My Iron Suit

Chapter 927: The last chance!

In an apartment in the city of Lundun, a bald middle-aged man with a majestic beer belly on the sofa is looking at the pure black car on the TV that is overtaking the Hongniu team.

When the black car successfully completed the transcendence, the bald middle-aged man excitedly tried to get up straight from the sofa, holding a bottle of chilled beer in his hand, waving excitedly and turning his head. Another tall middle-aged man who also sat up on the long sofa shouted.

"More than gone! Great! He actually surpassed Gasley! Rossi, are you sure he is really a newcomer?"

The tall middle-aged man in the long sofa is much more stable than him. Although his face is equally difficult to hide his excitement, he does not yell like him.

In the face of the old friend's exclamation, the middle-aged man did not have a good voice.

"What about new people, do you know that there is something called talent?"

The bald middle-aged man did not care about the old friend, but turned to stare at the screen and said something worried.

"But he just delayed for too long, only three corners left, and time is not enough to continue to surpass Russell!"

The high-handed man who heard the rare words did not continue to marry him, but instead nodded in deep thought, Shen Sheng said.

"Yes, and Russell's strength is still above Gasley. It seems that the newcomer may not be big!"


On the court, many viewers have similar ideas to the two.

Just now, Carlos Sainz used nearly ten corners to successfully surpass the Grace Bulls' Garsley. Now there are only three corners left to enter the final sprint. I want to be here. Among the three corners, the last champion, recognized as the most powerful Russell, is almost impossible to do!

If there is another lap of time, it may be possible, but now, let alone catch up, it is a problem to catch up.

Russell's own strength is top-notch. Every corner is handled perfectly, and the speed of passing through is basically the fastest. If Carlos Sainz wants to catch up with him, he must be faster than him. Row!

Bernie Todd in the stands looked at the black car that was tens of meters behind, and his face could not help but show a sneer.

Russell, who is now at the forefront, is the driver of his fallen Ferrari team!

Russell was able to beat Carlos Sainz on the court, which means that the Aegis car lost to Ferrari, which is a very happy thing for him!

Your Aegis car technology is advanced, but it is a real newcomer in the field of f1 racing. It is a dream to win all the old teams and win the championship in the first game!

Even if other teams are defeated by you, our Ferrari will never lose!

He believes that after a night, the news that Aegis will be defeated by the hands of Ferrari will be well known. At that time, the sales of Aegis will definitely be affected, but his Ferrari can fully take advantage of this time. The opportunity to defeat the Aegis car, once again regain the lost market!

Just when most people think that Carlos Sainz has no hope of catching up, the speed of the pure black car is suddenly increased again!

Before Carlos Sainz spent most of his time in the car ahead of the front, so the big turn was not the fastest route.

And now there is only the last car left in front, and the final victory is in front of you. Carlos Sainz has fully played his own strength and the performance of Aegis when he is chasing, every time he enters the corner. The angle and timing are just right, the speed of the corner is actually a little faster than Russell, and the distance between the two cars starts to zoom in quickly!

Just before the last corner, Carlos Sainz finally caught up behind Russell and bit him tight!

And the distance between the two cars continues to shorten!

The audience in front of the scene and the TV are all boiling!

He actually caught up!

There is also the last corner, and Carlos Sainz has hope!

Many viewers couldn't help but stand up from their seats. They stared at the two cars on the track with their eyes fixed. Whoever the final champion belongs to, they saw it in this last corner!

Russell didn't panic because of the tightness of Carlos Sainz. He still started to bend at his own pace. At the same time, he was always paying attention to the black car that was behind him. Carry out technical blocking!

As the champion of several consecutive f1, he is confident to suppress Carlos Sainz in this corner, so that he can not overtake.

The final victory will inevitably belong to him!

But what surprised everyone was that Carlos Sainz didn't choose to change lanes, but instead followed Russell's car, and also cut the corner from the outside line according to the best cornering route.

Two cars, one red and one black, just like this, one after the other, galloping through the corner.

With both hands firmly holding the steering wheel and trying to precisely control the cornering route, Russell also always pays attention to the black car that is behind him.

However, until the corner has passed most of the time, the other side has no intention of overtaking.

Although the distance between the two cars seems to have shortened a bit, but the black car has always been honestly following his car does not mean any changeover.

Russell couldn't help thinking about it. This newcomer still had some self-knowledge until he could not surpass him. He simply gave up the meaningless attempt and turned to close the distance, so that he was not so ugly.

However, in the corner, he did not explode all the speed for safety and security. After the corner, he would open the guy directly, a newcomer, not qualified to line up with his f1 championship!

Under the intense gaze of the audience and the TV in front of the TV, the last corner passed quickly, and Russell's red Ferrari car rushed out of the corner against the inside.

However, after the exit, because the angle of the car can not be adjusted immediately, the car does not close the inside line to complete the sharp turn, but cut out from the inside of the curve, continue to follow the arc of the corner, toward the track The outer line on the left side slanted away.

This is the most common and fastest way for the f1 driver to turn corners. The outside line is bent, the inner line is cut, and the outer line is cut out. This way, the original arc of the track can be made more gentle, and the bending distance can be shortened and improved. Turning speed.


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