My Italy

Chapter 404 Rescue Fleet

When the whole world was paying attention to the movements of the United States and Spain, the U.S. Navy made a move that caused an uproar. I don't know if the time was not calculated correctly, or there was a problem with the explanation. On August 12, U.S. warships blocked the three ports of Havana, Mariel, and Santiago in northern Cuba and prohibited the entry and exit of any ship.

This practice of the U.S. Navy was quickly spread to Europe, which caused an uproar in various countries. Because this kind of blockade is completely a military act. When war has not been declared, what is the difference between taking military action and undeclared war?

At this time, the U.S. government was also surprised by the navy's actions. It was too late to say anything at this time. Regarding the undeclared war by the United States, the media in various European countries have even reported on it, allowing the United States to show its face well in front of the European people.

Of course, at this time, faced with the United States' undeclared war, the Spanish government has already had no retreat. In order to save Cuba, they even sold the Philippines. What else can they do now except declare war.

So on August 13, Spain officially declared war on the United States.

The Americans, who made a mistake, while declaring war on Spain in Congress, traced the start of the war to August 11. This operation of temporarily changing the start time of the war is fascinating enough.

In fact, this also shows that the United States is unfamiliar with the rules of war. After all, it has not been used for decades. It is completely normal to be unfamiliar. Just practice it a few times. And these are just small details that don't need to be paid attention to. What really deserves attention is the head-to-head competition between the two parties. At this point, all countries are looking forward to it.

After the declaration of war, the U.S. Army prepared for war with great fanfare, and its pocket-sized army expanded like a balloon. Before the declaration of war, the U.S. Army had only 28,000 troops. According to the U.S. military’s plan, at least 100,000 U.S. troops would be needed to land in Cuba.

Therefore, there is no need to mention that the recruitment of retired officers and soldiers and reserve officers and soldiers, as well as the procurement of arms, the preparation of supplies, and a series of tasks are waiting for the army to handle. These tasks make the army very busy, and there are countless mistakes in it.

Although it is very busy, the size of the army is also constantly expanding. From 28,000 people, it grew to 45,000 people in just ten days. Of course, it is possible to grow so fast thanks to the generous help of people from all walks of life.

For example, Bonnie La Clemente, the younger brother of Virginia Governor Clemente and an advocate for the liberation of Cuba, with the help of his family and friends, gathered 800 people one week after the war started and formed the 1st Virginia Infantry Regiment.

There was also Ayi Wilson of the Wilson family of Georgia, who also organized 600 men within ten days and was named the 1st Cavalry Battalion of Georgia Zouaves.

It is precisely because of the promotion of these very powerful families in each state that the U.S. Army was able to expand in such a short period of time. Moreover, these people are basically equipped with weapons, and most of them have certain training. They even carry supplies and other materials. This reduces a lot of trouble for the army. It only needs to replenish some heavy equipment such as artillery and other equipment, and one army can be Initially formed.

However, compared with the vigorous army, the U.S. Navy seems unknown.

In addition to still sending a small fleet to continue to blockade the island of Cuba, the warships of the U.S. Navy were docked at the Jacksonville Military Port, as if they were quietly waiting for something.

That's right, what the U.S. Navy is waiting for is the arrival of the Spanish fleet.

After the Spanish warships were supplemented by Italy, they had become capable of competing with the U.S. Navy. In this case, the U.S. Navy was naturally willing to wait and wait until the Spanish fleet arrived and give it a head-on attack. As for comparing your patience now, it doesn't matter.

Of course, in addition to waiting for the arrival of the enemy fleet and continuing to blockade Cuba, the U.S. Navy is not doing nothing. For example, the Navy has never stopped transporting weapons, ammunition and other supplies to the rebels.

The import of a large amount of American arms and supplies has rekindled the rebellion in Cuba, and the situation in Cuba is getting worse day by day. After all, the combat effectiveness of the Spanish army is doubtful, and there is serious corruption in the military, and its mobility is not very high. Even under the strict orders of the Cuban Governor Weiler and the garrison commander General Mauro Reveli, the Spanish garrison still failed to suppress the roaming rebels.

The changes in the situation in Cuba are exactly what the United States wants to see. For them, if Cuba is filled with smoke by the rebels, then Spain must take action, and the best action is, of course, to send a fleet over, which is what the U.S. Navy is willing to see.

And the situation is exactly as the United States expected. When Cuba is blocked by the sea and the situation worsens, the Spanish government will certainly not be able to sit still.

In order to protect Cuba, a rich land, Spain even sold the Philippines. Naturally, it did not want to see Cuba in danger.

Therefore, sending the fleet in your hand is a very advantageous card. To this end, Prime Minister Castillo has issued an order to Navy Minister Admiral Cervera, requiring the rescue fleet to set off within a week to rescue Cuba.

Faced with the Prime Minister's strict order, Admiral Cervera could only accept that it was worth ordering the rescue fleet to prepare for departure.

Located in the Port of Seville, Spain, this is where the Spanish rescue fleet is located. Most of Spain's elite warships are gathered here, including warships purchased from Italy. Three of the Turin-class ships are one of the absolute core of the fleet. The Turin, which has been renamed Empress Isabel, the Bari, which has been renamed Isabel II, and the Princess Christine The Palermo.

There are also two Venice-class patrol ships, the Duke of Ulloa (Venice) and the Marquis of Venadito (Brescia). As well as the Garibaldi class, Columbus and Francisco purchased by Spain. Seven Italian battleships with the same style are simply unique in the fleet.

In addition to these seven ships, three Maria Teresa-class patrol ships are also among them. This was the first modern vehicle designed by the British and built in Spain. It has a displacement of 7,000 tons, 13,700 horsepower, a maximum speed of 20 knots, and is equipped with two 280 mm main guns (one in front and one in rear) and 10 140 mm secondary guns.

In addition, there are some other warships, but these are the ten large warships.

The fleet is commanded by Vice Admiral Cedela, who is currently considered the most capable naval admiral in Spain.

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