My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 49: The King of Stupid Hair

Fu Qingjun looked at this little creature with hairy head, born wet in the same race, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "A poor girl from the Second World War, just learned the concept of systematic martial arts practice, and crossed over to what I created. What kind of changes will this primitive civilization bring to this doomsday ruined demon country?"

   If it really doesn’t work, she will leave her race to die. It’s a flying intelligent creature with wings...

   If some miracles can be created, it would be better...

   Fu Qingjun groaned for a while, and left her alone, he was still very open to it.

   After all, my hair is only responsible for creating civilization and race,

   "It seems that I still can't be greedy! Let's create a factory assembly line here to produce watches and medicinal liquor." After all, he had his first experience, so he could just do it.

   "I can't help over there, I still reproduced here."

   He soon started to get busy again in the house.



   Forty-sixth century.

   Evil beasts slaughtered all races, and the whole land was plunged into a batch of chaos.

   The mechanical emperor died in battle, which shocked the world.

   "Countless centuries ago, an unparalleled emperor has fallen!"

   "This overlord can be called a false **** in the old days! That is the only ancient **** and demon in the Falling Jiaxia era, who has survived to this day, so he was besieged and killed!"

   "Those strange beasts, there were only two or three at first, but after being killed, as if smelling a fragrance, the clan invaded and killed us all."

   "Some of them can even fly! We can't resist it at all!"

   "Then, the generations of children and heirs of His Royal Highness are so talented that they still claim to be emperors, and their combat power is invincible, but unfortunately they are still..."

   "We are reduced to meat, it is hateful!"

   "They actually raised us in captivity!"

   "Aren't we going to end up here?"


   Nowadays, those mutant monsters, like beasts with simple wisdom, also know how to keep them in captivity, don’t eat them all, eat them every few days...

   It is wisdom rather than a beast’s instinct to store food, right?


   came a voice, "We actually lost to those witless beasts! We continue to explode, powerful to the limit of fertility and reproduction ability, but also the other party's enthusiastic food!"

   "The fertility of the other party is not weaker than ours, leading to..."

   Even if the fusion gene is completed, the upper limit is still very low.

   is a fusion of less than ten percent of animal genes, which is at most a large part of the upper limit of ants, but it can only be regarded as a relatively strong mutant ant at best.

   And no matter how strong the ant is, it does not exceed the racial category, it also has a racial limit...

   Those mutant cockroaches are not ordinary, they seem to be contaminated by some kind of breath, they are so weird to the limit.

   The contrast of their sizes is like a weak human being when they encountered a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex. , It is also a Tyrannosaurus with strong regeneration ability. It is extremely resistant to the piercing of sharp arrows and blades.

   "We are going to die..."


   "We have all lost too much history..."

   Qin Hong realized that she was just born.

   She discovered that she could understand and learn the language of the other party very quickly, as if imprinted in the blood of this creature, but it was just complicated.

   Actually, the current language is nothing more than a complication of ant colony pheromone.

   As ants, they can naturally understand most of the pheromone emotions. After all, ants are such a group species. Even ordinary ants without wisdom can understand the simple pheromone communication of the entire ant at birth.

  The hard thing to learn is words.

   Because writing is not inherent in this race.

   Qin Hong found out that she had grown up very fast, her whole body swelled rapidly as if she had taken a starter, and she became an adult, even aging at an unimaginable speed.

   Qin Hong was surprised at this point, but he secretly studied the dialogue of surrounding creatures.

   "Here, it seems to be suffering from genocide..."

   "My body has begun to alienate, and it is becoming the powerful race I chose to reincarnate!"

   She was hesitating whether to expose her abilities.

   "But if it is not exposed, the clan is already on the verge of extinction. I am afraid that it will be completely powerless and can not be delayed any longer." She showed a trace of decisiveness.

   "Are we going to annihilate the race?" She spoke tentatively, communicating with pheromone jerky.


   The clansmen around yelled and looked at the child who was just born.

   "Innate gods!"

   "In our age, there are even reincarnations of innate gods!"

   The surrounding beings showed extremely weird pictures, seeing that they had high-level wisdom since birth, not panic, but extremely happy, as if it was once common.

   "Great ancient god, please save us!"

   All the members of the duck tribe knelt to the ground.

   "Innate gods, what do you mean?" Qin Hong couldn't help asking.

An elderly wise man came out and couldn’t help but said: “It is said that in prehistoric times, all creatures were born sacred and incomparably intelligent. The wisdom of every life is comparable to our current wisdom. Old man."

   After all, they are ordinary intelligent beings now, and their IQs are not high.

   The high IQ of Fu Qingjun back then was injected one by one, and naturally the average IQ was countless times now.

   "Every member of the clan is born to know it? Since birth, he has unimaginable intelligence and speaks?" Qin Hong muttered in surprise.

   But no matter what the weird things are, she is already familiar.

   "Then why did it become like this..." Qin Hong asked curiously again.

   "That's too far away, we don't remember... The detailed historical records have been lost in the war, but I heard it was because of the war between the ancient gods and demons." The old man said.

   After all, what happened in the twenty-sixth century is now more than forty centuries.

   What's more, without the injection of intelligence, most of their IQs are low, and they are fools with low intelligence... Only those strong men, the children they gave birth, inherited relatively high IQs and ruled the land.

   However, now that the war breaks out with their deaths, most of the strong royal families have fallen, and only this group of people at the bottom is left.

   Wisdom and ignorance, even in adulthood, is only equivalent to the average IQ of a five or six-year-old child.

  Even, they don’t even remember how many centuries they are now. They are confused, suffering from genocide, running around, and losing most of their civilization heritage.

   "A war between gods and demons?" Qin Hong was not surprised.

   After all, there are records of this type in most myths, no wonder.

   "This is an ancient document." The old man handed over the few ancient stone slabs he had only preserved.

   Qin Hong glanced at the most preserved slate.

   As expected, the three original stone slabs, Amiro, Hormones, and Jiaxia, fell from the sky in three time periods, respectively, giving the wisdom of life on the ground.

no surprise.

   As expected!

   The few beast-head human creatures in the ruins of the ruins, compare with the one in front of you, you can see that they are indeed the same race!

   is the super mythical civilization that is so terrifying to build the Sun Bridge!

   That is the length of more than ten thousand earths, the distance that can be reached, which shows the horror.

   "It's just, how come you fall to this end now?"

   "Is this too declining?"

   She continued to read and saw the slate records that she could not see before,

  【In the twenty-sixth century, the common people on the earth pretended to be gods and demons, and were terrified of death. Then they killed the gods and the gods were angry. 】

   Qin Hong saw the new information.

   was a little surprised, but the other descriptions were okay, that is, the life on the earth was extremely sinful and wanted to encircle and kill the reincarnation of the gods. As a result, God gave up all living beings.


   "A big flood? Now that the big flood has passed, it's said that it's not long ago?" She frowned. She has recently frantically checked history, but she has seen many civilization records, prehistoric floods.

   She hesitated for a moment, buried herself in her heart, and glanced at the record again.

   "That day, the whole world was tilting, the earth began to crack, the buildings collapsed one after another, the four pillars began to shatter, people began to mourn, the gods of the sacred mountain, the demons under the gods, were fighting in that chaotic world..."

"That day, the world was full of light and flames, countless huge suns fell most from the hollow in the sky, the sky completely collapsed, and the sea of ​​bitterness began to turn into a huge flood and poured down, spewing with flames, turning into a bright hot sea, Burn the creatures on the ground and clean up people's sins!"

   is described very heroically.

   She hesitated for a moment, she could only hide her doubts in her heart,

   "Now, I have come to this world by God's order to save this world. You hide my identity, and I will lead you to glory." She said seriously: "You have to protect me."

  Don't look at her like this, she is a queen ant.

   can produce and sell itself, and was born specifically for war.

   If it weren't for those guys at that level, she could still breed herself crazily, giving birth to a bunch of angels of killing, and blasting soldiers.

   She alone is an angel civilization.

   "Please follow the instructions of His Royal Highness!"

   The surrounding area suddenly knelt and bowed, extremely pious. begin

   "Stupid mortals know how to survive..." Qin Hong looked at them and shook his head, but suddenly smiled bitterly, "Isn't that the same for me once?"

   She began to develop secretly, exploding in secret, and was very resistant to loneliness, allowing the races here to continue their flesh and blood sacrifices, pretending to be invincible, and being kept in captivity in a corner.

   Time flies, she is addicted to it and feels like a night has passed.

   I feel very hungry, it should be the body outside.

   "What will happen here after waking up this time?" She hesitated for a moment, and looked down the corner of her eye.

   Family members: I (0/1000)

   Authority: None

   Permission: Communication with the world

   "What does this mean?" She concealed her body and fell asleep, and then opened her eyes.

   But something strange happened.

   She found a long hair on the center of her bald head.


   This dull hair swayed with the like the only lonely strong weed in the desert.

   ah this?

   She was stunned on the spot.

   I have long hair, but only one? ?

   "The angel I was reincarnated has a hair in the center of her head!" She was puzzled, tried to press this hair with her hand, and found that it was very strong, standing upright on top of her head.

   At the same time, she found that she could still vaguely perceive that the other end of herself...

   "Is it possible that the function of this hair is to connect the world in distant time and space?" Qin Hong was startled again, "It's too interesting too."

   Then she tried to go out and found a room, so she couldn't communicate. "It's strange that the range can be in my room before I can enter."

   But this is a matter of course.

   Fu Qingjun left her with a bit of dumb hair, that is, when she is used as a wireless router, and the network cable outside the window is also responsible for transmission, she naturally cannot connect if she is far away.

   can also be regarded as the ability of a first-degree dependent.

   She thought about it, wrote a letter, walked out of the door next to her, knocked on the door of the neighbor's house, "Can you help me go to the place of work to ask for leave, if I don't let it, then resign..."

   She was silent for a while, and she said this sentence, "By the way, help me deliver this letter to outside the autonomous region, and Karuili, a history student at Boxer University, told her that it was Qin Hong's letter."

   "This is for errands." She took out ten copper knives in pain.

   A hundred bronze knives is one tael of silver.

   This was originally my sister’s remaining maintenance expenses, but now it’s urgent.

   After getting things done, she returned to the room and whispered softly: "That world is too mysterious. I want to try to live a better life in that world and get more information!"


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