My Great Qin Cannot Die

Chapter 578: Since His Majesty has such an ambition, how could my servants not do...

"Now my Daqin is desolate, and it is sometimes difficult to live a life at the bottom of Qianshou, even subsistence, let alone eating meat."

After taking a sip of tea, Ying Zheng sighed: "Without the introduction of new meat, sheep, chicken, and fish alone are not enough to popularize the world."

"Especially the old Qin people!"

"In these years, they have paid too much for the unification of Daqin and for our ambitions..."

"Your Majesty, the development of anything does not happen overnight. Over the years, my Daqin has gotten better, and everything is developing in a good direction!"

Xu Mobu smiled: "Your Majesty doesn't have to worry so much, the concubine believes that the future Daqin will definitely be as His Majesty wishes."

As the imperial concubine of Da Qin, Xu Mofu was naturally aware of Ying Zheng's ambitions and aspirations.

Although she seldom went out of the palace, her father was the county governor, and she often exchanged letters on weekdays. Naturally, she had some understanding of the changes in the people.

The current Daqin has changed a lot compared to the original.

She believed that as long as Ying Zheng's original intentions remained unchanged, the Great Qin Empire would only get better and better.

After staying in the harem for a long time, he had a conversation with Xu Mofu. Ying Zheng teased Ying Changsheng and then closed his clothes and slept. These days, as the ruler of the empire, he is too busy and has been dealing with political affairs. And concerned about the Mobei war.


Government Office.

At this time, not only Wang Wan, Chen Ping, Zheng Guo, etc., but also the Third Duke of Qin and Jiuqing, including Cai Zhong and others were there.

"Li Xiang, Your Majesty requires the formulation of various plans for the imperial court within five years, and requires clear goals to be achieved and development procedures. In your opinion, what is your Majesty's plan?"

A gleam of light appeared in Wang Wan's eyes, and he said to Li Si, "And your Majesty mentioned that after the end of the Mobei war, for at least three years, Daqin will not easily mobilize troops."

"Your Majesty is planning to develop people's livelihood."

Li Si let out a long sigh of relief and said to Wang Wan and Chen Pingren, "Actually, as long as you are good at observing, you can detect it."

"Whether it is the Academy of Agricultural Sciences cultivating new rice, or the navy under General Wang Ben going out to sea to seek new grains, as well as the construction of the school these days, all are preparations for the people's livelihood."

"Even starting with the land reform, amending the law, further loosening restrictions on merchants, establishing an industry and commerce bureau, and raising business taxes, all are preparations for people's livelihood."

Speaking of this, Li Si said in a solemn tone: "In the future, as long as it is an industry or policy closely related to people's livelihood, it will be the most important thing for the Qin Empire to develop."

"For example, the grain seed is to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people of the country, and the school is to enable the people of the country to read and write. Then, your Majesty may mention that, like the school, the establishment of medical schools in the counties and counties of Daqin. to solve the problem of Chinese people seeing a doctor.”

"So, whether it's the national government office or the rest of the government office, it should focus on improving people's livelihood, and make plans, Daqin pays attention to pragmatism, and the plans and goals formulated by you should preferably be realized."

"And we won the first battle in Mobei. After this battle, at least 200,000 to 300,000 slaves will be sent to the Central Plains. This is the best time for development."

"Road problems and water conservancy problems will inevitably be solved one by one in the future."


Li Si's remarks immediately made Chen Ping and others feel as if they were full of energy, and they suddenly became enlightened.

Some places that were incomprehensible before have also been cleaned.

Gu Yuan

Ying Zheng had asked for planning and budgeting before, but all along, the major offices of the Great Qin court had not implemented them seriously.

Always started to explore.

Now that Ying Zheng proposed to let them formulate a development plan within five years, the ministers were suddenly blinded and had to ask Li Si for advice.

"But you don't have to worry so much. According to His Majesty's intention, the rice researched in Xiazhou has been successful. According to the time, it can be promoted in a small area next year to cultivate more seeds."

"Then, in areas suitable for planting, large-scale planting will reduce the pressure on the government's bureau of history and enable the people of the country to eat and serve food."

"If there is another good news from the Navy, the development plan within five years will probably change drastically!"

Li Si said what should be said.

What shouldn't have been said, Li Si didn't say a word, but he knew that Xu Shi had returned to the Central Plains, was detained by the naval officers, and was being escorted back to Xianyang.

Now that the matter of the first emperor's longevity has been resolved, Xu Shi has spent a lot of financial and material resources over the years, and I'm afraid it will cost blood.

Over the years, the one from Xianyang Palace has restrained a lot, but Li Si will never forget that the one who killed has never been many.

Kind-hearted and soft-hearted, it is not suitable to describe Ying Zheng.

Over the years, Li Si's reverence for Ying Zheng has become more and more profound, especially in these years, almost none of the policies proposed by Ying Zheng have failed.

Everyone's policies made Da Qin better, which made the image of the First Emperor grow taller and taller.

"Thank you Li Xiang for clarifying the confusion, I'll find out later."

When Chen Pingren left the government office, Wang Wan smiled and said to Li Si, "After so many years, Brother Si still hasn't changed. He has such an accurate grasp of His Majesty's intentions."

"Brother Wan, what are you talking about!"

Li Si shook his head with a smile, poured a cup of tea for him and Wang Wan respectively, and said in a low voice, "Over the years, His Majesty has not changed, he is still full of passion and still has a high ambition."

"This majestic Great Qin is not only the Great Qin of His Majesty, but also the Great Qin of you and me, and the Great Qin of the people of Great Qin."

"As a member of Daqin, Si also wants to witness Daqin's prosperity, witness Daqin's invincibility, and witness Daqin's eternal glory."

"We are not Your Majesty, we have no chance against the sky, we may not see the great Qin's eternal glory, but we can also lay the foundation for the great Qin's eternal glory."

"Now that His Majesty has such an ambition, how can I, as a courtier, not work hard for work hard."

Having said that, Li Si turned to Wang Wan and said, "Si has taken over the important task of cultural unification. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you much in a short period of time."


Hearing this, Wang Wan laughed and turned towards Li Si, saying, "Brother Si doesn't need to be involved in everything, Xiao He, Xiang He and others are almost all trained."

"Now that Daqin is on the rise, he also needs a younger person to carry the burden of Daqin's development. He can't always let His Majesty carry it alone."

Whether it is Wang Wan or Li Si, they are aware of the pressure of Ying Zheng over the years.

Except for Ying Zheng alone, no one else could bear such pressure.

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