My Iron Suit

Chapter 1192: Fighting cursed warriors!

Latest website: But Malikis was one step closer to Frigga. After noticing Frigga chasing behind him, Malikis quickly picked up the short knife on the ground that had been destroyed by her and ran away in panic. "Jane Foster" caught up.

Jane Foster was just an ordinary man. Where could escape his pursuit, and before Frigga caught up, Malakis's hand was already grabbing "Jan Foster".

However, after touching the body of "Jane Foster" with his palm, he passed through her body without any hindrance, and the figure of "Jane Foster" was like a bubble. A golden light shattered and disappeared!

After Malikis was stunned, he could not help turning to look at Friega, who was catching up, and roared angrily.

"Witch! Where is the ether ?!"

Frigga smiled coldly, without speaking, but rushed forward and fisted at him.

Although the short sword was taken by Algorim, Frigga was not afraid even if he was bare-handed.

The severe attack made Malikis hurriedly parry, and at the same time the short knife in his hand was also cut off towards Friega.

Frigga's agile skills made most of Maliki's attacks missed, and some unavoidable attacks were blocked by the golden wristbands on her arm.

It's just that the short knife in Malekis's hand still gives him a certain advantage. Although he is not as good as Frigga, but relying on the convenience of weapons, he has not fallen into the wind. The two of you came and went for a while, No one can do nothing.

On the other side, after avoiding Chen Mo's assault, Algorim turned quickly and looked at Chen Mo alertly. At the same time, he also noticed the half of the black horns falling from the ground.

If it hadn't been for a while, if the sword had been cut on his head, he might have cut his skull directly!

Although he felt contradicted by his monster-like appearance, Algorim was still angry at Chen Mo's cutting off his horns!

It's just anger, but no fear!

In Algorim's view, the guy in black armor on the stone platform only took advantage of the sneak attack, which would hurt him.

For his ability to curse the warrior, Algorim has absolute confidence. Even God Odin is not necessarily his opponent!

Chen Mo on the stone platform did not relax because he cut off a horn of Algorim.

The sword he just said can be said to have done his utmost to gain momentum, both speed and strength have been exerted to the extreme, but also took advantage of sneak attacks.

However, this was the case, but Algorim escaped in time and just cut off a horn, which was almost a return.

And when he cut off the horn just now, Chen Mo could obviously feel the huge resistance from the blade. If he did not use his full strength and the strong power of the steel suit, he would not be able to cut it off!

If he can rely on his own power, it is estimated that he can make a gap!

The body strength of the cursed soldier is somewhat beyond his imagination, just don't know if his body is as hard as this horn!

The two looked at each other for a moment, and the next moment, their bodies moved at the same time, and Qi Qi flung towards each other!

Chen Mo wielded a sword in his hand, and slashed his head at Algorim.

Just cut off a corner by Chen Mo Yijian, Algorim did not dare to pick it up empty-handed as against Frigga, just in his hand he held the short sword taken from Frigga, even when wielding the sword Block.


With a crisp sound and sparks splattering, Chen Mo's sword was blocked by him, but Algorim also found that a sharp gap appeared on the blade of the dagger, but it was just when the two swords hit each other. It just broke!

Obviously the quality of this short sword in his hands is far worse than the long sword in Chen Mo's hands!

However, after all, it is the sabre guarded by the Asa Protoss, and it is not made of iron. Although it fell apart, it still blocked Chen Mo's attack and was not directly cut off!

Argorim immediately opened Chen Mo's sword, and then slashed his sword at Chen Mo!

The brief confrontation just now made Chen Mo feel that Algorim's power is far above him!

When the sword was swung open, the power passed was extremely tyrannical. If he had not taken the sword first, he would have been pushed out.

Even though Chen Mo was wearing a steel suit, his power had greatly increased. Algorim, the cursed warrior, still crushed Chen Mo on strength!

Therefore, Chen Mo didn't slam the head with Algorim. When he saw the opponent's short sword cut, Chen Mo's body flashed flexibly, and at the same time he lifted the sword toward his chest as a chest stab!

Although looking stout and heavy, in fact, Algorim was not slow. Instead, he reacted and attacked very quickly.

In a shot, when seeing Chen Mo as the long sword stabbed in the chest, Algorim did not dare to brace his tough body like a normal Asgard soldier.

The horn that was just cut off by Chen Mo is still lying on the ground. He doesn't think that his body can block the magic soldier.

Algorim immediately waved the short sword cut in his hand and blocked it.

Chen Mo knew that his power was not as good as cursing the soldiers. Seeing that the long sword could not stab Algorim before being blocked, Chen Mo was not hard-wired, quickly adjusted the direction of the blade, and took the initiative toward the gap made by the short sword Cut it up, and under the clash of two swords, sparks popped out, deepening the gap a little more.

Subsequently, Chen Mo did not fight with Algorim ~ ~ but took advantage of the rebound force to quickly close the sword. The long sword crossed an arc in the air and chopped off towards Algorim's neck again!

Algorim's response was also fast. The short sword was raised, blocking Chen Mo's attack, but the gap on the short sword was deepened again!

The speed and reaction of the two were very fast. You and I came and fought more fiercely than Frigga and Malkis. "Dang! Dang!" The long sword's clashes were endless, the blade The spark of collision is constantly flashing!

But over time, Chen Mo quickly fell into the down!

Algorim's speed was not much slower than him, and his strength completely crushed Chen Mo. In addition to initially occupying the initiative for a short time with the attack, Chen Mo was quickly suppressed by Algorim's counterattack. .

Chen Mo relied on a slightly stronger speed and exquisite sword support, but she was not defeated on the spot, but she was completely passive.

Facing the horrific and violent attacks of Algorim, Chen Mo can only continuously resolve, block and dodge, and can't fight back!

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