My Iron Suit

Chapter 1142: Research direction!

默 Chen Mo watched Maya Hanson standing there with her eyes staring at Dr. Abraham Erskine. She was agitated to see the idol and could not help but wake her up.

"Okay, I have the materials you prepared?"

Maya Hanson heard her words and nodded quickly.


"Let's get started!"

Immediately, Chen Mo, Tony Stark, Maya Hanson, Dr. Abraham Erskine and Howard mixed in soy sauce came to a long table next to the laboratory and sat down.

Maya Hanson sent a copy of the information about the Desperate Virus to everyone, and all of them here are considered top scientists. There is no need for a detailed introduction by Maya Hanson. Everyone holds the information and sits down and looks down. Looked up.

This document records in detail the composition, principle and mechanism of desperate virus, as well as various performances in plant experiments and animal experiments. The failure of reinforcement will rise sharply as a whole and eventually explode directly. After success, it will include self-healing Ability, physical fitness improvement, ability to control high temperature, and even spit fire!

Through this information, several people quickly got a clear understanding of the situation of the desperate virus.

Either you are a genius or a top biology scientist and the creator of the super soldier sera. This complex and difficult-to-understand material for ordinary people is easy to understand for them. Virus situation.

According to the information recorded in the materials, Chen Mo had a deeper understanding of the strengthening effect of the desperate virus.

The self-healing ability brought by Desperate Virus is very powerful, and the repair speed of body parts is faster than Chen Mo's self-healing ability from Wolverine!

But this self-healing ability has a huge disadvantage compared with Wolverine's self-healing ability. When the vital parts of the brain and heart are destroyed, the self-healing ability will be broken!

Because the key to the self-healing ability of the desperate virus is the brain!

Although Desperate Virus also strengthens the entire body and gives the intensifier super strength, the powerful self-healing ability it brings is not like the self-healing ability of Wolverine, which is repaired by the cells of the whole body. Instead, the part of the brain that is in charge of self-healing was developed by the desperate virus. When the body is injured, under the control of the brain, the injured part is controlled by the nervous system to repair it.

If the cells of the whole body are compared to a group of soldiers, Wolverine's self-healing ability is like a group of powerful fighters without generals and no command system. Each cell depends on its own self-healing ability and performs autonomously when injured. repair.

绝 After the desperate virus was transformed, the body's cell self-healing process was controlled by the brain's self-healing center, like a commander, directing the injured and even the incomplete parts for systemic repair.

The self-healing controlled by the brain's self-healing center has the advantage of faster repair, and even if the bone is broken or displaced, it can be automatically reset under the control of the brain's self-healing center to recover from the speed of self-healing In terms of efficiency, efficiency, and recovery effects, it is more powerful than Wolverine's whole body cells to perform self-healing without the control of the brain's center!

与 此 At the same time, however, due to the participation of the brain's self-healing center, it is equivalent to an additional commander in the army. When this commander is killed, the army's command system will be completely paralyzed!

The body's self-healing ability can no longer continue to function!

Therefore, whether it was Eric Saiven, Alan Bright, or Kirian, after Chen Mo's heart was destroyed or his head was directly beheaded, his original powerful healing ability was instantly lost. !!

The self-healing ability given by X serum can still survive if it reaches Chen Mo's current ability level!

Which of these two types of self-healing capabilities is better, can only be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages.

However, if these two self-healing abilities can be merged together, while retaining the autonomous repairing ability of the body's cells, even if the brain and heart are damaged, the body can still automatically repair and return to normal without being damaged in the brain. At the time, the self-healing center directed the whole body cells to repair more quickly.

In this way, the advantages of the two are complementary, and the weaknesses are made up. Just as the strong soldier encounters a mighty general, the two will combine to exert a more powerful force!

And this is just the ability of self-healing. The transformation of Desperate Virus to the body doesn't stop there. After being strengthened by Desperate Virus, the body can generate high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees Celsius, and even directly spit out flames, and the physical quality is also extremely Great reinforcement, with a powerful force that can compete with the front of the steel suit!

The best battle before Kirian's battle with Tony is the best proof!

You know, Tony Stark ’s Mark 42 steel suit is not comparable to the first few versions of the suit. After Tony Stark ’s continuous improvement and strengthening, the system, energy, power, The response speed and other aspects have been greatly improved. In terms of strength alone, the strength of Mark 42's suit is much higher than that of Mark 4. ~ ~ reached an amazing ten tons, defense The force is very powerful enough to resist the attack of ordinary artillery!

Although Kirian was able to suppress Tony, it was largely due to the impact and weakening of the high temperature on the electronic system and armor of the steel suit, but it was also enough to illustrate the power of the endless virus!

Even if it is Chen Mo, if you do not use the sword of the king and mental power, relying only on your physical fitness and bare hands, it will be difficult to cause too much damage to Mark 42!

Then, instead of starting research directly, they started a discussion on the future research direction of Desperate Virus.

Tony Stark needless to say that he was a omnipotent. With only a partial understanding of the desperate virus, he helped Maya Hanson write a very important experimental formula, which helped her research to achieve great results. Breakthrough.

After having a comprehensive understanding of the desperate virus at this time, Tony Stark's mind is constantly inspired!

的 All the ideas put forward made Maya Hansen can't help but see the new direction of the research on the endless virus!

博士 Dr. Abraham Erskine has not been idle for seventy years.

Apart from the frozen dormant time, he never stopped learning about new technologies and researching the super soldier's serum while he was in charge of SHIELD.

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