My Italian

Chapter 217: Battle of Tirana (middle)

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The news of the disappearance of Colonel Ablizi is a bad news for Major General Hashem. Of course, what was even more worrying for him was that the first brigade suffered a lot.

At present, there are only about 4,000 people left in the brigade. Except for the 800 casualties in the two-day battle with the Italian Eighth Division, the remaining casualties came from the retreat at night.

Of course, Colonel Ablizi, who disappeared among them, has to bear a lot of responsibility. After all, he is the troop commander, so it is impossible to justify such a large casualty.

Of course, considering that he was missing, Major General Hasham would not be able to pursue it further. For him, the most important thing at the moment is to withdraw the second brigade in Vachary.

However, compared with the first brigade in Vola, Vachary was not attacked by the Italian army because it was on the road far from Durrës and Tirana, which also gave the second brigade enough time to evacuate. .

And Major General Hashem has ordered someone to send the second brigade back to Tirana with the troops.

As for the first brigade, it will be temporarily represented by its chief of staff. Letting it recover first is also conducive to the subsequent defense work. Therefore, after returning to Tirana, the first brigade gained two precious days of rest.

As for Lieutenant General Simone in Durrës, after receiving the news that the Eighth Division had captured Vola in two days and opened the road to Tirana, he was more confident about his plan.

Apart from the performance of the Eighth Division, there are of course other reasons for him to have such confidence. The most important reason is that in addition to the Fourteenth Division having all landed, the Fourth Mountain Brigade has also landed. .

Being able to send the 14th Division and the 4th Mountain Brigade ashore within four days is naturally inseparable from the hard work of the engineer unit.

Now Simeone has two divisions and one brigade of 40,000 troops, and he has more confidence in capturing Tirana. After all, in Tirana, the Ottomans have only two and a half divisions, less than 40,000 people (does not know that the enemy's 21st division has been withdrawn).

Not only does he have an advantage in military strength, but his equipment also has an absolute advantage. At present, there are 67 artillery pieces above 100 mm caliber ashore in Durres, of which 31 artillery pieces above 150 mm. As for the opponent, according to intelligence, there are 24 artillery pieces with a caliber of 100mm or more, all of which are 105mm howitzers, and there are no cannons with a caliber of 150mm or more and a longer range.

The reason for this is still the same problem. The Ottoman army did not intend to stay here, so the heavier large-caliber and cannons, which are very unsuitable for transfer, had to not be carried. After all, compared with lightweight artillery under 100mm, things like large-caliber and cannons start at least 1.5 tons. In this era of only charging operation, it cannot be considered at all (Tirana has no railway).

Of course, the time to attack Tirara is not yet ripe, because more preparations are needed. If nothing else, the ammunition always needs to be sufficient.

In the past, because the port was rushing to transport personnel and equipment, the transportation of ammunition was ranked behind. Of course, this refers to the scale of ammunition required for the war, and small and medium-scale battles do not require so much preparation.

At present, Simeone has a goal and is ready to occupy Vaccari first. Because according to his judgment, after the capture of Vola, the Ottomans should not continue to stay here, because the road to Tirana has been opened.

The intelligence from the investigation soon confirmed his judgment.

"The enemy of Vachary is packing up, it seems that the enemy is not stupid."

Seeing the latest intelligence from Vaccari, Simone muttered to himself.

"Then do we still send the Fourteenth Division there?"

Facing the words of Chief of Staff Bartlett, Simeone thought about it and said. "Forget it, it's not appropriate to send the 14th Division. Let the Fourth Mountain Brigade go there. It just so happens that the terrain of Vachary is also suitable for the Fourth Mountain Brigade."

Bartlett also agrees with Simeone's words. The terrain of Vachary is indeed a little more complicated than that of Walla, which also makes the road conditions in the place not as good as Walla. Let the mountain travel past, just to be able to play the characteristics of its light equipment. Besides, retaining the vitality of the 14th Division's branch is better able to deal with various situations in the future.

Following Simone's order, the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Mountain Brigade who had not fully recovered within two days of disembarking, immediately packed up their luggage and set off after receiving the order. Colonel Elance, the brigade commander of the Fourth Mountain Brigade, also arranged the departure of the troops immediately.

"Let the first regiment set off first, the second regiment will follow, and the headquarters and affiliated units will be at the end."

Following his orders, the Fourth Mountain Brigade set off in turn.

Of course, this time the Fourth Mountain Brigade was on its way to Vachary, and there was basically no battle. Even if there is, it is only a sporadic spontaneous action by local Albanians. However, these battles may be more appropriate to be called clearing and suppression, and they simply cannot delay the pace of the Fourth Mountain Brigade. In the evening of the same day, Simeone received a message from Brigadier Elance that they had occupied Vachary.

When the Fourth Mountain Brigade occupied Vachary, in the headquarters of the Macedonian Second Army, Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha just received a piece of information, his face was ugly.

"Damn it, what the Italians do, confuse us."

That's right, the Ottomans finally got the information about the Italian army being pinned down by the French exercises.

And Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha, who received this telegram, has mixed flavors. This telegram is really not at the right time. If he can find out four or five days in advance, then he can have other ideas. As for now, this is really bad. manage.

Because he had just received Vola and Vachary were abandoned, which made the defenders stationed in Tirana already on the absolute defensive. If you want to change this situation, you must increase your troops, which is contrary to the policy he set at the beginning.

Perhaps seeing the hesitant expression of Jawad Pasha, Major General Kahraman, the chief of staff of the army, asked. "Then can we surprise the enemy with a wave of reinforcements when they attack Tirana, so that the enemy will not be so presumptuous."

Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha certainly understood the meaning of the chief of staff's words. He wanted to take this opportunity to mobilize troops to give the Italians some ruthlessness. And when the enemy launched an attack on Tirana, it was not unwise. Javad Pasha was naturally moved, but after looking at the map carefully, he dismissed the idea.

"Chief of Staff, your idea is good, but it is not easy to achieve such an effect. First of all, how to hide from the enemy's sight. And even if we hide it, then how can we quickly defeat the enemy instead of being entangled by it? .and also……"

Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha asked several questions in a row, making Major General Kahraman not knowing how to answer for a while.

Seeing the appearance of the Chief of Jawad Pasha can see it. This is also the same as himself. He wants to use this news to get something. But the risks involved, he did not calculate.

"Let's still prepare as before, continue to strengthen our positions and wait for the enemy's attack. We are much more difficult than our opponents in the transportation line."

Seeing this news does not bring him any benefits, Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha is of course not reconciled, but the plan is drastically changed, and the risks involved are too great to be worth it at all. The prudent Jawad Pasha, as the commander of the army, of course needs to take into account all aspects, so it is better to be cautious.

However, although Lieutenant General Jawad Pasha chose to be cautious, he was not at all cautious on the Italian side. After five days of preparation, Simone drove the 8th and 14th Divisions and most of the Fourth Mountain Brigade to the outside of Tirana.

The first decent battle between Italy and Turkey was imminent.

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