My Italian

Chapter 421: Coal to oil?

The news of Fiat's Model A sales not only shocked other automakers, but also comforted Carlo. Agnelli deserves to be the entrepreneur who pays the most attention to civilian cars in Europe. Of course, if it is not possible on its own, it needs a little push. Carlo came up with the concept of the assembly line and promoted the low-price strategy of automobiles, which finally started the Italian auto industry.

What else is there to be dissatisfied with Carlo? When other countries were still making cars by hand in workshops, Italy had already begun to industrialize and build standardized cars. This is the advantage of rolling.

And with this first-mover advantage, the leading position of the Italian automobile manufacturing industry can be guaranteed for at least ten years. Even if other countries have learned from it, the first-mover advantage is not so easy to eliminate.

The auto industry is on the right track, and Carlo will not care about it. After all, he has found the best leader for it. As long as it is not a serious mistake, let it develop on its own. If it is because of too much management, maybe Giovanni Agnelli left in a rage, which is not worth the loss, but he has no confidence and no time to pay attention.

Now, for example, he is exchanging views on Italy's Far East foreign policy with the foreign minister.

"Your Majesty, the current negotiations between our country and the empress dowager do not seem to be going well. Although she verbally said that there is no such thing, but according to the observations of the ambassadors of various countries, her idea of ​​changing the emperor has not changed. The coming turmoil will seriously affect our country's interests in the Far East, so I wonder if I should send a fleet to visit the Far East and give the necessary warnings?"

Ambassador Bakona's remarks represent the pessimistic attitude of this foreign ministry towards Far East affairs. That's right, Italy is no longer the country that doesn't care about Far East politics. The reason is that Italy's interests in the Far East are too great, but the attitude of not asking is not conducive to ensuring Italy's interests. However, the effect of trying to intervene is too poor, and there is a feeling that not doing is worse than doing, which makes the diplomats feel a little discouraged.

"What do countries think about Russia's practice of leasing ports in the Far East?"

Facing Bacona's talk about the Far East, Carlo did not give a positive answer, but asked about Russia's occupation of the Far East ports.

Although Bakona had some doubts about why the king suddenly asked about the topic of Russia in the Far East, he still answered truthfully. "The actions of the Russians have attracted dissatisfaction from various countries. Among them, the United Kingdom directly leased Weihaiwei, which is separated by a sea, as a response. The neighboring Japan reacted even more violently. I heard that they plan to continue to expand its navy and army. as a response."

Since the Far East is still familiar to him, it is best not to move at this time, Carlo thought for a while. "I don't agree with the practice of dispatching fleets, unless all countries send them together. And our foreign policy in the Far East is also consistent with all countries. We must not be the first bird, and we must join other countries in everything."

Yes, Carlo does not intend to spend too much energy on Far East affairs. Although the Far East is Italy's largest overseas market, he knows that Europe will be the focus next. Putting too much energy on the Far East is not conducive to Italy's future interests.

Besides, the Italian Navy lacks main battleships now, so wouldn't it weaken its influence by sending some small boats in the past.

Barcona, who didn't get the results he wanted from Carlo, left, and Carlo continued to work hard.

After a while he stopped with a report. This is a report of the Ministry of Industry preparing to build a refinery for Libyan oil. In the report, there are several locations for the refinery, such as Genoa and Venice in the north, Palermo Naples in the south, and even the name of a friend of Rome, obviously. This is to hope that Carlo to choose.

"Then choose Naples."

Carlo wrote the name of Naples directly on the report.

There is also a reason why Carlo directly chose Naples, because the South needs to solve the problem of population and employment and reconcile the industrial gap between the North and the South, which is what the Italian government must do.

Just as Carlo was working hard, there was a knock on the door, and the voice of the attendant came from outside.

"Your Majesty, Admiral Argyle is here."

As soon as he heard the Admiralty's arrival, Carlo responded by letting go of his work. "Admiral please come in."

"Your Majesty, do you have anything to do with me?"

Admiral Yagier stepped in and asked.

"Admiral, there is indeed something I want to ask about your intention."

Carlo didn't hide it, and directly expressed his intention to invite him.

"Admiral, what do you think of oil-fired boilers?"

"Oil boiler?"


For Admiral Yagier, of course he knew about this oil-fired boiler. At present, the Navy has transformed two boilers that use oil-injection and coal-fired, and the effect is not bad. As for the oil-fired boilers, I haven't really noticed. Mainly, traditional thinking is at play.

For a long time, countries have used coal as fuel for warships, but coal has many shortcomings. The first is the inconvenience of transportation. Due to the large volume of coal, special coal carriers or wharfs are required to replenish coal for warships.

The second is that the coal stoking operation is complicated, and it takes a lot of time, manpower and material resources to transport the coal into the coal bunkers on the warship. The third is the need for a large number of manpower. Large warships require more than ten or twenty boilers. The stoker needs to continuously add coal to the boiler and ensure that the coal can be evenly distributed in the furnace. This requires a large number of experienced stokers to complete. Finally, maintenance is cumbersome. Since coal combustion will produce a large amount of ashes, when the boiler is turned off, the stokers will spend a lot of time and energy to remove the ashes.

Although coal-fired boilers have so many shortcomings, as the only power of warships, navies of various countries have no choice.

But now that oil is entering the fuel field, countries are discovering that sprinkling heavy oil on coal can improve combustion efficiency. The Italian navy also did this, but the oil-fired boilers mentioned by the king have never been thought of.

"Pure oil-fired boilers, this is a new idea of ​​fuel supply."

This is not Admiral Yagier's perfunctory words of Carlo. After the king mentioned it, he really wanted to try the efficiency of a pure oil-fired boiler.

The first is efficiency. As long as you know about coal and fuel oil, you will know which one is more The second is the employment problem, which is incomparable, and the more important is the smoke problem of the two. Except for a few high-quality coals, the burning coal has thick smoke, which makes the smoke column over the warship very conspicuous and easy to find.

The fuel oil does not have this trouble, its combustion is more sufficient, and the smoke is lighter, which is conducive to being difficult to be found in the battlefield.

These advantages made Admiral Yagier feel that oil-fired boilers are very feasible, so he plans to ask the Power Research Institute to come up with a plan immediately after returning. He plans to see the effect of oil-fired boilers.

Inexpensive Carlo's words made him immediately feel a chill.

"By the way, Admiral Yagier, how is your steam turbine development?"

"Your Majesty, our Naval Dynamics Research Institute is already accelerating the development, and we expect to see the finished product this year."

Carlo was very happy to hear that the steam turbine he had been thinking about had come to fruition.

"Then I'll take a look when you guys come up with the finished product."

"Okay, Your Majesty, the time has come to inform Your Majesty."

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