My Great Qin Cannot Die

Chapter 175: Qin law is the only rule in the empire other than your majesty...

"Your Majesty, everything should be done step by step. It's too much to say that it's too much!"

At this moment, Li Si looked solemn. Compared with other people, he followed Xunzi to learn the art of governing the country and the strategy of tyranny, and he knew more about a country.

Especially in the establishment of the Daqin Empire, he almost personally participated in the design, and was more aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the empire.

In Li Si's opinion, the development of the Great Qin Empire has been too fast. In his vision, it will take a long time for the Great Qin Empire to grow from a new birth to a mature one.

After all, the current Daqin Empire is still in its infancy. In three years, the Daqin court can only reveal some deficiencies, but not all deficiencies.

Because of this, the Great Qin Empire has not yet truly matured, and it will take a long time.

Countless generations!

Within a hundred years, constant revisions can make the system of the Great Qin Empire more suitable for the new unified situation on the Central Plains.

Only then can the Qin Empire be boundless forever!

It's just obvious that when Li Si imagined it, he took it too much for granted and forgot the feelings of the first emperor. The first emperor can't wait for several lifetimes. He wants to solve all problems in one lifetime.

Then, leave an empire for all generations for future generations!

In desperation, Li Si had no choice but to slap on the side, but Ying Zheng had always put off his ramblings. At this moment, he could only make it clear.

In his opinion, only land reform is suitable for now, and nothing else.


"I understand your worries, but I have to complete what I think in my heart. If I don't do it, I will regret it for the rest of my life, because among the younger generation, there may not be anyone who can do it and dare to do it!"

In front of the windowsill, looking at the goose feather snow, Ying Zheng's eyes flickered. He didn't have much hope for the young masters of the Qin Empire.

So, everything can only depend on oneself.

The most important thing is that in his mind, Li Kang's memory is just a precious treasure that belongs to him alone. There is no way to inherit such memories.

There are some things that he doesn't do, maybe two thousand years later on the Central Plains.

Since God gave him a chance to overtake in a corner, Ying Zheng would not miss it. He wanted to make the word "Da Qin" the glory of this world and this nation.

Hearing this, Li Si nodded. He highly praised Ying Zheng's heroism. At this moment, when Li Si saw Ying Zheng's insistence, he stopped talking.


Sometimes, obedience is the best principle for a courtier, especially when encountering a domineering and powerful emperor, obedience will make his life better.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Jun Wentong imitated Marquis Wenxin and offered a reward to the world outside the city gate of Xianyang, asking for a character teacher and bidding a thousand dollars?"

Li Si is an authentic Legalist, and he has never had the slightest Confucianism in his bones. This incident gave him an opportunity.

An opportunity for the decline of Confucianism and the prosperity of Legalism.


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng didn't hide it deliberately. This matter had already been a big uproar. As the right minister of the government, Li Si couldn't be clear.

"From now on, Confucianism will completely leave the imperial court of the Great Qin Empire, and Lord Wen Tong will also compile the history books of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties for the Great Qin."

"The official office of the Doctoral Academy has removed the word "official office", and from now on, it will only be used as a place for compiling history books."

"The Book of Kings and the Great World has also been read by me. It's well written, but it's not suitable for the Qin Empire, so I can only discard it. Dr. Chunyuyue saw that Confucius was too lonely underground, so I gave him a ride."


Ying Zheng's answer made Li Si's words never come out. He didn't want to see Shang Yang and Han Fei.

Seeing Li Si's complexion changing, Ying Zheng's mouth showed a smile, and he calmed down, his expression returned to normal, and said, "Li Si, I have been somewhat unclear. Xunzi can be said to be the last master of Confucianism during the Warring States Period."

"But his most famous disciple, Han Fei and you are both legalists, Meng Tian and Gan Luo are both literary and martial, but they have not cultivated a famous scholar..."

This question has always existed in Ying Zheng's heart.

After all, Han Fei is a Legalist, a master of magic skills, and Li Si is the core founder of the Qin Empire, both of whom belong to Legalists, Meng Tian is a genius in the military, and Gan Luo is a strategist.

Only there is not a Confucian scholar!

A Confucian scholar who is famous all over the world makes people puzzled as soon as the sound is heard.

Xun Zi, born in troubled times, has developed Confucian culture and is the master of Confucianism.

You must know that before this, only Confucius was the only Confucian Confucian, who was called the most holy. Later, at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period and the beginning of the Warring States Period, Mencius was consecrated as a saint and called it a sub-sage.

The third is Xunzi, who is called the post-sage.

From this, it can be seen that Xunzi's position in Confucianism, but what is surprising is that Xunzi did not teach a great Confucian in his life.

Xunzi's greatness lies not only in his literary influence, but also in the two disciples he taught - Li Si and Han Fei.

Li Si advocated the system of prefectures and counties, organized Xiaozhuan, unified the characters, accelerated the integration of the people of the six countries, and stabilized the turbulent society at that time.

It can be said that Li Si promoted the unification of the world.

And Han Fei is even more outstanding, combining Shang Yang's method, the potential of being cautious, and the technique of Shen Bu-harm, a volume of "Han Fei Zi" was born, and he was immediately canonized.

But this sage belongs to the Legalists.

As for Meng Tian and Gan Luo, there is no need to say much, they have nothing to do with Confucianism.


Hearing this, Li Si chuckled lightly, and said to Ying Zheng, "Your Majesty, this is actually not difficult to understand, because the Confucian system was not applicable to the actual situation of the Warring States period at that time, and the goal of Confucianism was too ideal. , too far from reality."

"Legalists, on the other hand, are more about practical effects and practicality. It advocates that the country should be enriched and strengthened in the shortest possible time. Its philosophy is more realistic and feasible than that of Confucianism."

"Although the tutor was a Confucian teacher, but after his academic achievement, he learned a hundred schools of thought and achieved a family's words..."

In response to Li Si's explanation, Ying Zheng nodded and expressed his approval. Compared with Confucius's seventy-two sages and three thousand students' education method, he was more in favor of Xunzi's teaching according to his aptitude.

Thoughts flickered in his heart, Ying Zheng smiled at Li Si, then his face became solemn, and said, "Aiqing thinks what is the difference between Fajia and Qin Fa?"

At this moment, Li Si's expression changed drastically.

He is not a fool. On the contrary, he is a person with a relatively keen sense of politics. From Ying Zheng's seemingly random inquiry, he immediately realized Ying Zheng's intention.

At this point, Li Si turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, in the Great Qin Empire, Qin Fa Zhaozhao hangs high above the national gate and is inscribed in the Imperial Temple."

"The laws of Qin are the foundation of the empire. Legalism is just a theory of hundreds of schools of thought. The laws of Qin are the only rules of the Qin Empire other than your majesty..."


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