My Italian

Chapter 251: The fall of the Macedonian army

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When the Italians launched the landing campaign in Izmir, the fighting in the Balkans continued.

At Adrianople, groups of reinvigorated soldiers rushed towards the Bulgarian positions. The Bulgarian army guarding the position was desperately fighting back.

The rifles and positional artillery in his hands formed a barrage of bullets, and any Ottoman officers and soldiers who stepped into it had huge fears for their lives, which was clearly verified from the corpses that kept falling along the way.

Of course, it was not only the attacking Ottomans who were hurt, but the Bulgarians who were defending as well. In and around the trenches, there were also many people who died in Bulgarian uniforms.

The battle between the two sides around Adrianople continued to fight like this.

As the commander of the two sides, it is natural to pay attention to its anomalies. In a position that had just repelled the attack of the Ottoman army, the defending officers and soldiers looked at the retreating Ottomans and cheered with joy like the rest of their lives.

The former Bulgarian First Army Commander, now the Thracian Army Commander Major General Gudshev, who observed the battle situation behind the position, looked at the officers and soldiers on the position, facing the former Second Army Commander behind him, now Thracian Army Commander. Major General Guchev, deputy commander of the army, said.

"Such a battle has taken too many casualties to us, and we urgently need our allied support."

Facing Gudshev's words, Guchev, the deputy commander, nodded and replied. "Yeah, the Ottomans on the other side are simply crazy. They continue to attack, even if they suffer huge casualties. In just one week, the casualties will definitely not be less than 80,000 people."

Of course, his subtext is that the enemy suffers such large casualties, so they are also not small. Yes, the current Bulgarian casualty figure has reached more than 40,000 people, which does not seem to be much, but the Bulgarian army has a smaller base, only 170,000 people, which is a quarter of the casualties.

With such high casualties in the modern army, it is already very good that the defense line can still be guaranteed not to be broken. Of course, the Ottoman side is also good, and the casualties are about a quarter. However, compared with the Bulgarians, the Ottomans have another advantage, that is, the continuous flow of reinforcements from Asia.

The reason why the two sides suffered so many casualties and still did not give in was also due to the battle in Skopje. Bulgaria wanted to wait for Italian reinforcements, while the Ottomans wanted to break the interception of the Bulgarians and rescue the defenders in Skopje. Since both sides want to achieve their goals, then only in Adrianople to see who can complete their tasks.

Of course they were also watching the battle in Skopje.

However, the two sides still do not know that a huge change has occurred in Skopje, which they are concerned about, and the coalition forces have invaded the city.

Two days ago, the Mobile Corps, which was dominated by the Italian Third Army, suddenly appeared in the east battlefield of Skopje, which was dominated by the Bulgarian army.

The appearance of a heavy corps of 40,000 tall, which made the power imbalance of the battlefield to the limit, so the Ottoman defenders who were caught off guard naturally lost their positions.

If this is the case, it is not bad. The coalition army, which is not easy to obtain a breakthrough, did not miss this rare opportunity. It almost drove the retreating Ottoman defenders all the way west, and directly forced them to the city of Skopje. .

If Admiral Yilmaz, the Macedonian commander, had not gathered all the troops he could get into Skopje, the city would have been captured overnight. A troop that has retreated and stationed on various defense lines has no way to be dispatched, and can only do everything in his power to squeeze the existing mobile troops in his hand.

However, although the eastern coalition with the Third Army as the main force has not been able to capture Skopje for the time being, strategically and tactically, Italy has already decided the overall situation on the Macedonian battlefield.

Faced with the threat of the enemy in Skopje, the only stronghold and base camp behind him, the defenders in the other three directions immediately became unstable. And the coalition army took this opportunity to launch a fierce attack, which made its army even more confused.

The chaos of the army is very fatal on the battlefield, because the soldiers no longer only focus on the battlefield, which naturally greatly reduces the strength of their resistance. And this addition and subtraction accelerated the battle in Skopje.

In just two days, the coalition forces successively broke through the Ottoman peripheral positions in the other three directions, and also arrived in Skopje one after another.

In the past two days, the number of casualties and captures of the Ottoman army has far exceeded the results of the previous ten days of battle.

Now there are less than 90,000 Ottoman defenders who can return to Skopje, and their morale, weapons and equipment are much worse than before.

Naturally, the coalition forces also increased their momentum, and some even shouted that the battle in Skopje should be resolved within three days, and then rushed to Thrace to capture Istanbul.

Faced with such a situation, the Ottoman officers and soldiers trapped in the city had to make every consideration for themselves.

In the headquarters of the Macedonian Army Group in Skopje, there was a gloomy cloud. The generals present all looked at an Italian officer who appeared in the headquarters with a frown, and listened to what he said aloud.

Yes, the Italian officer was not captured by them, but came from the enemy's position outside the city half an hour ago.

As for what he said, you can tell by looking at the miserable Ottoman generals around, it must be about peace talks, or an undisguised surrender would be more appropriate.

"Everyone, I have finished speaking, I hope you can carefully consider our opinions."

The Italian officer, who had just read out his conditions, looked at General Yilmaz, who looked ashen and defeated, and said these words.

And the result of the peace talks he announced before was that the Ottoman army laid down its weapons, and the coalition forces ensured the safety of their lives and legal property.

Yes, the security of legal property. That is to say, the property that has been scraped will be confiscated by the coalition forces, which is also the reason for their frowning. As an Ottoman general, whoever lives on just that little salary will be laughed at by his colleagues, so these generals and even the school officials are wealthy people.

But now, no matter how rich they are, this has been severely slashed by the coalition forces. Who let them not know whether to live or die, blocked the pace of the coalition army, and delayed the footsteps of the coalition army.

After sending off the Italian officer who announced the conditions, Admiral Yilmaz, the commander of the Macedonian Army, looked at the frowning subordinates and could only raise his head. "Everyone has heard the Italian's conditions just now. This time we lost the battle. Don't worry about those things that should be discarded."

Among these people, Admiral Yilmaz is the richest, but with the defeat, everything needs to be looked at. As long as the future military power is still there, sooner or later, the losses will be recovered.

As for why they didn't continue to fight, this time they lost more than half of their troops. How could they fight? Are the Ottoman officers and soldiers really without temper? They are already very worthy of the Ottoman Empire.

Besides, this is not the Far East, and it doesn't matter if you would rather die in battle than surrender.

And following his words, the people present basically didn't speak up. Although they didn't approve, they didn't disapprove, which meant acquiescence.

Get these generals, and the next thing will be easy. The middle and lower-level officers and soldiers have long wanted to fight, and now with the loss of weapons and ammunition and the loss of personnel, they can no longer hold weapons.

And Yilmaz announced his finally let people sleep peacefully. No more worrying about being shot by the sudden burst of gunfire, and no one can let them rush into the enemy's hail of bullets, everything is safe.

On the coalition side, with the surrender of General Yilmaz, the fighting in Macedonia has ended. The officers and soldiers cheered for a while, the battle was too difficult.

In this battle, the two sides invested nearly 500,000 troops, and finally ended in the annihilation of the Ottoman army.

In this battle, the loss of the coalition forces was not small, in addition to the loss of weapons, ammunition and other materials, in terms of personnel. At present, the coalition forces have lost as many as 50,000 people, of which the main Italian army has lost more than 40,000 people. Among them, 11,000 people have been killed or missing, and 29,000 people have been injured. Such casualties are not small at all.

While the Italians and Montenegrins considered the battle to be the most difficult battle of the war, the Bulgarians did not, because the fighting in Adrianople continued.

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