My Iron Suit

Chapter 474: Secret base!

In the face of General Paul Huggins, William Stryker announced to the people of the first team of the special war that they could leave the battlefield in Vietnam and join his secret research department.

As a result, it was found that the soldiers in the first squad of the special warfare had a flat response, and some people were dissatisfied and hostile. This made them full of confidence and thought they would "save" them out of this battlefield, and they would be able to reap the gratitude of William. · Strike can't help but be wrong, he seems to have missed something!

General Paul Huggins’s reaction to seeing the first team of the special war was gratifying. It seems that the special team he has always valued did not disappoint him. They still looked at him and did not have the opportunity to leave the battlefield. And ecstatic.

This made General Paul Huggins look a lot of lost face, and looked at William Struck, who was squinting and robbing him, and said with a smile.

"I know that you guys are warriors who are not afraid of death. You will definitely not agree to leave the battlefield to study the gates. Therefore, I have discussed with the top military chief of this secret research department."

General Paul Huggins said that he looked at Chen Mo and Victor and James, and said with a smile.

"The three of you will join a team that is entirely composed of the same special abilities as you, and the tasks you will perform will be even more daunting."

As the commander of the US Mission to the United States, the US Army General, General Paul Huggins is qualified to know the existence of the mutant research department and some general conditions. Of course, the most important secrets still need to be kept secret.

General Paul Huggins’s words made Victor and James shine, and the dissatisfaction on his face was swept away.

The same special ability as them?

So far, they have only met Chen Mo, who did not expect that there are other special abilities in the world like them!

Seeing the fascination of Victor and James, General Paul Huggins again set his sights on other special warfare players.

"You will join the Institute's defense force as the captain, responsible for researching the security and security of the base, and leading the team to perform some field missions when needed."

General Paul Huggins’s voice was behind, and the faces of other special warfare players looked good. However, no one spoke. Everyone looked at Chen Mo, who stood at the top of the team.

As the first squad of the special warfare, and even the absolute core of the entire MACV-SOG, Chen Mo’s prestige is unparalleled. Even the commander of the US Servicing Commander, General Paul Huggins’ position in the minds of special warriors Can not compare with the military mythology Chen Mo.

Feeling the eyes of the special team members, General Paul Huggins and William Stricker all fell on Chen Mo.


General Paul Huggins naturally knew Chen Mo’s prestige among the soldiers, and directly pointed out his name and let Chen Mo express his position.

William Stricker also looked at Chen Mo a little embarrassed. He also saw that Chen Mocai is the core and soul of this team. If he wants to control this team, he still has to rely on Chen Mo's cooperation.

Previously, Chen Mo’s look had not changed and he had not spoken. At this time, in response to the question of General Paul Huggins, Chen Mocai finally reacted.

I saw him stepping forward and stepping forward to a military ceremonial toward General Paul Huggins, with a calm voice.

"Resolutely obey orders!"

William Stryker, who was still worried that Chen Mo would oppose and was awkward, heard the truth.

After all, MACV-SOG was formed under the orders of President Kennedy. Although their transfer was approved by the military's top management, if Chen Mo did not agree, he could completely refuse the execution on the grounds of the president's order. Fortunately, Chen Mo's The performance was very satisfying to General Paul Huggins and William Strick.

It seems that Chen Mo, the commander of the special team, is not an unruly existence, although he is strong, and the command of the sergeant can still be resolutely completed.

However, the two taller and more magnificent warriors around him seem to be more wild and difficult to train, but with the existence of Chen Mo, controlling the whole team is not a problem.

Looking at the light and standing, Chen Mo, William Strauck showed a satisfactory smile at the corner of his mouth, gently nodded, apparently very satisfied with Chen Mo's performance.

That night, Chen Mo and his first special squad left Vietnam on a military plane and returned to the United States the next day.

William Stricker took the Chen Mo and his entourage back to the headquarters of the research department of the mutant, a secret base deep in the mountains.

Originally a missile base of the military, the location was extremely hidden. After the launch of the "X Weapons Program", it was provided by the military to William Strick as the headquarters of the research department of the mutant.

William Strike and Chen Mo, who took a helicopter at a military base in the United States, entered the base through a passage in the stone cliff above the waterfall. Watching the fish from the plane The sixteen warriors, William Stricker's eyes flashed a hint of excitement.

Although it took a lot of time and energy to go to Vietnam, the harvest was extremely huge. Not only did I recruit three powerful mutants at a time, but I also unexpectedly got a top-level special team.

However, this special team composed of ordinary people is only a surprise to him. His favorite is the mutant.

The X team that he spent a lot of time building was a super team composed entirely of mutants.

Although the first squad of the special warfare is powerful, the biggest reliance is Chen Mo and Victor and James, and they are all "mutant people"!

The strength of other special warfare players is top notch among ordinary people, but it is still not enough to see in front of the mutants.

Therefore, the only ones who joined the X team were Chen Mo and Victor and James, three powerful "mutants", while the remaining 13 of the first team of the special war were discussed by General Paul Huggins and General Munson. That way, joined the base guards,

With the strength of their top special warriors, rich experience in combat, and a higher rank than ordinary soldiers, they will naturally not be regarded as ordinary soldiers, but directly become the captains of the teams of the base hundred guards, they will The soldiers of these guards carried out intensive training and re-arranged the defensive forces to improve the defense capabilities of the entire base.

Although William Stricker is a major, he is a researcher and he is not good at arming, tactics, and command. (https:)

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