My Italian

Chapter 429: Fiat Model A

Today is a big day for Fiat as the Fiat factory on the banks of the Po River in Turin is full of people. It was a different day, at least for Giovanni Agnelli and everyone at Fiat. (In the last year, Giovanni Agnelli decided to change the name of the Turin car factory to the Fiat car factory)

For the Fiat company led by Giovanni Agnelli, the development in recent years has been one step at a time. Fiat's car manufacturing capacity has also grown from 12 a year to 300 now. However, such achievements did not satisfy Giovanni Agnelli and the main investors behind him. One is the price of the car. The lowest price of Fiat's previous cars has reached 5,000 lire. This price is still unattainable for the general public, because the current salary of the average Italian working class is only 100-140 lire, which requires five years of work without food or drink to buy a car, how can others buy it? rise.

Of course, the price of 6,000 lire is very low for other car manufacturers, so Fiat's cars are not like other manufacturers that can only be supplied to the wealthy and wealthy families, but are starting to touch the middle class. middle-income earners.

That's why Fiat's car sales are booming. However, this does not satisfy Giovanni Agnelli, because the car is still a luxury, and the public has not yet felt the convenience of this kind of transportation.

But now, Fiat's new Model A car is the weapon that enables this civilian to use the car.

"Mr. Morales, this epoch-making masterpiece is a weapon for the era of the automobile industry, making the Italian automobile industry stand at the top of the world."

Agnelli praised Morales for the car in front of him.

In front of them was a brand-new car, which looked a bit more rudimentary than the various cars on the market today. The tarpaulin roof, plain mahogany seats, and frugal details everywhere, even the windows and mirrors seem so small.

"This A-type car is 4.1 meters long, 2 meters wide and 1.7 meters high. It is equipped with the latest four-cylinder integrated engine (2.9L) of the National Power Laboratory. This engine has 20 horsepower and can ride four people. And let the car run at a high speed of 70 kilometers per hour with 200 kilograms of luggage."

However, although this car doesn't look good enough, since Giovanni Agnelli's introduction so solemnly must have its own reasons, I saw him continue to introduce it immediately. "At present, aiming at the income situation of the middle class, our Model A car will set off a storm in the auto industry with an unprecedented price advantage. With a price of 3,400 lire, who can stop its charm."

Yes, it is the absolute advantage of its price that makes Giovanni Agnelli so confident in this car.

Although the A-type car has many disadvantages, the price advantage alone is that other vehicles cannot resist the charm. This car is the foundation for the development of Sophia.

"Mr. Giovanni Agnelli, this car is very good, it is an epoch-making masterpiece."

As a representative of Fiat's major shareholder, Morales is also a person who understands the auto industry very well, otherwise he would not have invested such a large amount of money in Fiat on behalf of the royal fund.

At present, 42% of Fiat's shares are held by the royal fund, while Agnelli and his friends only hold 24% of the shares. But paying such a price has also made Fiat the largest automaker in Italy and even Europe. (Yes, with an annual output of 300 cars, it is the largest car manufacturer in Europe. It is conceivable that the European auto industry has many workshops.)

However, although Agnelli holds fewer shares, Morales trusts him very much. In addition to financial supervision, Fiat's large and small affairs are all managed by Agnelli.

The price of the Model A car is only 3,400 lire, so Morales naturally knows the power of this low-cost car. That's right, although the rich and aristocrats will definitely not choose this relatively simple-looking car, but how many people are rich and aristocratic, and how many are the middle class and the general public, so this is the key.

"By the way, Mr. Agnelli, I have a very important question, what is the maximum production capacity of Model A cars?"

Now Morales is asking important questions about the car's output.

"Mr. Morales, our new plant in Turin can currently produce up to 1,500 Model A cars per month. We can have such a high output thanks to the division of labor in the assembly line, which allows us to improve efficiency."

Agnelli said this and danced with excitement. "Mr. Morales, you are really an expert in research efficiency. This assembly line is really worth the money and can greatly reduce the construction time."

Agnelli's praise for the assembly line is indeed correct, but it is a little understated. Because although Morales proposed this method, if he did not take the management team to watch the slaughterhouse that uses assembly operations, as well as the design of the automobile manufacturing line, as well as the trial and error correction, the automobile assembly line operation would not be possible. may succeed.

"Can the production of 1,500 vehicles meet the market?"

Hearing Morales' question, Agnelli looked at the other party and replied. "My colleagues and I have studied the current market capacity of various countries, and the monthly output of 1,500 vehicles should be able to meet the market."

Yes, Agnelli is very satisfied with the current output of the new plant, which is several times higher than that of other European manufacturers combined. What are you dissatisfied with.

Speaking of which, Fiat's new factory covers an area of ​​50 3,000 employees, which is regarded as a well-known large enterprise in Turin.

In all respects, Agnelli is also a successful person.

"The monthly production of 1,500 may not be enough, you need more capacity."

Morales gave successful people a sap, arguing that the Model A was too low-production.

However, in the face of Morales' opinion, Agnelli has a different view.

"Mr Morales, we think we have enough production, we have more production than the world at the moment, our Model A is great and it will make a splash, but for now, the Model A is enough. We can wait for the Model A sales data to come out and continue to decide whether to continue expanding production."

"Okay, Agnelli. Since you insist, then your opinion is the main thing. After the sales result, you can decide whether to expand the production."

After hearing that Morales no longer insisted, Agnelli was also relieved, because he also did not want to make trouble with the representatives of major shareholders.

"Mr. Morales, wait for the good news about the big sale of the Model A."

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