My Iron Suit

Chapter 1097: The situation is not right!

In the next two days, everything looked calm and calm, neither exploding nor threatening. It seemed that nothing happened, but Chen Mo and Tony Stark knew that this was just the silence before the storm!

Aldridge Kilian’s manor base has been exposed. Although he decisively evacuated all personnel and equipment in advance, it does not mean that he will give up his original plans and ambitions. In order to avoid night dreams and plans to be destroyed, he will definitely Accelerate the implementation of the plan!

Chen Mo's expectation is not wrong, although Aldridge Kilian did not move on the Atlantic yacht, but his men have arrived in Los Angeles, and lurked in the dark!

The most powerful person in the original Aldrich Kilian was Eric Severn. Kilian had also ordered him to start with Pepper, but Chen Mo’s accident not only destroyed the bombings they had carefully prepared. Even more, Eric Severn was killed on the spot.

So this time, after leading most of the people to hide at sea, Aldridge Kilian turned to another effective cadre, former Alan Brett, a former female security agent, went to catch amber!

And because of the emergence of Chen Mo, in order to prevent accidents, Aldridge Kilian also sent two more "ultimate creatures" who also accepted the transformation of the desperate virus to assist.

The exposure of the Miami Manor Base has proven that Tony Stark has a strong network intrusion capability, and they have the ability to invade the national radio and television network and public monitoring system, and naturally guard against Tony Stark. Found traces.

So after arriving in Los Angeles, Alan Brightt and his two companions have been in the dark, all the actions will avoid the camera, with their strong physical strength after the endangered virus, in the case of intentional hiding It is not difficult to open the camera.

In the absence of awareness in the villa, Alan Bright has completely mastered Pepper's whereabouts!

Originally, Alan Bright actually considered directly taking people into Tony Stark's villa, and took Tony Stark and his steel shirt, and the boss, who was very concerned about the boss, took it with him.

They have three desperate creatures that have been intensified by a desperate virus. Even if Tony Stark puts on a steel shirt, it is definitely not their opponent!

But when she saw Chen Mo's figure in the villa through the telescope and never left, Alan Bright immediately gave up the idea!

Although they have three people, in the case of Chen Mo's presence, it is too risky to attack the villa directly. With Eric Severn's foresight, Alan Bright will naturally be more careful. After all, the commander's reputation is too big. !

Therefore, after a period of secret investigation, to confirm that Chen Mo will not leave in a short time, Alan Bright decided to seize Pepper in accordance with the original plan!

This morning, after breakfast, Pepper was escorted by Happi as usual, and took a car to leave the villa on the seaside of Malibu and rushed to Stark Industries.

Sitting in the back seat, Pepper recalled the "battle" of Tony last night, and the corner of his mouth could not help but sing a happy arc.

Since the New York incident, the two people have had a lot of in-depth exchanges. Even if they are usually ruined, and since Chen Mo came back, Tony’s anxiety disorder has improved, and at night it has changed completely, not only recovering. The vitality of the past, even more even, seems to be the most owed to her in the past six months!

Although the next two days did not sleep all night like the first night, but also until the night, Pepper can withstand, but in the morning it is inevitable to sleep, so she was almost a company that fell asleep these morning.

Today is no exception. It was not long before the departure. Pepper, sitting in the back seat, slept with a satisfied smile.

Happi glanced through the rearview mirror and looked at Pepper, who was sleeping in the back seat. He also shook his head and took the car with concentration.

Tony Stark’s seaside villas are not too far from Stark Industries, and they continue to drive south along the seaside road, and it will take a long time to arrive.

But today is not going to be so smooth!

Just after the car turned a corner, Happi suddenly found that there was an uncle in the middle of the road and fell in the middle of the road, completely cutting off the road!

What's strange is that the broken part of the lower part of the trunk of this tree is still burning with flames. It looks like it was hit by lightning and fell down.

But Happi knows it wrong if he thinks a little, because today is a sunny day, there is no thunder!

However, time is not allowed to continue to consider Happi. This seaside road is a cliff on one side and a mountain wall on the other. At this time, the whole tree is blocked by the big tree. The car simply cannot pass. If it hits directly, it will be destroyed. Death!

Happi can only step on the brakes and slow down.

Fortunately, Happi's reaction speed was very fast, the car finally stopped before hitting the trunk, and Pepper, who was snoring in the back seat, was also awakened by the sudden shaking of the sudden brakes, and his hands quickly supported the front seat back. I didn't shoot my face directly.

"what happened?"

When the car was completely stopped, Pepper quickly raised his head and asked Happi.

"The road was The situation is not right!"

Happi’s voice just fell, waiting for the two to make other reactions, the roof of the two men’s head suddenly violently shocked, and then sag into a large piece, it seems that something is lying on it!

When Happi’s face changed, he shouted “Sit well!”, and then quickly slammed the gear, stepped on the gas pedal, and slammed the car backwards, while quickly rushing the steering wheel, in a harsh tire. In the friction sound, the car was overdone!

Such a violent reversing turn around, if something else fell on the roof of the car, it was already smashed down, but until the car completely turned over, Happi did not find anything to fall, which made his heart can not help sink !

Just as Happi quickly shifted gears and prepared to step on the gas pedal and rush back, he suddenly found the way ahead. I didn't know when two people appeared, and one left and one right blocked his way!

If it is normal, Happi will hesitate, but now this situation is obviously someone deliberately ambush, Happi bite his teeth, did not hesitate to step on the gas pedal, the engine violently roared, pushing the car to accelerate forward The past!

What shocked Happi was that when the car accelerated, the two people in front did not mean to hide. On the contrary, as he accelerated, the two also violently started and rushed up against the car!


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