My Iron Suit

Chapter 1169: Reckless Sol!

"Step aside!"

With a sigh of rage, Sol reached out and pushed the two soldiers in front of the door out of the air. Then he raised the Quake, and prepared to blast the stone door open with a hammer.

The two guards pushed by him fell to the ground without any injuries, but looking at Sol's angry look, the two looked at each other and saw a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes.

Sol's reckless fault was committed again, but this was obviously not something they could stop, so the two simply lay on the ground like this, pretending they couldn't help it.

They don't think their small body can withstand the attack of Thor's hammer in Sol's hand.

This guy, Sol, can't even control Odin, can he count on their two ordinary dungeons to block him!

Moreover, after all, Sol is the eldest son of Odin, and the future heir of the Asgard throne is not an enemy. Although they do not know what is behind the stone gate, it is not a problem to let Sol enter.

However, the two guards did not stop, but Chen Mo on the side quickly stepped forward and blocked Sol.

"Busy, you fool, Jane Foster is right behind the door!"

When Sol heard his face changed, he quickly put down the hammer, and then looked at Chen Mo with some blush.

As Chen Mo said, his ill-conceived fault has not changed. If Chen Mo didn't stop it in time, he might have smashed the stone gate. If Jan Foster was injured, he would definitely blame him!

Putting down the Thor's hammer, Sol immediately stretched out his hands and pressed it against the stone door. The thick stone door carved with a gorgeous pattern was replaced by Sol and pushed away, and the light in the dungeon was projected through the gap he pushed open Go in and let Sol see at a glance Jane Foster lying unconscious behind the door!

When Sol saw his arms slammed hard, he pushed the two half-opened stone gates directly to open to both sides, and the thick stone gates hit the stone wall on the inside with a loud noise.

Chen Mo looked at Sol who rushed to Jan Foster before squatting down anxiously, and shook his head helplessly.

Isn't this guy afraid that the stone gate was pushed by him and crashed directly on the stone wall, falling down and smashing Jan Foster?

Chen Mo couldn't help but worry about Jane Foster, if the two of them would really be together in the future, they would always face the risk of being killed by Sol accidentally!

It is estimated that only those guys with strong vitality, such as Rocky, who have not died after falling off the cliff and the roof of the building, can grow up healthy under Sol's care and survive hard!

Chen Mo seriously doubted what exactly happened to Rocky's childhood. Besides his jealousy, how much of his hatred for Sol was caused by the reckless and injurious Sol?

Saul didn't know that Chen Mo was slandering him, and all his attention was on Jane Foster in his arms.

After calling several times, but still unable to wake her up, Sol couldn't help getting nervous.

Holding Jane Foster with both hands, Sol turned around and hurriedly walked out of the passage while whispering to Chen Mo.

"follow me!"

Sol walked with Jane Foster all the way, and as he passed by Rocky, Rocky couldn't help looking at the woman lying in Sol's arms.

Seeing Sol's anxious look, this woman was obviously very important to him.

If before, Rocky would definitely think about how to deal with this woman to fight against Sol, but now, feeling the anxiety and worry in Sol's heart, Rocky couldn't help but treat more women than she had seen before A touch of care.

At least, Rocky knew that he didn't want this woman to be in trouble!

After taking Jane Foster and Chen Mo out of the dungeon, Sol left the Golden Palace directly, and came to a golden spire-like building on an island in the heart of the lake.

As soon as he entered the door, Sol shouted at some of the women in the same long blue dresses.

"Where is Sophia? I need her!"

Saul's voice scared the women inside, and they turned to look at him. When they found Jan Foster, who was obviously in a coma, held by Saul in her arms, they immediately realized what was going on.

Several people quickly turned to find Sophia in Sol's mouth, while others pushed open the door of the next room and guided Sol into it.

When Sol lowered Jan Foster gently on a white-lit table in the middle of the room, an older, mature and steady woman walked quickly in from the doorway. It was Sol Sophia in the mouth.

"Sor, what happened?"

After Sophia entered, her eyes fell on Jan Foster, who was lying on the table.

"What's up with her?"

As he said, Sofia hurried to the table.

"An unknown substance has penetrated her body, and she has been unconscious since then!"

Saul said anxiously.

Sofia heard nothing and said nothing. She stretched out her palm and ran across the table. At the four corners of the table, between the four brackets that looked like decorative fences, a line suddenly appeared like flowing sand. .

With the continuous operation of Sophia's hands, a body image composed of these golden light spots emerged from above Jan Foster's body, which looks very similar to holographic virtual imaging, and also reveals the situation in Jan Foster's body. .

This seems to be a body detection device that can perform all-round detection and holographic simulation display. Although the structures of internal organs and blood vessels are not clearly shown at this time, it seems to be able to clearly detect the energy response in Jan Foster .

I saw the body part of the ghostly body composed of golden light spots, a red light group was constantly moving, and constantly changing shape.

"How is it going?"

Saul looked at the continuously moving red ghost ~ ~ and couldn't help asking.

Sophia said as she examined what was happening inside Jan Foster.

"The energy in her body is enough to make her fatal, but for now, it doesn't seem that the substance has harmed her."

Sol didn't take it easy, but frowned.

"Then why doesn't she wake up?"

Sofia said after checking again.

"The brain is not damaged. It should be a coma caused by energy shocks. I can try to wake her up."

Sophia said, operating on a virtual operating platform composed of golden light spots in front of him, a dazzling golden light wrapped Jan Foster's head.

Soon, the golden light dissipated, and Jan Foster's closed eyes trembled a few times, then opened slowly.

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