My Italian

Chapter 227: make matters worse

In the world-famous Istanbul, there are few pedestrians recently, and even the pedestrians on the road are in a hurry. No way, the empire is in some difficulties now, so people in the capital can naturally feel the danger of the situation.

Of course, in addition to this, the spies who have been rampant recently are a bit arrogant, which is one of the reasons why people in the capital are reluctant to go out. Some time ago, several daring people who dissed the improper handling of this war by the imperial government were subsequently caught in prison.

According to reason, the arrest of a few people should not be known to everyone. The problem is that these people are very well-known in the empire, so it is obvious that they have been made a lot of noise.

Of course, no matter how troublesome it is, it still does not affect the overall situation of the empire.

But to say which is the busiest place in Istanbul at the moment, it is none other than the Ministry of War.

The army department located on the street of Suman the Great was full of people, even if it was close to the evening, there were still people coming and going. The current war has made the Ministry of the Army very busy. Whether it is troop deployment, material supply, troop recruitment and other tasks, this brain needs to be fully functioning.

As the brain in the brain, Nuri Pasha, the Minister of War, is naturally more busy. Many things require his own signature and consent, and these are all important issues and should not be sloppy.

Therefore, during this period, the old marshal basically lived in the Ministry of Army, and rarely went back home. When you get tired, lie down on your office camp bed for a while, then get up and continue working.

This kind of life made the old marshal, who was somewhat fat, lose several kilograms in less than half a month.

But even so, Marshal Nuri Pasha was still worried about the Ottoman army.

"Send a telegram to Lieutenant General Shiman Pasha, asking him to pay close attention to the actions of the Greeks, and to allow him to retreat to Thessaloniki with the Twelfth Army in case of mass."

The Twelfth Army mentioned by Nuri Pasha is a newly formed unit of Ottoman this year. Troops at the end.

And their previous task was to monitor Greece's actions. When the Greeks had bad intentions, they would stick to waiting for help from other troops.

However, due to the current situation, Nuri Pasha had to change their mission, because the Ottoman army was not enough at present, so when it was attacked by the Greek army, it was given priority to retreat. As for its officers and soldiers are mainly formed by the local people, the retreat may cause a big problem? He can't care about that much.

Although the two countries of Sehi have not yet sent troops, the situation is already very unfavorable for the Ottomans. The Balkan countries are adding an Italy? The current Ottoman army is simply not enough. Nuri Pasha also knows this? So the staff officers are stepping up to formulate new mobilization orders.

Just when the old marshal was busy issuing various orders, the adjutant rushed in in a hurry? He came to the old marshal and whispered.

After hearing the adjutant's words, Nuri Pasha opened his eyes wide and said. "Come in quickly."

He then continued to speak to the rest of the office. "You go out first."

Facing the words of the Minister of War? Others left in a hurry? Although they wanted to know which big man was visiting, no one dared to stay and find out.

After the others were emptied, the adjutant came in with a hood that wrapped himself tightly.

As soon as he saw the image of a person, Nuri Pasha was immediately amused. "Your Excellency Grand Vizier? What are you doing? Are we afraid that someone will know when we meet?"

That's right, it's Camille Pasha. After he took off the hood, he saw the old marshal in front of him and said helplessly. "Marshal Nuri Pasha, I don't want to do this either, but sometimes to avoid suspicion? I have to do it."

Although Camille Pasha didn't say anything about avoiding anyone, but the old marshal knew what he meant? I saw his face tighten. "If His Majesty asks, I will answer truthfully."

Of course Camille Pasha knew the attitude of the old marshal in front of him? He felt that the other party had misunderstood. Besides, the most trusted person in Sultan, he is crazy to talk to this nonsense.

"I didn't plan to hide it? It's just to avoid the following crazy talk."

Kamil Pasha's explanation? Marshal Nuri Pasha also believed it? After all, the other party also knew that he was a human being and was loyal to His Majesty the Sultan.

"Then your Excellency, what is the matter with me this time?"

Facing the question of the Minister of War, Kamil Pasha did not answer immediately, but asked a question instead. "I don't know Your Excellency Marshal, do you think our country still has a chance to win this war?"

In the face of Kamil Pasha's inquiry, Marshal Nuri Pasha was silent. He was the one who knew the situation of the war, and of course the one who knew the facts best. When it comes to fighting Italy alone, he is 50% sure to maintain the balance of the battle. Although this may make the Ottomans lose the Mediterranean islands, at least the core European territories can be preserved.

But with Bulgaria and Montenegro, he has only three levels of confidence, giving up part of his territory and defending various key cities waiting for reinforcements from Asia.

It was mainly Bulgaria that made Marshal Nuri Pasha lose confidence. The country's position left the Ottomans in a state of being divided in the European territory, all linked by the coastal zone of Western Thrace. This is a taboo in the military, and there is no way to change it. Unless he wants to provoke the eleventh Russo-Turkish war, this result cannot be changed.

Although Bulgaria and Russia have had poor relations recently, as long as the Empire shows its intention to deal with Bulgaria, it will bring the two countries closer.

As for the current situation, even Marshal Nuri Pasha, who is a famous general, also knows that in this war, Osman is already in a situation where he must lose, and the only result is how much he loses.

But even so, he won't reveal the bottom. "Although our situation is not good, the imperial army is also not afraid. Although we do not have the confidence to win, they also need to pay the price of blood."

Well, the old marshal pointed and answered nonsense.

Seeing the person in front of him doesn't say the result. Of course, Camille Pasha knows what the other side is taboo about.

As the first person in the military, if he says that he has no confidence, then the army will have even more confidence and morale.

Since the other party didn't want to talk, then Camille Pasha didn't make it difficult for him. I saw him speak. "If this war continues, the loss of the empire will be very large, and the conditions encountered at that time will also be more severe."

"Crack! You want to make peace?"

Facing the words of Kamil Pasha in front of him, Marshal Nuri Pasha immediately stood up and slapped the table, angrily scolding the other party. "What does this make the officers and soldiers who are fighting in blood in the front think? You have to know that this will cause a big mess. Are you colluding with the Italians?"

Facing the angry old marshal, Camille Pasha did not speak, just looked at each other quietly, with calm in his eyes.

Facing the expression of the Grand Vizier, Nuri Pasha gradually calmed down his anger.

"After this I won't be able to continue sitting in this seat, win or lose, so this time I have no fear. Yes, the Italians contacted me, Offered their terms with Bulgaria and Montenegro."

Later, Camille Pasha told the other party's conditions. After hearing that Italy needed Libya and Albania, and then made Crete independent, the Marshal Nuri Pasha blushed and waited. He couldn't sit still after hearing that Bulgaria wanted half of Macedonia.

"They are delusional. Our Ottoman army will never agree."

The stubborn performance of Marshal Nuri Pasha gave Camille Pasha a headache. What are you procrastinating at this time?

Just when he was about to speak to persuade the other party, the door was suddenly opened, and the adjutant walked in with a telegram on his face anxiously.

"Marshal, Komodini has fallen. The enemy has taken the city."


The field Marshal Nuri Pasha and Kamil Pasha exclaimed in unison.

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