My Italian

Chapter 270: Plank

The candidate for the Governor of Borneo can only be regarded as one of the small episodes. Although it is very important for Italy, it is still very fast to solve this problem.

The current focus of Italy is still the vigorous expulsion of the new territories.

A group of locals who were driven out of their homes, carrying their own bags and dragging their families with their families, left their homeland three times in the next step of the army's escort.

And a large number of Italian immigrants swarmed under the guidance of the government, occupying the land and real estate of these people.

Plank is such a lucky person. Originally, he was just an unknown hunter in Sardinia, and he was running around every day for the life of himself and his wife, children and family. Every day, I go over mountains and mountains to find prey. Although it is very hard, I can only wrap my belly. I am also a poor family in the bottom of the village.

In the previous war with the Ottomans, although he wanted to work hard in the past, so many people in the family needed him to be busy, and because he was too old, he didn't have a turn.

I don't know the reason this time, but my family was selected to become one of the members of the new territory of the immigrant kingdom. His family was selected in their village, which instantly made his family the focus, although some of them could not eat grapes Just yin and yang weird people, but more of a blessing.

Fortunately, they didn't know that each new immigrant family would be allocated nearly 0.8 hectares of land, otherwise more people would be jealous. Although the land allocated is not free, it needs to be based on the market value. From the second year of cultivation, in addition to taxes, the annual payment of 5% of the total land price for agricultural products has been paid for 20 years. But for the Plank family, it was also very worthwhile. After all, this land belongs to you, as long as you don't slack off, you can do it.

So Plank cherished this opportunity very much, and he swore that he would never let anyone take his future good life. So he squeezed the hand holding the gun again.

He had seen the thugs of slipping through the net, who had attacked their team on the way to Kosovo. Those gangsters with ferocious faces suddenly appeared from the woods and rushed towards them.

The officers and soldiers who guarded them immediately opened fire on them, and these people rushed towards them under the firepower of the officers and soldiers, and then a fight began.

In order to protect his family, Plank also stepped forward to fight the thugs. His hunting skills allowed him to deal with several gangsters. The mob who eventually launched the attack was driven away after leaving dozens of bodies behind. Of course, they also paid the price of more than 20 people, among which the officers and soldiers who were guarding fell down.

It was this fight that gave Plank a very clear understanding of his situation.

Therefore, after arriving at the destination, he joined the **** team for the first time to protect this village composed of immigrants from all over the world from harm.


Just as he was earnestly protecting the village, a loud shout attracted him.

Plank followed the shout, and a strong man came towards him in the distance. Its left sleeve is striking because it is tucked empty in a pocket.

He was quite familiar with this person. This was Hammett, the captain of the militia in their village.

Plank knew a lot about Captain Hammett. It was previously a squad leader of the 19th Division, who lost his left arm in the war with the Ottomans and had to retreat.

Like his situation, after the war, the military and the government also sought their opinions on these veterans who fought for Italy, and mainly settled them in new territories.

These people are basically arranged at the grassroots level and used as the backbone. These veterans are very good for Italy to strengthen the rule of the region.

And here is different from the complicated situation in the mainland. The new territory that has just been left by the aborigines is more like a blank sheet of paper, which is convenient for the government to display.

Hammett walked up to Plank and said. "Plank, there is something I want to tell you."

"What's the matter, Captain?"

"That's right. At present, the government is going to set up a railway **** team. Our village has a recommended quota. And I want to give you this quota. I wonder if you want to go?"

What Hammett said was part of the government's construction and the start of construction of the crucial Balkan railway project.

This railway from Durres to Skopje, Rome and the local government did not want to wait for a moment. While the army was still expelling the Albanians, under the protection of the army, the exploration team of the Ministry of Communications was conducting survey work on the route. After three months of exploration, the direction of this railway line has been determined.

Now it's a matter of preparing to start the construction, but the manpower needed to start the construction is not like exploration, which only needs a few people. This is at least tens of thousands of people, and it is very important to protect their safety.

Although the military can still provide protection, the military has its own business. Expelling the Albanians, clearing up the resistance forces, defending key points and patrolling the border, etc., are all busy. If this matter is pushed to the army again, it will be unreasonable. Therefore, the formation of a railway **** team has become the first choice for the government.

For this **** team, the government has made great efforts. Each member of the team has 80 lira plus 150 catties of food per month, and the positions of team leader and captain can be increased. This is already very good for many immigrant families.

Moreover, in order to ensure the strength of this team, the government can draw out capable people from it according to the method of one or two people in each village. Such a team of more than a thousand people is very easy to quickly form combat effectiveness.

Faced with the captain's request, Plank was hesitant to hear it, because he was worried about the situation at home. It will take at least a year and a half to protect and repair the railway. If he is not at home, what can he do if he has something to do at home. But he couldn't refuse the captain's kindness, so this made him in a dilemma.

"Are you worried that you are What should I do at home?"

Seeing his hesitant expression, Hammett knew what was going on.

"I'm a little worried. The old and the young in the family will not go home for a year and a half. How can they not be worried."

Faced with the captain's words, Plank made no secret of his own thoughts.

"What's there to worry about, I and the rest of the **** team can help you look after your home. They are all from the mainland, so it's appropriate to take care of each other. You wouldn't think that there are dozens of people in our **** team. Ways to help you look after your home."

For the sake of the captain's words, Plank has no confidence to refuse. Since the captain valued himself so much, Plank agreed immediately.

And such a job that can serve the country and support the family is not so easy to find.

Immigrants like Plank, who quickly assimilated into the local environment, were so numerous that they would form the cornerstone of Italian rule in the Balkans. As for those thugs who are rioting for bandits, the army is stepping up its efforts to clear up. However, during the crackdown, the army also found some black hands behind it.

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