My Healing Game

Chapter 269: Mirror God's Commission

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Two lines of blood and tears remained in the eyes of the black hole, and Ying Yue seemed to think of a very painful thing again.

Using the secret of touching the depths of the soul, Han Fei gently helped Ying Yue wipe away the tears on his face. He didn't say any more, and he didn't need to say any more now.

"Please pay attention to players with number 0000! Because you have fulfilled your promise with Yingyue, Yingyue's friendliness will increase by 20!"

"Please pay attention to players with number 0000! All your actions are seen by the residents in the building, because you have fulfilled your promise and brought all the residents a little hope! The friendliness of all the residents in the happy community increases by one!"

Standing in front of Han Fei, Ying Yue didn't feel any wickedness at all. She was like a lost little girl who finally found her lost relatives.

Ying Yue grabbed Han Fei's clothes and signaled Han Fei not to leave. She entered the bedroom and carried out a few worn rag dolls.

"You should keep these dolls." Han Fei wanted to refuse. He didn't help Yingyue to make the other person thank him.

Ying Yue saw that Han Fei refused to accept it, and stubbornly shook his head, then tore apart the doll's body, and stuffed all the hidden evil spirits into Han Fei's ghost patterns.

"Please pay attention to players with number 0000! The first-level ghost pattern has absorbed enough grievances and negative emotions! Go beyond the level and break through to the high-level!"

"Ghost lines (high-level): There are several evil spirits hidden in your ghost lines. They are sealed on the surface of your skin by Ying Yue using a special method. They can replace you to bear the negative effects of the curse and help you offset them. Part of the attack, part of the Yin Qi."

"Attention! The level of ghost patterns can be continuously improved! When special types of grievances are imprisoned, ghost patterns have a small probability of gaining some of their special abilities!"

Elementary Ghost Rune had already helped Han Fei a lot. Without the Ghost Rune protection, his skin would ulcerate as long as he was rubbed against the resentment, let alone a close hand-to-hand fight with ghosts.

Upgrading ghost lines also consumes a lot of money corresponding to the month, and her body has obviously become a little illusory.

However, compared to her physical weakness, her cold heart has regained a little warmth.

Leaving Yingyue's house, Han Fei stroked the ghost lines on his skin, and he could feel the power surging in it.

Walking to the seventh floor, Han Fei, who was studying ghost patterns, suddenly discovered that the door of the room where Jingshen was located did not know who had opened the door.

The Mirror God in Building No. 1 and the Yin Dog in Building No. 2 were the earliest residents of Xingfu Community. When the unspeakable song entered Building No. 1, the Mirror God was not destroyed. From this, you can see how powerful each other is.

Han Fei was almost killed by Jing Shen before, so even if he became the building manager, he rarely went to that room.

But what he didn't expect was that the door of that room was opened in front of him today.

Feeling a little guilty in his heart, he stayed where he was, not daring to go over casually.

When he was wondering whether to ask Ying Yue to accompany him downstairs, the mirror placed in the living room of a room on the seventh floor began to bleed.

Suddenly blood stains appeared on the mirror, and then the blood gathered into words.

"You have helped many residents in the building. If you can, can you also do me a favor?"

Looking at the blood in the mirror, Han Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then slowly figured out.

Before Han Fei rescued Xu Qin and returned, as well as fulfilling the promise of the corresponding month this time, he was favored by all residents of the Happy Community, and Jingshen's friendliness towards him has also been improved to a certain extent.

"Of course." Han Fei didn't even want to agree directly. The Mirror God itself is a mysterious curse. If he wants to kill the butterfly in the dead building, he must get a lot of help from the curse.

If he is accompanied by Cursed Polymer Xu Qin and Cursed Objective God, then he can also have more confidence.

"I want you to help me find a body. I have been in this mirror for too long." When a new blood word appeared on the mirror, Han Fei also received a system task reminder.

"Please pay attention to player number 0000! You have successfully triggered the Hidden Quest-Mirror God's Commission!"

"Mirror God’s commission: The mirror on the seventh floor of the Happy Community seems to exist at the same time as the community. He knows a lot of secrets and possesses very special abilities. If you are willing to find a suitable body for him, then you will Get its friendship and help!"

"There is no time limit for the task, but the body you find must satisfy the mirror god. Maybe you can also try it with your own body."

Listening to the prompt message in his mind, Han Fei was a little surprised that this task turned out to be a hidden task of a level.

"You are a resident in the building, and I will work hard to fulfill your request! But now I am cursed by the people in the dead building. I may go to the dead building in seven days. I can't promise to help you during this period. Find the right body."

Saying that, Han Fei has actually chosen to accept the task, anyway, this is a task with no time limit, and there is no harm to him.

"You are willing to help me, that's enough." The blood on the mirror slowly disappeared, and everything in the house returned to its original state, but Jingshen's friendliness to Han Fei increased by three points.

"If I can help, I will definitely help you. After all, you are my family." After closing the door on the seventh floor, Han Fei came downstairs again, he was ready to complete the agreement with Huang Ying.

After completing Jinsheng's manager task, his manager talent has been strengthened, and now it can be used twice a night.

However, the soul-recovering talent as opposed to the soul-calling can still only be used once a night, which means that Han Fei can pull two people down at night, but can only send one back.

Walking to the back of the family building, Han Fei once again used his soul-calling talent.

Unlike Zhao Mingmei, the grimace representing Huang Ying feels like he can't wait to drill into the deep world.

Looking at the blood-colored koi with grimace in the sea of ​​blood, and the huge figure swimming in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, Han Fei was full of awe, and at the same time he was thinking, if he continues to strengthen his spirituality talent, is it possible for him to deepen the sea of ​​blood? Where did the monster come out?

"In the death building, recruit an uncontrollable monster of blood, and I feel comfortable thinking about it..."

The blood flashed, and Huang Ying's familiar scream came from the second building.

Han Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly, and ran into the second building with tears.

Looking for a heartbreaking cry for help, Han Fei found Huang Ying on the third floor of Building At this time, the slender Li Shao wrapped Huang Ying’s neck, and he sniffed Huang Ying lightly. In his forehead, there was a word in his mouth: "The Yintang is black, the eyes are red, the eyebrows are fierce, and the flesh is empty. You are the most declining character. You have many disasters and disasters. You are destined to have a relationship with my brothers!"

A man with a cold body was wrapped around his neck like a snake, and Huang Ying was almost scared to death.

He thought that his courage had been exercised, but now he realized that his practice was far from enough.

"You are born with bad luck. You have become a doctor after a long illness. It is also very rare for people like you who are completely unlucky." Li Zhao wanted to say something, but Han Fei stretched his hand and Huang Ying was the only one himself. My friend, if this is scared to death, I will find someone to make sense.

"Brother Huang? Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Huang Ying, who was shocked again, shrank behind Han Fei, his face pale, and he dared not look at Li Zhao.

"He is called Li Shao, you met before, he has no malice towards you." Han Fei smiled bitterly and changed the subject: "Brother Huang, did I bring the things I asked you to prepare?"

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