My Italian

Chapter 286: Non-commissioned Officer Reform (Part 1)

Marshal Cadorna took office as a new officer, and the three fires made it so vigorous that all the eyes of the army were attracted.

Admiral Simeone, who was also a new officer, seemed to have disappeared and had not made any moves. Is it because Simeone, who was suddenly promoted to chief of staff and became the second-ranking figure in the army, has not returned from his joy? Or is it because of getting a high position, be careful?

The above are all Simeone's thoughts, but he prepared a stunning way to make everyone remember him.

"Oh, it's finally done."

In the General Staff's own office, Admiral Simeone stretched his waist while looking at the still-inked manuscript in front of him.

The draft in front of him is exactly the way he is going to show himself, the standardization of the non-commissioned officer system.

Non-commissioned officers, to put it bluntly, are professional soldiers. Simeone's approach is to regularize professional soldiers.

The European military system has always been a conscription system, and the conscription model is mixed in it. Until Prussia carried forward the omens system, various countries also vigorously developed the conscription system.

However, with the development of the times, a large number of new weapons have been added to the army, and wars have become more and more diversified, and the command and tactical requirements of the army have also increased at the same level.

Admiral Simeone also felt the lack of command of the army in the Italian-Turkish war that just passed. This is especially true for low-level company and platoon battles.

After receiving the manuscript he just wrote, Admiral Simeone called the secretary. "By the car, let's go to the War Department."

That's right, this matter must be promoted with the support of Marshal Cadorna, the Minister of War.

Because this is a major reform of the army, and without the support of the first person in the army, it is just an empty talk.

The chief of the general staff talked to the minister of war, and the meeting with the number one or two in the army was also very fast.

No matter how busy the Minister of the Army is, he needs to meet the Chief of Staff as soon as possible.

"Simeone, are you still used to being in the General Staff?"

"is acceptable."

"Those officers didn't violate yin and yang, did they?"

"No, they are still very disciplined."

After a brief chat, Marshal Cadorna immediately entered the topic.

"Come here to find me this time, do you need any help from me?"

Facing the question of Marshal Cadorna, Simeone was not polite. "Yes, Marshal, there is just one thing I need your help with."

As soon as he finished speaking, Simeone handed over the manuscript he carried with him.

"This is my little suggestion for the development of the army."

Cadorna opened it and said with a smile. "The standardization of the non-commissioned officer system is not trivial just by looking at the title, and it is not trivial to make it happen."

There is a reason for Marshal Cadorna to say so. Don't think that this only involves non-commissioned officers, but this is to change the structure of the army, and there is nothing small about the structure of the army.

Facing the words of the Minister of War, Simeone immediately explained. "I feel that the non-commissioned officer class will become a key point in the military in the future, so I want to promote this work, no matter how difficult it is, I want to try it."

Since Simone has said so, what else can Cadorna say, he can only pick up the manuscript in front of him and read it carefully.

The room was very quiet for a while, except for the ticking of the pendulum.

"It's done in great detail, and it's very helpful for the grassroots companies to improve their combat effectiveness."

After reading the manuscript, Marshal Cadorna commented on the plan, but his voice changed.

"However, by doing this, you are delegating the powers of lower-level officers. Have you considered this factor?"

After all, who is the marshal, Cadorna can still see a lot of things, and even see farther. Although this plan is to promote non-commissioned officers, it involves a lot of people.

Facing Marshal Cadorna's question, Admiral Simeone nodded and replied. "I thought about it, and the impact is not too big. Because with the development of the times, officers need to master more skills. If they can't let go of some power, many people will not be able to keep pace."

Simeone said something euphemistically, but he was actually referring to the uneven quality of officers. At present, the proportion of officers from aristocratic and military families in various countries is very high, and the trend is more obvious the higher the level.

Among these nobles and officers of military families, we do not deny that there are geniuses among them, but more of them are mediocre.

Of course, Simeone never thought of challenging this, but wanted to improve the combat effectiveness of the army by raising the rank of non-commissioned officers.

After all, the conscripts only last three years. How can those professional soldiers who have served for eight or nine years or more than ten years have high ability.

As for the officers who graduated from the military academy, the starting point is basically the company commander. For the platoons that are closer to the soldiers, more non-commissioned officers serve. These non-commissioned officers who have served longer are the link between officers and soldiers, so deepening the role of non-commissioned officers is of great help to the army.

Although these are described in detail in the Simeone plan, Marshal Cadorna wants to ask something that is not in the plan.

"Simeone, I have already learned about the role of non-commissioned officers from your plan. Then I want to ask something else, you have such high requirements for non-commissioned officers, so what should you do in terms of welfare benefits. After all, they are not conscripts and need to consider supporting their families. The problem?"

Obviously, Cadorna is very concerned about the cost of the non-commissioned officers after the change. There is no way, at present, the cost of salary and allowances is always the most among the funds of the Chinese army in various countries. Even if it is in the future salary and allowances are the most important part of the budget.

In the face of the funding issue raised by Marshal Cadorna, Admiral Simeone said. "I have also thought about this issue. According to the non-commissioned officer plan I proposed, a fully-staffed division would require at least more than 1,300 non-commissioned officers. It takes 85 lire to keep the income level in line with the domestic level. Then the annual cost of these more than 1,300 non-commissioned officers will reach more than 1.2 million. If the entire army completes the reform of non-commissioned officers, the cost will not be less than one Eighteen million."

Speaking of which, considering that the cost is not low, Simeone added another sentence. "But if the transformation is completed, the combat effectiveness of the army will be greatly improved."

Don't blame Simeone for his remarks, the army doesn't think that the annual cost is not low, but it is still very tight. They measure the pants according to the buttocks, and there is no money left at all. If you want to take out the money, you have to deduct it from other sources, let alone under the premise of this kind of disarmament.

So even though Cadorna is an army man, he still has to learn to live frugally.

"Well, show the plan to His Majesty. If he agrees, then we will first select a division as a pilot project, and if the effect is good, we will extend it to the entire army."

Although Marshal Cadorna did not agree immediately, but instead proposed to do a pilot to see the effect, Simeone was still very grateful to the other party. Because this method is the best, as long as the pilot unit is effective, it will just stop the mouths of the officers.

Thinking of this, Simone with full confidence prepares to go to the palace to meet His Majesty Carlo.

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