My Italian

Chapter 294: Guard formation

"My Italian Deli (!

Admiral Yagier's misjudgment is irrelevant at all, or in other words, Admiral Yagier did not misjudge.

Because the riots in Dutch Borneo intensified, Chivadan's power expanded dramatically during the period when the Dutch were dispatched after the defeat of the Dutch. Inland towns such as Lombawan, Lombo, Bursa, Ujibina are all occupied by it. With the expansion of the sphere of influence, the number of them also increased sharply, reaching more than 13,000.

The Dutch, who failed last time, stepped up their deployment of troops. According to Xiaodao's disclosure, the Dutch were ruthless this time, and planned to mobilize 5,000 troops to conquer the Chivadan rebel forces that made them lose face.

The actions of the Dutch are seen by the Italians as neighbors. As an example of a good neighbor, Governor Antonio is also very concerned about the Dutch.

In the Governor's Palace in Pontianak, an official was reporting to him the attitude of the Dutch.

"Your Excellency, the Governor of Kisinia in Jakarta rejected our request. He said that the Dutch army can cope with the current situation, and the Dutch colonial government will compensate the losses of our businessmen in this riot."

After hearing the Dutchman's reply, Antonio did not change his face. "I see, let's go."

After the official left, Antonio touched his forehead and sighed.

I made a mistake. I didn't expect the Dutch to be so stubborn. It seems that the strength of Borneo alone is not enough.

It is true that Antonio underestimated the resolve of the Dutch, or rather the determination of the new governor, Kisinia.

It is also my fault that Anthony is not in a good mood. Unlike his predecessor, the newly appointed Dutch governor is a rare and hard-working nationalist who would rather suffer his own losses than make others feel better.

Antonio's plan to help the Dutch exterminate the rebel forces was directly rejected by the new governor.

But then again, Italy's sneaky behavior over the years, the Dutch are not fools, how can they get no wind at all.

Before, in view of Italy's strength, it could only turn a blind eye. But with the emergence of the Chivardin rebels, the Dutch were even less able to let the Italian army appear in their colonies.

Of course, Antonio is not without other methods, but these methods need to seek the help of Rome, and he did not want to use the power of Rome before, because it does not show his ability.

But now that I meet a stubborn Jakarta Governor, Antonio will not be stubborn at this time, and flexible changes in countermeasures are the choice of an excellent politician.

Of course, Antonio can also increase support, but this option is not feasible. This would make Italy an outlier among the colonists. You must know that although countries use all means to compete for colonies, some means can be done and cannot be said, and some cannot be said or done.

Things like Antonio's support for colonial riots in other countries are things that can't be said and can only be done.

Of course, there are some differences in this can only do, in which no evidence can be caught. This is the iron law, and it will not make him and Italy disgraced.

Moreover, expanding support for the rebels is a taboo thing in Southeast Asia. It's illegal, but it's illegal. (Small-scale funding does not count, but large-scale funding will not work)

Thinking of this, Antonio took out a pen and paper, ready to write a letter.

After a while, he sealed the letter and gave it to the secretary.

"Make arrangements to send this letter to Rome."

For the sake of secrecy, Antonio did not intend to send the message by telegraph, but instead used a communication ship to send the message to Rome. Anyway, this matter is not so urgent, confidentiality is the first priority.

When Antonio was having a headache for the Dutch, at home, after Carlo inspected the navy, the next stop went to the guards barracks on the outskirts of Rome.

Rows of upright guard officers and soldiers stood upright and waited for the king and military bosses who inspected them to pass by.

"Very good, the officers and soldiers are very energetic!"

Carlo looked at the guard officers and soldiers in line, and praised Lieutenant General Grove, the commander of the guards, with satisfaction.

"Your Majesty praised it. The fact that the officers and soldiers of the Guards can have today's appearance is the reason why Your Majesty values ​​it."

Carlo has a very important reason for inspecting the Guards, that is, the Guards has finally been promoted from a division-level unit to a military-level unit.

The subordinates of the Guards finally have a division level, and the first division of the Guards that Carlo is visiting is the unit that has just been reorganized. The 1st Guards Division was adapted from the 1st and 3rd regiments of the Guards, the 2nd Division and 1st Brigade of the Marine Corps.

At present, the 1st Guards Division has a full infantry regiment, two dissatisfied regiments, a shelf regiment with officers only, and affiliated units such as an artillery regiment, a transport regiment, an engineer battalion, a communication company, and a gendarmerie. A division has a total of 11,359 officers and soldiers, which is a gap of more than 5,000 people compared to the full 16,451 people.

At present, the second division and the first division have not yet been completed, and there is not much difference in the number of people.

In fact, the current state of the Guards is basically the same as that of the Italian Army.

Regarding the requirement to compress the total force, the army minister, Marshal Cadorna, and the chief of the general staff, General Simeone, and other senior army officials, are inclined to this kind of compression of dissatisfaction with each branch, rather than the abolition of the entire branch.

At present, the Army has 21 infantry divisions, four cavalry divisions, six mountain brigades, and other units such as heavy artillery and garrison, in addition to the Guards. According to the full composition, the total strength of these troops should be as high as 430,000, while the current total strength of the Army (excluding the Guards) is only 210,000. The reduction of half of the troops depends entirely on compressing the actual strength of each unit.

At present, the Italian Army is divided into three situations, one is with two full infantry regiments, two unsatisfactory infantry regiments, and other subsidiary units with full standing divisions. This kind of division is currently the best army in the army, and it is also given priority in terms of weaponry and equipment, and it is also the fist of the army. At present, there are only three such standing divisions under the army, and they are basically placed on the Italian-French border.

In addition to this standing division that can be pulled into the battlefield at any time, there is also a division like the First Guards Division, with one full regiment, two dissatisfied regiments, a shelf regiment with only officers, and then other Affiliated troops, there are also tens of thousands of divisions. There are nine such divisions in the army, which are called standard divisions. All you need to do is to recruit enough soldiers for a simple training, and the combat effectiveness will not be much worse than that of the standing divisions. Of course, standardists are also different. The best standardists can reach more than 12,000 people, and some have only about 10,000 people. The reason for this disparity is the dissatisfaction with the difference in the formation of groups, some are only in the squad and downsized, from ten people in a squad to seven people, and some will be downsized at the battalion level into a shelf battalion, these are called Dissatisfied infantry regiment.

Most of the troops such as cavalry and mountain brigades also use this mode.

Then there are the most compendium divisions in the army. In this division, there are only two infantry regiments that are not satisfied with the composition. The other two infantry regiments are shelf regiments. In addition, the artillery and other affiliated units have also been reduced. For example, the 15th Division is such a compendium. Compared with the standard division of the 1st Guards Division, the 1st Guards Division in the artillery regiment is fully staffed, and the three subordinate artillery battalions are all fully staffed. Equipped with 72 guns, although the caliber is somewhat different, there are 105mm guns, and there are also 80 and 57mm guns, but the number of guns will not be small.

The 15th division has only two full artillery battalions, and there is also a shelf battalion, which has only more than 50 artillery pieces.

This kind of compendium is also an emergency preparation adopted by the Army in view of the current low external pressure. Compressed troops and some equipment were expanded before the advent of war. Although it is not as good as the standing and standard divisions, it is much stronger than the temporary mobilization division. As long as it is given a month of training, its combat effectiveness will not drop too much.

Carlo, of course, supports the downsizing plan proposed by the Army. Although it seems that the generals are divided into three, six, nine, etc., the European countries are basically like this. Except for a few troops, this method is adopted, but it is not as ruthless as Italy's compression.

Observing the expansion of the Guards was just a trivial matter for Carlo. After reading it, he opened the mouth to Admiral Simone, the chief of staff who accompanied him. "When will we arrange exercises in the army to see how the army's combat effectiveness is maintained?"

In the face of Carlo's words, how could Simone, the chief of staff, refuse, only to see him speak. "According to the plan of the General Staff, we will conduct division-level confrontation exercises in the second half of the year."

Hearing the words of Admiral Simeone, Carlo suddenly asked. "Have you chosen a place yet?"

Simeone was moved by Carlo's words. "Does Your Majesty have a choice?"

"How about choosing in East Africa?"

Carlo's words made him stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what His Majesty's words meant?

"East Africa can be, but it's a long way and adds unnecessary costs."

That's right, Simeone feels that going to East Africa for the exercise is a bit wasteful. There are so many people and equipment, and the shipping cost alone is a lot of money. Moreover, the foundation of East Africa is very poor. The officers and soldiers still need to adapt to the environment in the past.

Facing Simeone's question, Carlo explained immediately. "Recently, the Menelik II asked us for help, and the Sudanese invaded the Tana Lake Granary in need to at least make some gestures to help him."

That's right, the Sudanese and the Abyssinians are fighting again, and the two countries will fight each other for the fertile land of Lake Tana, without breathing.

Menelik II, the emperor of Abyssinia, was also very troubled by this.

But Lake Tana is related to nearly 20% of Abyssinia's grain production, so I can't lose it in my own hands, and I have no choice but to bite the bullet.

In fact, the Sudanese next door are also struggling. Droughts and frequent wars have kept the Sudanese in a state of starvation. At present, the surrounding area can grab one, and there are only reasons for the Abyssinians. What else to say, bring livestock, wife and children, and go to an Abyssinian family for dinner.

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