My Italian

Chapter 241: Just in case 1

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The Ottoman army marched against the signing of the defeated treaty, and the news spread to all countries immediately.

Countries differed on this news. Among them, Britain, France, Austria, Russia and other countries are so angry that they just want to scold their mothers.

It was hard to get the best conditions for Osman, and now he is facing the possibility of complete failure.

Faced with this situation, Britain, France, Austria, Russia and other countries are of course not just scolding people. They immediately contacted the envoys in Istanbul and asked them to mobilize all forces to stop the demonstrations from the army.

Only how much effect this can have, it is unknown.

However, compared to Britain, France, Austria and Russia, Italy and the Balkan countries that participated in the war cheered. In particular, Bulgaria, which has long been dissatisfied with this, has issued a statement that if Ottoman overturns the results of the previous peace talks, the consequences will be borne by Ottoman himself.

As for the Sehi and the two countries, they are somewhat ambivalent about this. Osman overturned the previous negotiation results, which gave the two countries reason to continue to tear a piece of meat from Osman. But compared to them, Bulgaria will get more benefits, which makes them in a dilemma.

But no matter what the small Balkan countries think, if they continue to fight against the Ottomans, it still depends on Italy's opinion. Therefore, the current attitude of Italy has become a key point, which has also led to frequent contacts with the Italian government from various countries, and they want to hear some news from them.

"Your Excellency Fulam, at present, our country has no other views on Istanbul. Everything needs to be decided by Osman himself."

Prime Minister Depretis, who had just returned to Rome, made a diplomatic speech to the British ambassador to Rome, Furam, in his office.

And Fulam, who failed to hear the news from the Italian Prime Minister, said with a look of regret. "Prime Minister De Pretis, please don't let the people of the Balkans suffer any more. My country is very concerned about this."

"Please rest assured, after our country makes a decision, it will notify your country."

After the British ambassador was sent out, Prime Minister DePretis rubbed his dry eyes. In the past few days, he has received a lot of ambassadors. Whether they are from the Balkans or from Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Russia and other powers, they all have one purpose, and that is to know what Italy thinks of the mutiny that broke out in Istanbul.

Although he also wanted to inform them, he, the prime minister, was not clear about the actual situation. Because this matter is of great importance, it is still under discussion.

Depretis looked at the pile of documents on the table that he didn't have time to deal with, and couldn't help showing a wry smile. This was all work that was delayed by frequent visits.

And just when he was about to start processing these documents, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Which ambassador is visiting again?"

In the face of being interrupted, Depretis was a little angry, so his tone of speech was no longer as peaceful as before.

"Prime Minister, news from the palace, Your Majesty is looking for you."

The words of the secretary outside the door made Depretis calm down immediately, because when he was looking for himself at this time, it must be about Istanbul.

"Prepare the car immediately, let's go to the palace."

After the Prime Minister arrived at the palace, he realized that there were a lot of people this time. In addition to him and the foreign minister, there are also several bigwigs in the military.

The young King Carlo was sitting in a chair and communicated with the Minister of War in a low voice.

Faced with this situation, Depretis casually apologized. "Sorry, I'm late for the traffic jam."

After seeing that the Prime Minister had arrived, Carlo stood up and said. "Since everyone is here, let us first understand the latest situation in Istanbul."

Following Carlo's words, the captain of the guard, Filimic, stood up and explained the situation in Istanbul. "The current situation in Istanbul has gradually subsided, and the mutiny led by the Ottoman al-Shabaab has seized its power. The Grand Vizier Kamil Pasha and Foreign Minister Harim Pasha and their families, who participated in the negotiations before, and their families, Has been executed by Al-Shabaab for selling out Ottoman interests."

Having said that, the chief guard paused for a while to let the people present digest the news.

"In addition, Ottoman Sultan Hamid II has authorized Ahmed Riza, who led the mutiny, to be the new Minister of War. In addition, let Jawad Pasha be the Grand Vizier, and..."

After Felipe Mitch finished talking about the changes at the top of the mutiny, Depretis spoke up. "So, the mutiny in Istanbul has changed the top management of the Ottomans, so what about the previously negotiated conditions?"

"I don't know about this, but according to the content of the mutiny, there is a high probability that they will not admit it."

Hearing Filimic's answer, the people at the scene fell silent for a while, and it seemed that there would be more fights.

At this time, Carlo, the king of Italy, spoke up. "Gentlemen, this is the choice of the Ottomans, then we will meet their demands."

Yes, at present, there are a lot of young brothers in Italy who are fighting Ottoman, the sick man of the Near East. What is there to be afraid of?

Seeing that the fighting spirit of everyone present was rekindled, Carlo continued. "Admiral Saragate, tell me about your Army's response plan."

"Okay, Your Majesty."

I saw Admiral Saragate uncovered the map covered by the cloth on the side, and opened the mouth with the baton.

"The Ministry of War has done it before. Regarding the Ottomans not accepting the next battle plan, I think it is time to let you know. According to the plan, the Balkan Army currently in the Balkans will be divided into three divisions after the restart of the war. The troops, starting from the Kux Mountain Pass, captured the Kosovo area at the fastest speed.

There are currently only two Ottoman divisions of recruits in the area, and they will not be rivals. After the capture of Kosovo, apart from leaving two divisions to stick to the area, the remaining one, after joining the Montenegrin and Bulgarian Fourth Army, moved closer to Skopje. Then, together with the main force of the Balkan Army, they encircled and annihilated the main Ottoman troops gathered in the city.

And our ally Bulgaria is responsible for keeping the Ottoman army in Eastern Thrace. Wait until our army annihilates the Macedonian enemy and then reinforces it to win Istanbul in one fell swoop.

In addition, in order to prevent the Ottomans, even if Istanbul was occupied, they still refused to accept the defeat and refused to surrender. The amphibious mobile army composed of the Guards and the Marine will no longer participate in the battle in the Balkan Peninsula, but will turn to occupy the Ottoman islands in the Aegean Sea, and wait for the opportunity to land on the Asian Peninsula, leading the war to Ottoman interior. "

Everyone pays attention to the words of Admiral Saragat. In his words, there is no mention of the two countries of Sehi. This shows that Italy, Bulgaria and Montenegro are not willing to intervene in this war. Therefore, although these two countries are belligerents in name, the Three Kingdoms simply do not give them the opportunity to express themselves.

Since there is no chance of performance, what reason do they use to continue to compete for the subsequent spoils. Even if there are other powers standing behind them, they still need to have the opportunity to perform.

After Admiral Saragat finished speaking, Carlo said, "Of course, this is only our plan in case of emergency. If the Ottomans accept it, then this plan will not be implemented."

Although Carlo said it seemed that this plan would not be used in general, in fact, everyone knew that this was a high probability event. Can the Al-Shabaab, which has just seized power by opposing the defeat clause, really abandon the Ottoman soldiers and civilians who support it?

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