My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 56: Marksmanship from the sky

   "Brother Fu, you can eat more and more recently!" The little speaker sat next to him, staring at it.

   "Don't talk while eating."

   Fu Qingjun didn't care too much. Since the second hair metamorphosis, his appetite has indeed become terrifying. After all, the consumption of the daily functions of the head is already huge!

   What's more, I have been madly squirting my brain recently, which consumes even more.

   If I don’t eat more, how can I supplement my nutrition?

   He has found out in the past few days that the hall below is his own property.

  The industry looks like a lot, but the poor are dying, because his subordinates have raised dozens of ruthless rice-drying machines, and he is shocked to see his daily appetite.

   "Of course, I eat the most now."

   Fu Qingjun eats normally, and at the same time changed the second-generation black silk stockings muscles.

   He re-made a pair of clothes and trousers as an exoskeleton suit... Every hair has a certain amount of strength, and it still has a certain effect on anti-impact.

   And under some muscles, there is also a rainstorm pear flower box.

   And his original long hair, he chose to only stay around his waist, wore an ancient hair crown, and wore it on the top of his head. The scroll temperament of a seventeen-year high school senior student was thoroughly revealed.

   After all, I am a literate scholar. Although he found that costume hairstyles are really difficult and take a long time, it is not a problem for him at all. After getting up every day, he will curl up his hair and make a good hairstyle.

   Fu Qingjun was full and drunk, got up directly and planned to go upstairs.

   At this moment, when passing the door, Qin Hong suddenly walked out and said, "I want to join your gang."

   Fu Qingjun turned around. Although he had already seen Qin Hong and knew that she was also distressed about eating, he acted like he saw it for the first time and smiled: "Not everyone can join us."

   "I know." Qin Hong nodded.

   "I'll try you." The little speaker was eager to try.

   Fu Qingjun shook his head, feeling that the little speaker was not reliable, and said, "Go and call the second master."

   The brothers outside the door were taken aback. You want to be called the second master?

   means this woman is not easy?

   The dozens of brothers who have been able to help up to now, are basically the first muscles.

   Although most of them do not have Dzogchen and exercise every muscle in the body, they are basically at the level of bright energy and dark energy, which can be regarded as a strong hand.

   "Brother, should I give it a try?" A big man walked out.


   Fu Qingjun cannot deny it.

Miao Chuntang has an advantage. The brothers under his team are extremely united. They are all loyal and stubborn devil muscles. They are very easy to talk. As long as you are good to him, he will be good to you... If it is the next ten knives meeting , It is said that even the leaders are old yin goods, and he may not be able to handle everything so easily.

   The whole street gave up an open space.

Some warriors around   , and even some street businesses under the protection and jurisdiction of Miao Chuntang, also came to watch everything with great interest, and it was very lively.

   "I want to fight with weapons." Qin Hong said.

   The brawny man stayed blank and grinned: "Little girl, you haven't even exercised your muscles, and you haven't even entered the threshold of muscle weight? You are brave, okay, what weapon do you want to use."

   "A spear."

   Soon, a group of brawny men came over to join in the fun, bustling with joy, and took out wooden knives and wooden guns for training from a shop next door.

   I saw two people facing each other.

And in the distance, the second master Bai Yu also came from afar and looked at Qin Hong, showing a touch of surprise and curiousity: "This little girl has never practiced martial arts. She has a peculiar pace, as if she is instinctive, and her aura is a bit peculiar. .... And she actually knows how to use a gun. She has been practicing guns for years... Guns are very difficult and difficult to practice. She is called the king of a hundred soldiers. She has to use her inertia and relay force to continuously fight in actual combat. During the killing, we can thoroughly grasp the various situations, such as bombing, smashing, picking, stabbing..."


   The next second, the two fought each other.

   The burly man opposite slashed with a big knife.

   Qin Hong leaped slightly, and suddenly raised his hand and flicked the spear. The wooden spear appeared in a strange arc, bounced toward the opponent's abdomen, and instantly penetrated the flaw and inserted into the opponent's abdomen.

   for an instant.

   Qin Hong took a few steps back in the next second, and was flew out by the curved long bullet, while the strong man stood firmly on the spot, not moving a step, but a white mark of a wooden gun was left on his abdomen.

"I lost."

   The brawny man looked at his waist, his face was incredible.

   He seemed to bounce the opponent out, and he didn't move at all. In fact, it was because of his high weight and solid horses, but the opponent's spear was stuck on his abdominal muscles.

   I just used my abdominal muscles to fire the opponent with the gun...

   If it were a real weapon, even if the little girl had little strength, her muscular tyranny would at least be wounded. If she had practiced some martial arts and had some strength, he would die in an instant.

   "One move, I lost." The big man was not annoyed. He bent over and bowed without any arrogance. "The little girl is amazing, I surrendered."

   "Hahaha, little girl, how can I teach you martial arts?"

   "I'm coming! I'm steady!"

   A group of big guys next to him have fiery eyes, and the girls in the gang are so few that they are spotted in an instant, especially the hair on the top of the head, which is curled up and down during the fight, very cute...

   Fu Qingjun looked speechless, but didn't speak.

   "Brother Fu, have you ever seen a way to shoot from the sky?" The little horn knocked melon seeds next to him, surprised by the side; "This man is amazing."

   The little speaker cultivates other people's martial arts. He doesn't completely train himself, but has some problems in his head. It can be seen that he is talented in martial arts and has a very high vision. Otherwise, he will not be adopted by the heroes of the rivers and lakes.

   "The marksmanship that fell from the sky?"

   Fu Qingjun remained silent, and looked at the second boss next to him, "What do you think?"

Second master Bai Yu nodded, "The shooting method of falling from the sky, this kind of move is simply out of the scope of martial arts, unheard of... There is no martial arts school that kills people from the sky! After all, people can't fly... However, Similar marksmanship is possible. In ancient times, killing the generals, riding on horses and swinging the spear from high to the bottom, might be this posture."

   This is the only explanation.

   This is the riding spear and martial arts used by generals to kill.

   "Then you don't ride horses anymore. The warriors riding horses are simply living targets. The horses don't move around. The straight route is too fixed. One shot is accurate. Who can ride her?"

   The little horn scratched his head, he was worthy of being a martial arts wizard, and he immediately made up a powerful routine, "Find a martial artist to be a mount! She rides on her neck and gallops!"

   "Marksmanship strikes at a high level, and it is difficult to defend against the sky-spirit cover... and has developed this set of spearmanship and martial arts that descended from the sky to the fullest."

   "How do you ride for her?" Fu Qingjun smiled.

   Little Horn suddenly looked at Fu Qingjun with shock.

   Fu Qingjun ignored her, looked at the second master and smiled: "Is it over?"

   "Naturally it's too late."

The second master said: "This person is too special, he hasn't practiced any martial arts, he has no strength, but he has such a posture and martial skills. It seems that he has the powerful spirit of martial arts, and he has a killing spirit... as if burned. Into the depths of the bones."

   In the distance, Qin Hong said nothing.

   She traveled through hundreds of thousands of years of mythology and entered that mysterious ancient race. Although her lifespan is short, she learns things very quickly and cultivates martial arts very quickly...

   However, why she has integrated her martial arts instinct and was perfectly brought to this body, she is vaguely puzzled, and can only call it a gift from the gods and demons.

   "I don't know why." Qin Hong replied, "I suffered a tragedy at home, I was so distraught, I slept, dreamed of ancient scenes, and it was like this when I woke up."

   "Sorrow? Was it awakening the memories of the ancestors deep in the bones?"

Bai Yu was surprised and said: "My family is a medical family. According to ancient records, some martial arts may be passed on from generation to generation... It is said that some descendants of martial arts who have fallen will suddenly awaken the memories and memories of their ancestors. Martial arts spirit,

For example, a person in the village who has never practiced martial arts or killed people, but suddenly his eyes are fierce, his fists become very powerful, people often say that this is the upper body of a ghost... I think it is carved in the genes. Inheritance of memory. "

   gene is a new vocabulary of the New World.

   However, the upper body of the ghost...Qin Hong somehow remembered that the ghost shaved his head.

   Is it possible that the ghost upper body, is the same person as himself, has passed the night banquet of the gods and demons, which has caused a great increase in strength?

   She seemed to see a dark, bottomless pool.

Bai Yu still said: "After all, human beings have conditioned reflexes and instincts. When something approaches, people will instantly close their eyes! Someone knocks on the knees and kicks them out instantly! Some martial arts families have written the martial arts of the body into instinct. Here, it’s not impossible, or even inevitable, to pass it on to the next generation."

   "After all, why do many descendants of Shiwu have a strong talent and fast cultivation speed since they were born? Practicing skills and family traditions have been written into their conditioned reflex instincts, and it is natural to practice with half the effort."

   Bai Yu smiled and said, "However, I always thought this was a rumor. How powerful is this ancient martial arts to be passed on from generation to generation?"

   The King of Sumer!

   Qin Hong heard it, and suddenly remembered that king watch again in his heart.

After the Great Flood, some kings had a life span of several hundred years, but after passing on for a few generations, although the whole was exhausted, suddenly there were one or two alien kings who could live for thousands of years... Blood.

   "After hundreds of thousands of years, the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons is unveiling the whole world martial arts power system for me." Qin Hong only felt great horror in his heart.


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