My Iron Suit

Chapter 940: New president!

The cooperation process with Aegis is the most comfortable and efficient of all the shooting experiences of Enron, and the final result is the perfect, the biggest improvement for her!

To be honest, Enron really likes to cooperate with the Aegis Group!

Only the Aegis Group is a company after all, their cooperation is limited to the planning and shooting of advertising, and her real dream is to make a movie!

This makes Enron feel a little regret.

With her understanding of the film industry and today's major film companies, I am afraid that no film company can achieve the degree of Aegis, especially for newcomers like her, the producers will definitely fully intervene in all the affairs of the crew. It would be difficult to make the movie she wants according to her own ideas.

This is evident from the harsh conditions given by the major film companies to the scripts she cast.

So when she learned that the Aegis Group actually planned to set up a film company and entered the film industry, Enron’s heart was very excited.

I will make an appointment to meet at the Aegis Group tomorrow, hang up the phone, and I will be in bed excitedly for a long time before I fall asleep.

The next day, on the top floor of the Aegis Group building, Enron saw Su Shi.

Pushing open the door, and looking at the luxurious office occupying a small half of the floor, I couldn't help but be surprised.

As the eyesight is concerned, the entire office is hundreds of square meters in size and extremely spacious. The sun shines from the outside of the wall, which is completely covered by tall floor-to-ceiling windows, making the space very bright and transparent.

I glanced at Su Shi, who was coming up from her large solid wood desk in front of the glass wall, and turned her head and glanced at the "President's Office" on the sign hanging on the door, and she couldn't help but wonder. .

As far as she knows, the president of the Aegis Group is the arrogant and tyrannical “Chen Mo”, and Su Shi is his secretary. The office where she met Su Shi was not here.

Originally she only thought that Su Shi was changing to a new office, but now it seems that things are not as she thinks!

It is impossible for the secretary to sit behind the president's desk!

"Sister, you are the president?"

Susie looked at her in front of her and pulled her hand intimately. Enron followed her and walked in, and asked with a look of surprise.

Pulling Enron sat down on a set of sofas in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Susie smiled and nodded.

"Yes, the boss just appointed last night, today is my first day!"

After returning from the initial surprise, Enron could not help but be happy with her.

She knows Su Shi’s ability and knows how much she paid for the development of the Aegis Group. The Aegis Group can have the current situation. In addition to its own strength, Su Shi also made a great contribution. This president is her Got it!

Before, she still thought that Chen Mo had thrown her job to Su Shi, but she only gave her a secretary position, and he himself did not care about the title of the president. This made Enron very dissatisfied with Chen Mo. But now it seems that the arrogant and cold guy is still a good person, reward and punishment clearly!

"Then I have to congratulate you first, my sister!"

Enron looked at Su Shi and said happily.

Her attitude towards Su Shi has not changed because of Su Shi’s identity.

Enron itself is not a sturdy person. Naturally, it will not be a blessing because Su Shi became the president, and the relationship between the two has always been very good, although both of them are very busy, there is no time to go shopping, play, often Chatting on the Internet, there are special things that will be shared with the other party, which is a good girlfriend.

Su Shi heard the words and gave a sweet smile. For Congratulations from Enron, Su Shi was also very happy.

The president who was appointed by Chen Mo as the Aegis Group has fully explained Chen Mo’s trust and attention to her, which makes Su Shi feel very happy and satisfied, even more so than the fact that she is the president of Aegis Group. feel happy.

Looking at Enron's heartfelt smile, Su Shi said to her with a smile.

"I want to congratulate you, Enron."

Enron asked with a smile.

"Congratulations to me? Can you finally shoot a movie? It is indeed very happy. I thank you so much about this, my sister!"

Su Shi smiled and shook his head, looking at Enan's eyes, and said solemnly.

“Congratulations on being the director of the first 3D holographic film in history!”

"3D Holographic Movie?"

Enron’s look on his face is even more confusing. Isn’t the 3D movie already there?

Although I have personally photographed the advertisements of holographic smartphones, it is limited by the inherent cognition. Enron, which has not been filmed in a normal movie, naturally does not consider the possibility of making 3D holographic movies.

She apparently regarded the 3D holographic film in Susong as an ordinary 3D movie.

The current 3D movie is not really a true 3D. It is just a 3D camera with a dual lens when shooting. The two eyes of the human eye are simultaneously shot from two similar angles. Finally, the images captured by the two lenses are processed. At the same time, it is projected onto the screen, and then the special images taken by the two lenses are separated by special 3D glasses to restore the effect of binocular vision, thereby achieving a certain three-dimensional effect.

Compared to ordinary flat movies, the effect of 3D movies is naturally much more exciting.

But 3D holographic movies are totally different from this traditional 3D movie!

Ordinary 3D movies must wear 3D glasses with color cast function to achieve 3D effect, and the actual 3D effect can be achieved is very limited.

And no matter where you sit, the picture you see last is actually the same, because the angle of the camera is fixed.

3D holographic movies are different. 3D holographic projection technology can project 3D projections in the same space as real objects. From different angles and directions, you can see different angles of objects.

If a person's 3D image is projected according to the true size, then if you don't carefully distinguish and touch it, it is easy to think of it as a real person standing there!

The 3D holographic film uses a 3D holographic image acquisition device to completely scan and collect the 3D data in a space, and then project it through a 3D holographic projection device, just like creating a realistic 3D sandbox model in a space. With a 100% stereoscopic effect, the level of realism is not comparable to traditional 3D movies!

Su Shi explained the meaning and effect of the 3D holographic film to Enron. Enron suddenly realized that the first 3D holographic film in Su Shi’s history means what it means!

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