My Iron Suit

Chapter 307: ruins!

Although Jarvis can directly create a priesthood for him, although the people here have no feelings under the influence of “Bosian”, they are not fools. Suddenly, they suddenly come up with a priest who has never seen a priest. Will find abnormal.

After all, Chen Mo appeared out of thin air, and no one has ever seen him before.

Therefore, it is impossible to directly become a priest to learn to fight, but you can take a step back and slowly.

The status of the priest is too high and too conspicuous. It is impossible to mix in directly, but there is one place.


"I am at your service, sir!"

"Search for military soldiers who look like me and have no family members."

"Okay, sir!"

Jarvis invaded the archives of the army and quickly found a candidate who met Chen Mo’s requirements.

"Sir, there are three people who are more in line."

With Jarvis's words, a light curtain was projected from Chen Mo's left-hand watch, and a holographic screen was formed in front of Chen Mo, which showed three tall and powerful photos and materials of white and black people.

In fact, it’s really not easy for Chen Mo’s body to be impersonated. It’s not similar, but the yellow racer who is similar to his height is simply not found. Fortunately, Chen Mo’s army is mixed with Libya’s army. It is an army with no feelings and all soldiers are like robots.

Although the height and size of these people are a little different from Chen Mo, it is not very obvious. They can't be seen after wearing the military black leather windbreaker and fully enclosed helmet.

Appearance and skin color were not a problem. Chen Mo had specially asked Jarvis to check the situation of the army. All the soldiers went out to perform the task wearing a fully enclosed helmet that wrapped the entire head, and the face was completely obscured.

The soldiers' dormitory is all a small single room like a prison cell. When they return to the task, they will return to their respective rooms to rest. The next day they will be fully armed to perform the task. They don’t know each other’s looks at all. Any exchange, there is no friendship.

Even the soldiers in the same team know each other only by name. The purpose is only to facilitate command and coordinated operations. The names of these names are only a code name. Besides, they have any difference from each other. Race, no skin color, no appearance.

Under the influence of "Bo Xi'an", all soldiers are like programmed robots. They don't have any self and personality. What they know is just executing orders.

This strengthens the church's management of the troops, but also provides convenience for Chen Mo to join the army, at least not to worry about the appearance of the horse.

Among the three people listed by Jarvis, one is the guard of the church building, one is a member of the Nethers District patrol, and the other is a member of the action team who is responsible for assisting the clerics to clear the emotional prisoners.

Without hesitation, Chen Mo directly chose the last person, so that Jarvis changed all his information except his name to his own. After all, even if the soldiers of the action team had nothing to do except the task. Communication, the same team, their respective names are still known.

After telling Jarvis to pay attention to his movements, Chen Mo walked out of this abandoned factory building, and it was still a run-down. It seems that no one has been involved in it for many years, and the weeds have grown to waist.

Chen Mo did not leave the factory, but walked up the stairs along the rusted side of the factory.

"Hey! Hey!"

Every step of the way, the stairs are squeaky metal friction, it seems that the decaying steel is overwhelmed, and may collapse at the foot of Chen Mo.

After a while, Chen Mo climbed the top of the factory building up to a dozen meters along the "dangerous ladder" and stood on a platform. Chen Mo turned around and looked around, and all the surrounding scenes were reflected in his eyes.

Similar to this abandoned factory at his feet, there was a ruin everywhere, and some buildings collapsed in half. The wreckage of the broken wall was everywhere, making this abandoned place more broken and desolate.

Here is the "Nethers", the ruins of the city outside the walls of Libya.

Just in the west of Chen Mo's location, a place more than ten kilometers away, a tens of meters high, thick and solid huge city wall stands on the ruins, extending far beyond the two sides.

Although most of the scenes behind were blocked by the tens of meters high gray walls, but across the wall, you can still see a towering building coming out in the distance, and several more seemingly hundreds of meters. The tall and majestic buildings are almost inserted into the sky, and the majesty that can't be said can be seen from afar.

However, all the buildings are the same as the wall, the shape is chilly, gloomy and gray, although spectacular, but it reveals a cold, dead, like a dead city.

It’s like the sky above Chen Mo’s head, dark and dark.

If it weren’t for the faintly visible airships on the fence, it would be unbelievable.

Although Libya is a country, it is actually a city surrounded by huge walls. It is built on the ruins of a large city destroyed by war. Within the wall, it is a modern city with high-rise buildings after reconstruction. In addition, it still maintains its post-war status only a piece of broken ruins, and deserted buildings.

The time is almost the same as that of Chen Mo’s crossing. It’s nearing the sunset at sunset, the golden sunshine is falling far away, and the towering building behind the wall is golden, but it’s not given to the cold city. How much warmth is added, but it is more a feeling of suffocation.

It was the vast ruins outside the wall. Under the slanting sunlight, the original desolation was in ruin, but it was a little more angry.

The windows of the abandoned building reflect the golden sunlight. It seems that the blonde girl is sneaking behind the window. The leaves of several big trees are also dyed with a layer of golden color. It is a bit more sorrowful.


For a few days, Chen Mo did not go anywhere. He waited quietly in this abandoned factory. If he had nothing to climb the roof, he could see the remains of this Third World War. At the end of the huge ruins, before the war, what a brilliant scene.

On this day, Chen Mo was idle, and climbed up to the roof to see the scenery. Such a spectacular and desolate scene of the end, it is really not easy to see, and Chen Mo seems to have a taste.

He was seeing God, but Jarvis’s voice suddenly sounded.

"Sir, the target has just left the city with the team and is heading for the eight districts of Nethers."

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