My Italian

Chapter 230: Hurricane Plan

The warm Aegean Sea has always had traces of human activities since ancient times, from the early Phoenicians to the ancient Greeks and then the Romans, after people of all ages appeared in the Aegean Sea.

Today, a huge fleet sails northward across the Aegean islands.

The scale of this fleet was so large that many passing merchant ships hurriedly avoided it. Because of the large number of warships in this fleet, the flag above shows its identity, Italy.

On his flagship Turin, Lieutenant Admiral Yagier looked at the mighty fleet under his command with pride.

In this fleet, the most elite warships of the navy are assembled, five Dolio and its improved class battleships, three Turin class, two Venice improved class cruisers, plus a vote of other warships, this fleet is in this fleet. The sea is the absolute overlord.

Being able to stand out from other competitors, how could Lieutenant General Yagier vent his inner joy.

On the side of the mighty warship, dozens of conscripted merchant ships sailed hard under the protection of the warship, and they were full of various materials and officers and soldiers for landing operations.

That's right, the hurricane plan is a landing battle, but this time it is no longer a landing on an island, and it cooperates with the ally Bulgaria's attack on Thessaloniki.

Although the Bulgarian First Army captured Komodini, a key city in Western Thrace, it did not liberate Bulgarian forces. However, the Bulgarian Second Army, which attacked Adrianople and was responsible for containing the enemy in the direction of Istanbul, had sent several urgent telegrams one after another.

More and more enemies came across the sea from Istanbul, and they were almost unable to withstand it.

Therefore, the First Army after capturing Komodini could only go to reinforce the Second Army. As for the Third Army, which had just captured Kilkis, it also did not have enough strength.

On the one hand, they needed to withstand the counterattack of the Ottoman army in Macedonia, and on the other hand, they were somewhat incapable of taking into account the offensive against the Saronica, so the Bulgarian side asked Italy.

The Italian Navy originally planned to land on the Balkans, but it was not ahead. According to the plan formulated by the Italian Navy, after they captured Crete, they were ready to compete for many Ottoman islands in the Aegean Sea, and then landed on the Balkan Peninsula in time to cooperate with the frontal army units.

Judging from the arrangement of the navy, for landing on the Balkans, it comes after the islands.

In addition, the territory of the Ottomans in North Africa has never been included in the scope of landing operations by the Navy. Because the area is not strategically located, it is not very useful for defeating the Ottomans.

In addition, there is more domestic awareness of the region as a desert wasteland, except for a few nomadic tribes? It can't benefit Italy at all? It is more of an addition to the Albania region. Didn't you see that the Ottomans only deployed less than 5,000 troops in the area, and the local population of more than 300,000 can only afford so many troops.

Still, is that saying right? Plans can't keep up with changes. Who would have thought that the Bulgarians were so fierce? In just one week, the land connection between the Ottoman mainland and Macedonia was completed. Coupled with Bulgaria's request for help, the Navy had to advance the plan to land on the Balkans.

But fortunately, before that? The navy has basically completed the preparations for the capture of the Aegean Islands, and only needs to change the target to Thessaloniki.

So this operation made the navy play a leading role? Of course, Lieutenant Admiral Yagier was very happy about this. Finally getting rid of these unknown small tasks such as shelling Ottoman ports and escorting, allowing him to show his capabilities with the Navy.

Just when Lieutenant General Yagier was secretly happy, a staff officer ran over. "Reporting to Your Excellency Commander, our fleet has now approached Skyros Island."

Admiral Yagier, a veteran of the old navy, certainly knew the location of Skyros Island? This island is about 240 nautical miles away from the Thessalonica Peninsula where they need to arrive. That's the work of the day.

"Order the fleet to maintain a speed of 10 knots, and let the first cruiser speed up, let them arrive early to make a front stop for us."

"As ordered, Your Excellency Commander."

Following the order of Lieutenant Admiral Yagier, the first formation of cruisers, which was reclassified from two Venices as the core, immediately increased their speed, and they gradually distanced themselves from the large formation. Although in order to allow other cruisers to keep up, the two Venice re-class did not run out of the top speed, but the speed of sixteen knots? How is it much faster than the slow ten-knot fleet. After two or three hours, the people of the Grand Fleet could no longer see its shadow.

At this time, I am afraid that Rear Admiral Levi, who is responsible for leading the cruiser formation? It is estimated that he is still thinking about trying to meet the old navy of Ottoman.

Lieutenant Admiral Yagier looked at the slow-moving fleet under his command? He was still a little unaccustomed to it. But who needs to take care of the transport ships in the formation. These guys? It's high speed if you can run ten knots.

And these transport ships, carrying nearly 40,000 officers and soldiers and their equipment. They are all of the First Marine Division, the First Brigade of the Second Marine Division, and most of the Guards under the Navy. We won't say much about the First Marine Division and the Guards, and we can talk about this second division.

At present, the Second Marine Division is not yet full. Although it has the name of the Second Division, only one brigade has formed the combat effectiveness of the Second Division. As for the second brigade, although it is fully staffed, the training has not been completed. Currently left in Crete by the navy, it is still capable of suppressing the defeated Ottoman soldiers who were huddled in the central mountains of the island.

On one of the transport ships, Major Haldane Cosenz, the battalion commander of the 1st Battalion, 1st Division, 1st Brigade, 2nd Regiment, was writing and drawing in his room. He was doing a summary of the previous battle in Crete.

Previously, his first battalion did not lose much in the brutal street battle due to the late landing time. Therefore, he was sent with other follow-up troops to hunt down the defeated Ottoman soldiers without getting rest time. It was only two days ago that they had been ordered to come out of the mountains, and then boarded the transport ship to prepare for the next war.

Taking advantage of this free time, Cosenz certainly needed to summarize the previous battles, which he had been strongly requested when he was in the Guards.

"When the Ottoman officers and soldiers fought in the streets, it was obvious that their soldiers were lower than the officers. Of course, this may be because the officers were trying to protect their rich property. However, the combat skills of the Ottoman soldiers were obviously much worse than ours. It even happened once in our battalion, in an offensive battle, an Ottoman soldier opened fire on our fighters ten meters away and this could be missed. It was unimaginable.

In addition, its soldiers also have poor gun maintenance, which can be seen from the fact that we seized the enemy's guns, and the guns will be stuck..."

Just as Cosenz was engrossed in writing, there was a knock on the door.

After being interrupted, Cosenz had to get up and open the Hello, Major Cosenz, are you free for a drink? "

Cosenz recognized the man, another major on the same transport as him, Major Bandy Erwin. It is a battalion commander of the Second Marine Division, who has invited him to drink twice, but just wants to gain commanding experience on the battlefield from his mouth.

Cosenz, who was originally determined to refuse. After seeing the wine in the other party's hand, he swallowed and let the other party in.

"Sit down, Major Erwin."

It has been a long time since he saw the Golph wine in his hometown. As soon as he saw this wine, he thought of the bright and moving daughter of the winery owner. Maybe let someone ask yourself if Miss Courtenay is married or not.

Although Cosenz thought for a long time, he still had a good drink with Major Irwin. Finally, after sending Major Irwin away a little dizzy, he glanced at the notepad put away on the table and forgot it. Write it again.

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