry of Interior to handle such a major case, clearing the way for Rome to take over power. For him and the National Socialist Party, it was a good start.

Carlo looked at the list handed over by Cruz very seriously. There were many assets listed on it, such as land, factories, plantations, manors, and a series of other things that could be counted as property. Moreover, this list is very careful, and the prices of each item are also listed at the back, which makes it very neat and standardized at a glance.

Of course, at the end of the list, the asset valuation of 710-830 million liras is also the reason why the government has not dared to make its own decision.

"Your Majesty, I wonder what you think about the distribution of these assets."

But it's still coming, and Prime Minister Antonio has sounded the clarion call for asset distribution.

"Your Majesty, our army has been short of funds in recent years, and the total strength of the army has been declining again and again. Your Majesty, please consider our army."

General Simeone, Chief of Army General Staff, took the lead by virtue of being one step ahead. Marshal Cadorna, the Minister of War, was in poor health at this meeting, so only General Simeone participated in the meeting. However, even so, Simeone had to do his best to win his due share for the Army.

Of course, Carlo knew what Simeone said, and he also knew that he had treated the Army somewhat poorly over the years, resulting in the Army's size decreasing again and again. Its size was already at the bottom among the European powers. This is a last resort choice for the Army's new technology research and development and new equipment application.

"Your Majesty, our prime ministers have also insufficiently invested in the navy in recent years. The number of main warships in the navy has dropped to the lowest level in history."

Admiral Yagier, the Minister of the Navy, was not an economical person either. After seeing Carlo's expression becoming a little loose, he quickly added. Because with his years of experience in seizing military expenditures, His Majesty is proportional to the share allocated to their military. If the army has more, then it will definitely have to make up for it from the navy. He cannot let this happen.

Besides, what he said is true. The total tonnage of the main warships currently in service and under construction in the Navy is indeed the lowest in recent years. The reason is very simple, that is, the Navy has just decommissioned the two Durio-class battleships (Durio and Dandoro), freeing up more funds to build new ships for upgrading.

Of course, the three Durio-class ships will also be retired from active service within three years (Lepanto, Morosini and Italia). Although these five 10,000-ton battleships are all old battleships from the 1980s and have not experienced much war, they have also made contributions to the Italian Navy as the main battleships of the navy.

"Your Majesty, the government is also in great need of capital investment. At present, our country's public infrastructure construction funding gap is quite large, and infrastructure investment also needs to be increased. Therefore, Your Majesty, the government's funding is also in urgent need."

Once the prime minister took the lead, several other cabinet ministers followed suit.

"Your Majesty, our health department intends to continue to promote primary medical care."

"Your Majesty, our education department plans to increase investment in higher education."

"His Majesty………"

"Okay." Carlo felt a little dissatisfied with all the chatter. These guys are so poor that they don't care about money when they see it. Well, Italy is not financially wealthy, it is really poor, but it cannot be so disrespectful of dignity just for a small proportion of funding.

"As for the distribution of funds after the sale of these properties, I think the government can get 65%. As for the remaining 35%, the army and navy should split it half and half."

Carlo didn't give them a chance to continue talking, and directly divided the funds into proportions.

Carlo's words left both the government and the military speechless. After all, the king had already divided the territory, so who dared to make trouble at this time.

"Prime Minister, what are your plans for these confiscated lands?"

After Carlo divided the confiscated property, he inquired about the land.

Antonio naturally knew what the king was thinking, and he immediately answered. "Your Majesty, for the confiscated land, we will give priority to selling it to those tenants. Of course, if it is land that has been completed for industrial farming, it will be sold as an asset first."

The Prime Minister's words are also the result of the government's comprehensive consideration. Those large farms that have completed industrial farming will definitely be better and can be sold at a higher price.

As for the land that has not been converted into large farms, of course, priority will be given to tenants who have been cultivating the land.

Facing the Prime Minister's answer, Carlo nodded and accepted the government's arrangement. It would be difficult to do anything without money.

This royal meeting did not last long, and the Prime Minister and others left soon after. After all, this trip was to discuss the distribution of the confiscated property. Now that the distribution was completed, what else could be done that would warrant the gathering of senior military and political officials? Discussed together?

After everyone else left, Carlo glanced at the detailed list of properties in front of him and sighed deeply.

Because things were done a bit harshly this time, the nobles had serious opinions about it. Although they were charged with treason and armed rebellion, the fact that so many nobles had their property confiscated also made other nobles feel frightened. It can be said that if the nobles were in awe of the royal family before this, then only fear will remain.

For the sake of the kingdom's centralization and financial problems, Carlo was poaching himself to make up for the big tree of Italy.

For Italy, Carlo can be regarded as giving all his efforts.

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