My Iron Suit

Chapter 1175: Guardian Heimdall!

The three of them were taken aback by this sudden group of things, but then they found out that those things were not birds, but a group of baby fist-sized black drones!

In the surprised eyes of the three of them, these micro drones with a total number of hundreds of them all flew over a half-meter-square alloy box placed in the corner of the first floor, and soon all entered the box. Disappear!

Squinting as the two agents approached and closed the box, Dr. Servig could not help asking.

"What it is?"

默 With regard to the drone, Chen Mo did not request to keep Dr. Servig confidential, so he heard Dr. Servig's inquiry, and one of the agents answered directly.

"Miniature reconnaissance drone!"

Daisy said quickly when she heard the words.

"They must have a video function, we can check what they have taken there, maybe we can find their tracks!"

Dr. Serveig nodded again and again.

However, the two agents heard that they directly shook their heads and rejected their request.

"If the drone finds the commander, it will bring his news back. Now the drone is not responding, indicating that the commander is not across the space channel. As for the pictures taken inside, it is confidential and cannot be presented to you for the time being. Show. "

Dr. Servig and Daisy didn't say anything more. In fact, they also know that the probability of two spatial channels leading to the same space is very small. The two connected channels at the stairwell are very rare. , And the distance itself is very close, somewhat similar to the twin brothers.

The wormhole entered by Chen Mo and Jan Foster is obviously another independent wormhole, which has disappeared and is unlikely to be connected to the space behind the wormhole in the stairwell.

So the three did not spend much time on these two wormholes, but instead re-adjusted the detection device placed in the entire construction site. As long as there are wormholes opened, Dr. Servig's control Will be displayed on the device the first time!

Next, there is only waiting!

Wait, this is for hours!

Until the evening, the sky gradually began to darken, and the controller in Dr. Servig's hand suddenly sounded a beep!

The three of them were sitting on the stairs and dozing against the wall. Daisy's head was tilted directly to Ian's shoulder, and the sound of a sudden sound suddenly awakened the three.

Daisy agitated straight up, then noticed the picture displayed on the controller screen held by Dr. Servig sitting in front of her.

When Daisy's face was a joy, she quickly pushed Dr. Servig, who was still a little confused, and said excitedly.

"Eric, look, there is a space channel!"

Dr. Servegg quickly picked up the controller he was holding in his hand, looked down at the panel, and saw on the virtual map that there was a red light flashing in one place!

Dr. Servig immediately awakened completely, operated the controller a few times, and then determined the position of the red light.

"In the western workshop!"

Immediately, the three hurriedly got up and ran towards the western factory building that had been inspected and installed the detection device.

The two agents who had been waiting for a while before looked at each other, lifted up the alloy box containing the micro drone, and strode behind the three!

Uh ...

Asgard, Golden Palace.

Knowing that Chen Mo could find evidence to prove the existence of the dark elves, Sol hurriedly questioned.

"What evidence? What should we do?"

I looked at the eager Sol, but Chen Mo said slowly.

"If there were no accidents, the evidence should now be on Earth."

Sol could not help but speak.

地球 "Earth? Let's go to Rainbow Bridge and go to Earth now!"

对 "Yes, we are here, Eric and Daisy must be very anxious now! I will go back with you!"

Jane Foster thought of Daisy and others on Earth, and quickly said.

It is also good to experience the Rainbow Bridge teleportation, but Chen Mo shook her head towards Jane Foster and denied her decision.

简 "Jane, there are ether particles in your body. If you return to Earth, it is likely to lead Malikis directly, you will still be safer to stay here!"

Jane Foster knew what Chen Mo said when he heard the words, hesitated or nodded, and it was enough for Sol and Chen Mo to go back.

But when the three came to Rainbow Bridge, they found that things were not so simple!

"Heimdal, send us to earth!"

Sol first walked into the Rainbow Bridge transmission room and stood on the console facing him, wearing a mighty golden armor, unusually tall and tall, holding a huge sword, Heimdall said directly.

Sol is familiar with Heimdall. During this time, he used the Rainbow Bridge frequently in the nine major countries. And every night, Sol came to talk with Heimdall. By the way, let him help see Jane Foster. Case.

Heimdall is the guardian and gatekeeper of Asgard. His eyes have a strange ability to see anywhere in the Nine Realms. He is responsible for guarding the Rainbow Bridge connecting the nine kingdoms. The key to the Rainbow Bridge.

When He usually used the Rainbow Bridge, Sol always said one thing, but today, after he finished speaking, he found that Heimdal didn't do anything.

He looked at Heimdall in doubt, but heard Heimdall say in a deep voice.

"Odin has just given an order and will not allow you to leave Divine Realm!"


Sol turned and looked at Chen Mo and Jan Foster ~ ~ angrily.

"It looks like we're one step behind!"

He knew that Heimdall's loyalty to Odin would not easily disobey Odin's orders!

When Saul was angry, Chen Mo said with a look of indifference.

"Let's go back."

Sol looked at Chen Mo calmly, and said puzzledly.

"Don't go to Earth to get evidence?"

"You don't have to cross the Rainbow Bridge to get evidence."

Chen Chen glanced at Sol and turned his attention to Jan Foster.

"Forget how we got here?"

Sol and Jane Foster understood instantly.

"Go! Let's go to the dungeon!"

In fact, Chen Mo originally wanted to wait for a while, because he knew that the space channel connecting Earth and Asgard would not open again after about five hours.

However, under the repeated urging of the impatient Sol, Chen Mo thought that it would be better to go early to see if there might be other space channels opened in advance or maybe.

Chen Mo came to the dungeon with Saul and Jane Foster again, but this time Jan Foster was sober.

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