My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 34: 3 position 1 body

  The war broke out completely.

   The invisible martial arts spirit is like a huge soul pressure, oppressing the whole person.

   A large number of masters quickly collided, and their bodies shot away, as if a rumbling sound of breaking through the air swept across the table, which was a huge noise that broke the sound barrier.

  The invisible spirit is intertwined and rolled, and the whole table seems to be shrouded in thick fog, day and night.

   "You guys are too presumptuous! Do you want to kill me?"

  嘭! !

   Jiaxia stride the meteor, slender and graceful shape rises fiercely.

   A large number of muscles were congested and swollen, twisted and changed, and the body instantly turned into a muscle giant twice the size of the original.

  嘭! ! !

   He turned smoothly, twisted his shoulders and shook his fists, and instantly connected the power of his muscles. One hand suddenly seemed to slap a mosquito, and he slapped a **** easily.


   actually turned a dozen times in the sky before landing on the ground. He had fallen apart, his bones, bones and spine were all twisted into blood-stained twists.

   "The control of this power! And your body!"

   Jakamaki looked at the huge body in front of him with shock.

   He didn't even think that there is actually a creature that can train muscles to such an extreme level.

   Explosive and exaggerated sense of power!

   looks like a huge muscular monster, towering in front of you, this huge mountain of meat, all souls and flesh must be looked up! This is God?

   "Is this the strength of the God of Wisdom?" Odyssey looked surprised.

   "This is not my real strength." Jia Xia Weng snorted, slowly stretched out a palm to stroke her muscular arm, and said calmly: "My real body shape is not that thin."

   "He actually called this thinness!!!"

   All the gods opened their mouths wide, showing amazement, maintaining this posture, as if the whole person's mind was blank.

  What is he talking about?

   With such a terrifying muscular body shape, it is more than twice the physique of their normal master, and it has nothing to do with the term thinness.

   "Then, why am I so thin and thin?"

   Jiaxia said to herself: "Because I have been compressing my body shape, compressing my muscles... if I release my strength,

  My muscles will tear the skin instantly, gushing out like a stream of water, squeezing the entire world, and that huge muscle fiber will break through to the size of the Olin Miro Mountain..."

   Everyone was sluggish, and strange emotions emerged in their hearts.

   "Sleep, sleep, sleep..."

   Jiaxia murmured: "I keep hinting that my muscles are going to sleep, and I keep compressing the crazy things that want to be huge in my body and mind, and forcibly squeezing them back into my body..."

   "Compress, compress, compress..."

   "If I release my muscles, maybe it will occupy the entire Olin Miro sacred mountain. The rest of my sacred mountain is as easy as sitting on a throne... My muscles will continue to swell and will destroy the world."

   Jiaxia smiled, as if stepping all over the world, bones crackling all over her body, "This is a new realm. I have already taken half a step, but unfortunately I have no chance with you anymore."

   All the gods who besieged and killed went crazy, with arrows, fists and claws.

   "We are more than twenty times his number, at the same level, no matter how strong he is—"

   all strike!

   Jiaxia's martial arts has already reached an unimaginable state, and every time he drops a punch, he explodes a great master.


   While the other party was completely mad, endless gods and demons jumped up and slew towards the highest peak in the center.

   "Pick up our weapons and choose wisdom!" Odyssey jumped up and slew the gods and demons.


   Jiaxia directly lifted the seal.

   His muscles tear his skin instantly like tearing clothes!


   The huge dark red muscle tight fibers squeezed and covered the whole body. He seemed to transform into a huge bright red muscle giant, with countless sarcomas stacked on the body, looking extremely deformed.

   Although it is not as exaggerated as he described it, it has already been transformed from an upright ant with a healthy body into a huge muscular monster the size of a coin standing on the table! !

   "Go and die." His eyes were grim, looking down at the guys on the ground.


   The earth was stained with blood.

   The entire surface has become a battlefield for gods and demons, and countless people on the ground wailing, fearing, and escaping into the deep abyss along the black hole of the sky.

   The mortals looked at the sky in horror, but didn't know how the gods in the sky were fighting.

   They just feel that their fighting has knocked down the ground from the sky, the whole world is riddled with holes, and the earth is poured out over it.

   "One of the four pillars carrying the sky is broken!"

   "The world is tilted!"

   "This is God's punishment!"

   "It is God's punishment! The God of Wisdom sees the evil of the common people on the earth, so he tilts the world and destroys all living beings."

   They hid in the ground, they could only tremble and cry.

   Someone described the slate in horror, and recorded this scene of history to distant future generations:

   "That day, the whole world was tilting, the earth began to crack, the buildings collapsed one after another, the four pillars began to shatter, people began to mourn, the gods of the sacred mountain, the demons under the gods, were fighting in that chaotic world..."

   The people were horrified, shouting, staring at the sky, and holes began to appear one by one, and the angry roars were stained with blood and plunged into the abyss.

   The corpses of gods and demons keep falling from the sky.

   I don't know when, along with the fight, the high-frequency iron spinning pierced the ground of the plank, and the flames suddenly began to burn.

   This world has never seen a flame, and the panic is completely extended.

"That day, the world was full of light and flames, countless huge suns fell most from the hollow in the sky, the sky completely collapsed, and the sea of ​​bitterness began to turn into a huge flood and poured down, spewing with flames, turning into a bright hot sea, Burn the creatures on the ground and understand the sins of people!"

   The people fleeing underground are shaking.

   And the surface war... is almost over.

   Fighting against the strong is a race against time, breaking the key, especially in martial arts.

   Fu Qingjun looked calm and looked at the burning table. Fortunately, he moved away the surrounding debris because of raising the ants. He was alone in the center, not afraid of igniting other things and causing a fire.

   "Fortunately, there is only a small dish of white wine on the table."

   Fu Qingjun's face was calm, and the whole table burned.

   The original life of the table is not long, and the surrounding smell of burning wood will not be noticed, because the residents on the first floor occasionally burn wood to cook.

   Fu Qingjun looked down at the entire table of battle.

   This time, Jiaxia is still resisting the siege of the whole world alone, as if the great horror in fate.

   "I broke through!"

   Jiaxia whispered softly, a lonely person, overlooking the whole land, there were corpses everywhere, and there were blazing flames everywhere.

   "This is the fourth realm of martial The first three are the spiritual realm, and the fourth is the **** realm."

   "Believe in one's own extraordinary things, believe that oneself is the **** of heaven."

  His voice is low and complex, and his expression is complex: "What limits us to break through is the inherent shackles of thinking...If we believe that we are creatures on the earth, we can only have their speed, muscles, strength..."

   The entire wooden table burned, brightly illuminating the whole world.

   Jiaxia's whole mind is transparent, and he has completely entered an unprecedented field of clarity.

  The misty world instantly became clear, and the vision began to become clear.

   He raised his head again and saw a huge ancient mysterious god, dimly, overlooking the burning world on the earth.

   "It seems that the ant on the table, the two-dimensional life, has begun to see the three-dimensional world... His vision has improved a lot, and he can see me in a blur."

   "They, have already begun to see the world outside the table."

   "The world of the age of ants is over."

   Fu Qingjun is half a meter away, his hair is swept all over, and the sky is flying around the sky. He is white with one hand on his cheek, and his head is sideways overlooking the entire table in front of him.


   Jiaxia looked at the entire plane of the world, the swirling palm prints of his palms, the black cylinders flying all over the sky, and the fuzzy faces that were difficult to describe.

   "Three characteristics, the Trinity...come at the same time."

   This tall and strong figure covered in blood slowly raised his head, revealing unimaginable complexity.

   woo woo woo.

   Suddenly he squatted on the ground, the whole figure seemed to collapse, and he looked at himself with tears, and looked at the ancient, unknowable existence that was as large as the world.


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