My Iron Suit

Chapter 1151: Bigger problem!

After the upgrade, the Edelman alloy steel battle suit not only can easily resist Kilian's fire attacks, but also has a strong resistance to higher temperature flames and more severe conditions such as extreme low temperature and vacuum. Freely move in the extremely harsh environments of volcanoes, deep seas and space, and greatly improve your ability to cope with complex environments and situations!

For Chen Mo will face various powerful alien creatures in the future, this improvement will undoubtedly greatly help future battles!

默 Chen Mo was leisurely teaching his apprentices in the Wu Guan, and revisited the time when he trained Steve in the Wu Guan.

Tony intensified the modification of more than thirty sets of steel suits in the garage laboratory during the day, and returned to the room at night. He worked tirelessly, tired and happy!

最 The busiest of all is Maya Hanson and Dr. Abraham Erskine!

研究 The research on the endless virus that had been stagnating for a long time. After Tony Stark provided a new experimental formula and determined a new research direction, it was rejuvenated and showed more research and development space than before!

Every day, they can clearly feel that the research is moving forward in great strides, and that is exactly what happened. Maya Hanson and Dr. Abraham Erskine were so enthusiastic that they almost went to sleepless state.

The two of them spend almost all of their time in the laboratory every day except for a short sleep time. Sometimes they study the key places and even stay up all night. The effort is comparable to that of Tony Stark, who works all night!

As research progressed, Maya Hanson's worship of Dr. Abraham Erskine became deeper and deeper!

的 A genius scientist who was able to invent the sera of super soldiers 70 years ago, Dr. Abraham Erskine is no less talented in biology than Tony Stark.

In addition, in these years, in the non-dormant state, constantly learning the most advanced biological technology to supplement herself, Dr. Abraham Erskine's technical strength is far beyond Maya Hanson's imagination. Control even surpasses her creator!

Maya Hansen felt that she had just discovered the subject of Desperate Viruses for good luck. There was no formula left by Tony at first. She could not even make the ultimate creatures by her own words. The potential of Desperate Viruses was only Play a small part.

Even with new formulas and research directions, Maya Hansen still felt a little helpless at the beginning, and felt that it was still very difficult to implement by herself.

And now after thoroughly feeling the ability of Dr. Abraham Erskine, Maya Hanson clearly felt that in the hands of Dr. Erskine, the potential of the desperate virus would be fully developed, far exceeding what she could achieve. Degree!

At the same time, Maya Hanson also slowly learned about Dr. Abraham Erskine's past experience.

After learning that he was caught by Hydra and helped them study super warriors, then relying on his ingenuity and courage to persist and escaped alone, Maya Hanson, who had a similar experience himself, completely abolished Abraham Earl Dr. Skin became a life icon!

If it was Dr. Erskine, it is estimated that after discovering Kilian's ambitions, he would have managed to escape his control, instead of becoming his accomplice like her!

Of course, Maya Hansen also admires Chen Mo, who had the foresight to foresee the serious consequences of the abuse of the super soldier's serum, and proposed the establishment of the SHIELD program.

The two of them have a firm principle and the quality of not sacrificing sacrifice, and a lofty spirit and superhuman vision, which are things she cannot reach and can only look forward to!

As for Howard, Maya Hanson also saw that he was just the nominal BOSS of SHIELD. It was more like a temporary general manager, and Chen Mo was like a chairman. Howard was completely in front of Chen Mo. Not good, compared to Howard, Chen Mo is more like the director of the SHIELD!

Time passed a month in the research. In this period, Tony, Chen Mo, and Howard also returned to the SHIELD because of problems encountered in the experiment. After a short or long discussion of the research, these The problems were all solved one by one, and this time, they encountered a bigger problem!

Looking at the mice that exploded again in the violent red light in the explosion-proof room, Dr. Abraham Erskine and Maya Hanson couldn't help feeling heavy.

After receiving news from Dr. Erskine, Chen Mo and Howard quickly returned to SHIELD, and Tony was called out of the bed.

"Can't you wait for tomorrow if you encounter any problems? I live far away, OK? Flight at night is boring!"

Tony Stark, with a pair of panda eyes, looks over-indulgent, but still wants to solve the problem quickly, go back to continue!

Howard looked at Tony's thick dark circles, without thinking about what this guy had done!

No matter when I come over this time ~ ~ He always looks like this. At first, Howard thought that Tony was too hard to improve his suit, and complained about Chen Mo, but Chen Mo directly exposed Tony's Lao Di, for his son's behavior, his father can only say "he is still young." Then he did not dare to complain to Chen Mo.

I can't help but usually, when the boy is doing business now, he dared to push back and forth for those things. Howard could not help but burst into anger, even if he was going to open his mouth to scold Tony.

However, Chen Mo didn't want the father and son to quarrel here. He immediately glanced at Howard and blocked his words about to exit. Then he looked at Tony anxiously, and said with a bad expression.

"Since it's too far away, then you should stay at SHIELD. I will let you arrange a room for you, so you don't have to go back and forth!"

When Tony heard his words, his face changed immediately, and the impatience on his face disappeared instantly, and his face was said in full.

"No need to worry! In fact, it's not too far away, and it's more than half an hour to fly at full speed in a battle suit, and in a blink of an eye, although it's boring at night, it's still beautiful to look at the night sky!"

默 Chen Mo glanced at Tony again and said nothing more, then turned to look at Dr. Abraham Erskine, and asked in earnest.

博士 "Doctor, what's the problem this time, why are you so anxious to call us all?"

Dr. Erskine turned her head and motioned to Maya Hansen. She nodded immediately and started to operate on the computer. A video was then played on the screen.

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