My Iron Suit

Chapter 1157: Jan Foster!

"Rocky's control of your mind has long been lifted. Although there may be a little bit of sequelae, it's just some psychological shadow."

"Your research is not wrong, celestial aggregation is about to happen, and the nine kingdoms will coincide! The spatial fluctuations you find are the precursor to celestial aggregation!"

"I'm not crazy? Haha, great, I'm not crazy!"

Dr. Servegg heard Chen Mo's words, and the whole man couldn't help getting excited!

比 It's like a terminally ill patient suddenly found that he was actually not sick. Dr. Selweig couldn't help himself.

Feeling a little over-excited, Dr. Servig habitually pulled out a bottle of prescription tranquilizers from his pants pocket, and unscrewed the cap while talking toward Chen Mo.

"Should you come?"

默 Chen Chen looked at Dr. Servig, and could not help but doubt his own words, was this guy really not crazy?

He waved his hand and flew the medicine bottle in Dr. Servig's hand, Chen Mo said solemnly.

"Doctor, you don't need them! But if you continue to take medicine, you may really go crazy!"

Dr. Selvig heard that he also felt that his recent situation had a lot to do with the random taking of medicine. He nodded hard and said to Chen Mo with approval.

"You're right, I don't need these things!"

As he said, Dr. Servig took another pile of bottles and cans from his pockets and threw them to the ground.

Looking at the dozen or so various medicine bottles rolling on the floor, Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh, this guy is fatal without taking medicine to die!

Chen Mo didn't care about these anymore, and directly talked about the business.

"We found an area of ​​gravitational anomaly and need your help to investigate!"

Dr. Servig immediately became serious when he heard that, and said seriously.

没 "No problem, these detectors I made just happened to detect gravitational and spatial anomalies, but I need Jane's help!"

On the other side, Thor ’s earth girlfriend, Jane Foster, who is also an astrophysicist, is dating in a Western restaurant. Of course, it is not Thor who is sitting opposite her!

Two years ago, Sol, who had been demoted by Odin, recovered his divine power. After learning that his father Odin fell ill on the bed, and after Rocky had acted in Asgard, Saul said goodbye to Jan Foster and returned. Asgard, stop Loki.

However, Jane Foster has not seen him for more than two years since Sol left, thinking that Jane Foster who had abandoned her has tried to forget Sol's existence through a blind date introduced by his mother.

But obviously the effect is not very good. Although sitting with other men, Jane Foster's mind continued to appear in the figure of Sol. She regretted that she had promised her mother to arrange this blind date.

She can't forget Sol!

I watched the menu with only three options for ten minutes, and Jane Foster didn't know what to say to the opposite guy.

简 Just when Jane Foster was embarrassed, her assistant Daisy came over.

"What are you doing here?"

Jane Foster asked, puzzled.

"I ran to your laboratory, that is, your mother's house started, I thought I would see you in your pajamas walking around the house, eating ice cream and missing you ..."

Jane Foster heard a quick cough here.

Although she doesn't feel the opposite of the blind date, she shouldn't mention it in front of her.

Although Daisy was somewhat unreliable, she was stopped in time by the reminder of Jane Foster, instead of saying Thor's name, but changed her voice.

"that whoever!"

"It turned out that you weren't there. You wore a lady's dress and you took a bath, right? It smells so sweet!"

Jane Foster looked a little awkwardly at the blind date, Richard, who said helplessly to Daisy, who had no brains.

"What the **** are you doing? You don't always come here to find me for nothing?"

"Remember the scientific instruments you left aside? Maybe you should take another look!"

Daisy said she took a large cell phone-like device out of her pocket and handed it to Jan Foster.

"I came all the way for this!"

Jane Foster turned the device and looked at the anomalous reading displayed above and couldn't help saying.

"There is something wrong."

Daisy nodded.

"I think so!"

Jan Foster took two taps with his hands and found that the reading hadn't changed. He immediately held it and slammed it on the table a few times, making a loud noise, and Richard, who was sitting opposite him, couldn't help wondering. You have to raise your eyebrows.

"I did the same."

Daisy watched Jane Foster's move and couldn't help talking.

"I thought you would be more scientific in handling things."

Jane Foster saw that the abnormal reading on the instrument had not changed, but did not look at it any more, handed it to Daisy, smiled at Richard opposite, and said casually.

"There should be no problem."

But Daisy shook her head.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. It looks like the readings Eric has been reading."

Daisy said, turning to explain to Richard.

"Eric is our friend, he's a little crazy."

Jane Foster interrupted Daisy, said Shen.

"He's not interested in him, neither am I. I think you should go!"

Jane Foster now more and more regrets that she agreed to this blind date!

Seeing Jane Foster's customer order ~ ~ Daisy shrugged.


Suiyou even got up and left.

The other two looked at each other awkwardly, Richard said.

"Come and go, but cute."

Jane Foster shook her head with a headache.

"She should take medicine."

感觉 She feels that Daisy has also been influenced by Dr. Servig, and has become more and more unreliable. Maybe I should help her and the doctor to order prescription medicine to eat next time!

But despite driving Daisy away, sitting at the table, Jane Foster couldn't help thinking of the abnormal reading on the instrument just now. As Daisy said, it showed the same thing as Dr. Servig. The anomalous readings caused by the phenomenon of celestial body aggregation are very similar!

Nine Kingdoms, Asgard, Thor ...

"I'll order some bass."

Says Richard reopening the menu.

Jane Foster was thinking about something, and couldn't help thinking about it.

"Perch, um, perch is good, perch ... perch ..."

Hearing Jane Foster's unconscious repetition, Richard dropped the menu helplessly.

"Jane, don't miss the bass, go to your friends."

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