My Iron Suit

Chapter 975: Chen Mo’s warning!

Alice and Claire couldn't help but turn to look at Chen Mo at the same time.

"Do you know what is going on?"

Chen Mo’s gaze swept across the faces of the two men and slowly said.

"I have seen the people on the ship catch the survivors before!"

"Catch it?"

Alice asked with a frown.


Chen Mo nodded and looked at Alice and said quietly.

“A group of heavily armed soldiers caught the survivors who came from the shore! I think this ship is related to the umbrella company!”

Alice heard Chen Mo’s name as the umbrella company, and the pupil slammed and his face became extremely serious.

When Claire heard Chen Mo's words, he frowned and raised his hand and grabbed his forehead.

"The umbrella company... I remembered it!"

Claire's eyes flashed in his eyes, but then he suddenly shouted excitedly.

"That is a trap!"

Claire said, slammed and grabbed Alice's arm and said excitedly.

"Everyone else has been taken away, only I escaped!"

Alice heard the words, turned her head and looked at the ship that was parked on the coast in the distance. Her eyes were filled with anger, and she said coldly.

"The whole thing, Arcadia, the previous broadcasts, are all lies!"

Standing next to Luther West and Angel Ortiz and other people who heard Claire and Alice couldn't help but face each other. It seems that Chen Mo did not say anything wrong before, the ship did have problems!

Claire, who has personally experienced the arrest and escaped, is the best proof!

If Chen Mo did not warn them in advance, maybe they are still stupidly expecting Arcadia to send someone to save them, even after repairing the armored car, take the initiative to send it to the door!

At the same time as everyone has a lingering fear, Claire, who figured out everything, was full of anger and hate.

"No wonder they have never looked for us before, they have already set a trap, waiting for us to come to the door!"

Alice looked coldly at the ship in the distance and suddenly spoke openly.

"We must go to that ship!"

Claire couldn't help but ask.

"how to get to?"

Alice turned and her eyes fell on the small propeller plane that was parked on the edge of the roof.

Apparently, Alice is planning to continue driving the plane, once again taking a thrilling roof take-off and deck landing!

Claire looked at Alice's gaze and quickly understood Alice's thoughts, and her reaction was a nod of hard force, and she agreed to Alice's very adventurous idea!

However, at this moment, Chen Mo suddenly opened his mouth to discourage.

“It’s too risky to fly. The length of the runway on the top of the building is too short. The danger of taking off is very high, and there is no place on the ship.”

However, Alice and Claire’s persuasion of Chen Mo was totally unmoved, and her face was firm, apparently in order to rescue their friends who were caught on the boat, and they were willing to take risks!

Just as Alice shook her head, she listened to Chen Mo.

"Or, you can wait, we will leave here in a few days, you can go out with us."

Alice couldn't help but be surprised. She looked up at Chen Mo and asked urgently.

"Do you have a way to get out of here?"

"of course!"

As Chen Mo’s voice fell, the eyes of everyone in the prison fell on Angel Ortiz.

Alice and Carlisle saw each other and turned to look at Angel Ortiz in confusion.

Angel Ortiz saw that everyone looked at him and immediately explained.

"We have a riot-proof armored car that Chris found."

Alice and Carlisle couldn't help but turn to look at Chris, but he saw that he just shrugged his shoulders, did not say live, and even listened to Angel Ortiz.

"But the armored car's engine was demolished before, I'm fixing it, and it will take another three days to complete."

After figuring out Chen Mo’s evacuation plan, Alice thought about it and decided in her heart.

Since there is a safer way, they don't have to risk taking the plane to take off for three days, they just can be slightly repaired!

But although there was already a decision, Alice turned her head to look at Claire and asked her for her thoughts.

Claire didn't speak, just nodded to her.

Alice immediately turned to look at Chen Mo and said.

"We are going with you!"

"no problem!"

Chen Mo nodded and agreed, then said to Christo.

"You will take them to dinner first, then arrange the place to live."

Christo readily nodded.

Subsequently, Chen Mo looked at everyone with a serious look, solemnly reminded.

"Recently I have found strange noises in the underground of the prison. It is very likely that there are zombies in the ground. Everyone should be vigilant at all times, try to stay with other people, don't act alone!"

Regarding Chen Mo’s warning, whether it is the survivors in the prison or the new Alice, they all attach great importance to them. They believe that Chen Mo will not casually say it, and it is definitely a situation!

Anyway, being careful is always right!

Immediately, in addition to Chris to stay and continue to send out the whistle, others are ready to go downstairs together.

However, Claire did not move but turned to Alice.

"I am not hungry, let's go first."

Alice saw that she was worried about the companions of the original survivor team caught on the ship, and immediately did not say anything, nodded to her, and left with everyone.

Soon, only Claire and Chris left on the top of the building.

Just after Chen Mo’s reminder, she resumed some memories. She not only remembered the scene where her companions were taken away, but also remembered some other bits and pieces. She seems to have a brother!

Although Chris is still not fully remembered, for Chris, Claire has actually believed in seven points, so for Chris, she has no initial conflict and defense.

Chris naturally wouldn’t remember that his sister had just smashed him a meal. Chris’s heart was also very happy with the slight change in Claire’s attitude.

Standing side by side on the edge of the building, Claire looked at the situation above the "Arcadia" with a telescope and refused to let go of any details.

"No one on the deck!"

While watching, Claire could not help but mutter.

Immediately, she turned her gaze to the bridge and observed it layer by layer.


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