My Iron Suit

Chapter 995: Wesker!

"Are you going to put this on the plane?"

Chen Mo asked behind her.

Alice didn't feel too surprised for Chen Mo's easy guessing of her thoughts.

She has long discovered that Chen Mo seems to know everything. The understanding of the umbrella company is even above the senior security director of her former umbrella company!

Turning to look at Chen Mo, Alice said with a serious face.

"Yes, if the guy behind me is behind, we'd better guard against it in advance. He is very good at running away!"

Chen Mo naturally knows who the guy in Alice's mouth is, and he has full confidence that he will not be resurrected like a movie!

However, he did not stop Alice. After all, she did not fully understand the strength of Chen Mo. In her opinion, if it was really escaped by Wesker and detonated the nuclear bomb, everyone on the ship would die. The risk involved is too great!

Instead of stopping her, it would be better for her to take precautions according to her own ideas so that she can be completely at ease.

Without spending too much time, Alice quickly hid the self-destruction device on the plane, and then the two went to the other steel gate opposite the cabin along the corridor that passed straight from the front of the plane.

The white steel gates are also automatically opened. This time, the space in front of the two people is much smaller. The area is less than one quarter of the previous two. The most conspicuous is the six experimental benches not far from the front door. , and a few transparent displays hanging in the middle of the air, looks more like a laboratory!

But the corpses lying on the six benches made Alice frowned.

They wore the same white clothes as the survivors in the outer glass cabin. The identity is self-evident, but at this time, they are no longer normal humans, the skin is blue, the body is dry, like a dehydrated corpse!

When Chen Mo and Alice looked at each other, they walked straight in.

Without paying attention to the door closed behind him, the two walked through the test bench and walked toward several transparent displays in front.

Through a few screens, they can see that there seems to be a figure behind them!

As the two entered, the display in front of them slowly rose upwards, just giving them a way.

When the last display rose, the figure behind it finally appeared in front of them!

A man with a strong body, wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses, his face is cold and sitting on a control chair full of sci-fi atmospheres with many buttons on the armrests.

Looking at the man sitting opposite, Alice said coldly.

"Why am I not surprised at all!"

As she had guessed before, the person who appeared in front of her was the head of the umbrella company she once thought was dead, Wesker!

Wesker didn't react to Alice's sarcasm, but said with a few smug smiles.

"It is not difficult to find you, our satellite system is still in operation, and now there are not many planes in the sky!"

“And, I always knew that you will definitely be attracted to your friends here!”

"Loyalty is really great!"

Obviously, Alice’s whereabouts have always been in the hands of Wesker!

Moreover, he has not only been attracting and arresting survivors, as he has known before, but he has been waiting for her to come to the door!

This trap seems to be designed specifically for her!

Thinking of this, Alice said to Wesker without a sinking face.

"What do you want from me?"

Sitting in the control chair, Wesker heard a cold smile and said proudly.

"T virus makes me born again!"

When Wesker finished, he couldn't help but twist his neck and issued a "Cala!" a crisp sound, and then his face quickly gloomy, and said evilly.

"But it is too powerful! I have been fighting for my complete control!"

“I feel that if you swallow a fresh human DNA, you can regain balance!”

Alice couldn't help but think of the information she had seen in the logbook before, and said coldly.

"No wonder your crew abandoned the ship!"

Wesker said without hesitation.

"It doesn't matter, I have a new plan now!"

"You are the only one who has successfully integrated the T virus. Your DNA is stronger than others!"

"If I swallow you, I will regain complete control of the body!"

Alice nodded and looked at Wesker slowly.

“It’s really a very good idea! But there is a problem with this plan!”

Wesker sat in the control chair with a wink in his face and looked at Alice's indifferent question.

"What is the problem?"

"I am not on the menu!"

After Alice finished, she raised her hand and pulled out the two double-barreled shotguns behind her. She quickly pointed to Wesker and pulled the trigger!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The four gunshots sounded almost simultaneously, and dozens of coins flew out of the four large barrels, spreading them quickly in the air, forming a powerful killing net!

However, Wesker sitting in the control chair was a disdainful smile. The figure quickly stood up from the control chair and hid to the side at a high speed that was almost hard to capture with the naked eye. He successfully flashed before the coin hit him. !

Wesker did not stop here!

After avoiding the cover attack of the coin Wesker looked at Alice coldly, and while Alice’s face changed, the figure suddenly slammed, even more so when she avoided the bullet. Speed ​​rushed towards Alice!

Not waiting for Alice to react, almost in the blink of an eye, Wesker had already rushed to her face, and reached out and grabbed her neck!

Watching Wesker's attack on the coins easily and at an alarming speed, Alice looked very horrified, her eyes could barely capture the figure of Wesker, and it was impossible to see the action of Wesker at this time. She only felt the front. Once again, she lost the trace of Wesker, only to see that he seemed to be rushing towards her!

The last time I attacked the Umbrella Company’s Tokyo base, the two had had a brief fight before the plane crashed into the mountain. Although Alice was infused with immune sera by Wesker, she lost her super power and was in a weak state. It is not the opponent of Wesker, but she can be sure that Wesker was only powerful at the time, and the speed is absolutely not as terrible as it is now, and even can avoid the bullets directly!

Just as Wesker was excited, and Alice was panicked, a figure suddenly stepped forward and stopped in front of Alice at a faster speed than Wesker, grasping Wesker’s Wrist.


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