My Girlfriend is a Wicked Girl

Chapter 98: Why are you still here?

Japan’s seniority status is more serious. At first, Kitahara thought that Uchida Yuma was bragging again. Maybe he was a substitute in the bench, mainly responsible for handing towels to the big guys in the team. It is very likely that you will not be able to play at all.

But he never expected that in the second game, he saw Uchida Yuma wearing a full set of protective gear with a bitter expression, and started warming up with the pitcher in front of the bullpen, and he was sent to the field in the third game.

Before the start of the third round, the two sides scored 10:0, with Naganogawa in the front and the private Daifuku Academy in the back.

Naganogawa High School is a comprehensive high school in Owari Asahi City. It is not a famous one. Last year, Hagar's performance was mediocre, but this year I don’t know if he experienced special training in **** or joined a number of powerful newcomers. , Or hiring a smart coach, the start of the game started a storm of fighting.

Not only is the traditional three, four, and five sticks strong and powerful, but starting from the first stick, Naganogawa has a very strong and powerful player, with the exception of a slightly weaker stick. , Extraordinarily calm and calm, directly hit the private Daifuku Academy's starting cast and arrest combination into an unbalanced mentality.

Naganogawa scored 4 points in the first offensive game. After the three players were out of the game, they seemed to understand the details of the private Daifuku Academy. Knowing that Daifuku had no strong hitters in the first three shots, he directly pressed out in front of the field and performed oppressive defense. , And the pitcher was also very good. One strikeout, and the teammates directly suffocated two of them. Dafuku Academy's more threatening four shots ended before the first game of the game and scored 0.

The second director Nogawa seemed to be more precise in capturing the ball of the Taifuku pitcher. He even hit a home run on his first strike, which directly caused the mentality of the pitcher of Taifuku to collapse and made frequent mistakes. In the end, Naganogawa easily scored 6 points.

The offense and defense of the two sides were swapped again, and Naganogawa was able to not be arrogant or impetuous under such a large advantage. It seemed that there had been tactical arrangements. The pitcher stabilized four bad goals and delivered four sticks to first base. The most powerful hitter in Daifuku Academy didn’t even swing a baton or even got a chance to boost morale. He went to first base and stayed at first base, and watched five, six and seven hits. Three strikeouts in a row-his top base is meaningless, and the people behind can't push him.

The third game has not yet started, and Daifuku Academy’s pitcher mentality has completely collapsed. How he shoots the ball, how can he hit the opponent, and then go up purely to send points, so the first-year throwing and catching combination cultivated as a reserve force was pushed up. At the scene, ready to be a dead horse doctor.

That's how Uchida Yuma's Koshien first battle came, and I didn't want to just look at him. Kitahara looked back three times when he watched him go to home base to defend. It was very pitiful and he had no confidence at all. He said he was going to the game rather than going to the execution ground.

Hideji Kitahara doesn't understand baseball anymore. It's not a level contest at all. It's a bit like a professional boxer beating a kindergarten kid—or a kid in a small class.

He turned his head to Shishimaru and asked, "Aru, what's the matter?"

Shijima Ryu was also stunned, "This..." He saw that last year's video was not like this. He knew better than Kitahara Xiuji, so he was more surprised than Kitahara Xiuji, and was speechless for a while.

Xueli also seldom stopped stuffing snacks in his mouth, pinching his chin and muttering: "Is our school really so weak? It feels better to let me go!"

Ono Yoko didn't understand, but she would look at her face, and when she looked at the atmosphere, she knew that the current situation did not seem so good, and she frankly shrank to the side and said nothing.

It took a long time for Shijima Ryuu to stabilize his mind. He looked at the Uchida Yuma who was squatting on home base with anxiety, and reluctantly said to Kitahara Hideji: "From the perspective of this year, Naganogawa has become stronger this year, and may go very well. Far, they have a real line of play, and their firepower is a bit like the previous Ikeda Hao hit the storm. Everyone is strong. If there is no good combination of shooting and catching, they can't suppress their scoring ability, and their defensive tactics The choice is also good. I should have been preparing for a long time. Although the pitcher seems to be a rookie, he is above the average level...this..."

Kitahara shows a little bit lightly, which means it sounds like it can't prevent the opponent from scoring, and it is difficult for him to score. Isn't this a loss?

He finally got serious and carefully observed the comparison between the players of the two sides. He found that the players of Naganogawa are more fit. Although it is a bit difficult to distinguish through the baseball shirt, he can barely recognize that the upper bodies of the players of Naganogawa are inverted triangles. Everyone in his clothes has eight pack abs, and the upper arms are obviously thicker than the players in the private Daifuku Academy. It is very possible to consciously enter a large amount of upper limb strength training under the guidance of professionals.

Sure enough, the other party was more fully prepared, just to see if Naganogawa was obviously ambitious...

And the third game in the field began. Uchida squatted on the home plate and watched Naganogawa's hitter with eyebrows. He kept sending out signals to his pitching partner. The first-year pitcher obviously couldn't believe in Uchida. Seeing the third-grade senior knelt so miserably, he was timid before the battle, hesitated in his actions, and kept wiping sweat nervously.

But he had to throw the ball, and his level was not as good as the starting pitcher, the ball speed was slower, and the mental quality of the beginning of the big game was not good enough, even through four consecutive bad **** to send the opponent three people one after another, sending the other party a full base. —It's not just him, even the referee is dumbfounded.

The situation is worse.

Hideji Kitahara stood up and leaned forward to look at the bullpen of the private Daifuku Academy. He wanted to see why the coach didn’t give instructions, but he couldn’t see clearly on the same side as him. At this time, the supervisory teacher of the private Daifuku Academy seemed to be anxious and moved forward. After walking a few steps, he desperately gestured to the pitcher, motioning him to calm down quickly, and this figure made Hideji Kitahara stunned.

Still an acquaintance, isn't this the school doctor Hanako Suzuki? The one who cured the little turnip head!

Is this a joke? Are you a school doctor as the coach of the baseball club? Is the school crazy?

Kitahara Hideji was a little unbelievable, but it seemed that there was no other teacher. She was indeed giving instructions, pointing to Suzuki Hanako to Shikishima Ryuu and asking, "What is that person?"

"The supervising teacher leading the team."


"No, there is no coach in our school's baseball department. Mr. Suzuki is just leading the team to prevent accidents on the way to students."

Hideji Kitahara sat down again, let's go, it is estimated that the private Daifuku Academy feels that it is not reliable to enter the Koshien, and did not spend any energy in this aspect, leaving it to the students to play.

The importance of the two sides to the game is totally different, so it would be a blessing to be able to win in this way.

Sure enough, the next two games were completely overwhelming. The home base that Uchida was holding was the same as the stairwell. The opponent went in and out at will, one after the other, and one after the other, and he was also beaten to a mental imbalance. He couldn't even catch the ball from his partner, and made continuous active mistakes, either sending the opponent on base or giving the opponent points.

In the end, the referees couldn’t stand it anymore. Seeing that the private Daifuku Academy was defeated, the game was over in five rounds—the Koshien finals didn’t have an "effective match", and you can score as many points as you can. But the local competition talks about this, so as not to waste the strong team's physical strength in vain when too strong and too weak collide.

At present, it is obvious that Naganogawa and the private Daifuku Academy are not on the same level, and it is meaningless to compare it. It is better to protect promising teams-this is a tournament that almost all universities will participate in, and the level of each team is The difference is huge. Just like this time, it can only be said that Naganogawa High School was very lucky and got the lottery. He was almost admitted to the second round, second only to the bye.

The air defense alarm went off again, and a group of defeated soldiers in the private Daifuku Academy were not neatly lined up. After barely shaking hands with the opponent, several of them sat down.

Kitahara Hideji covered his face and didn’t want to look at the scoreboard—20:0, the private Daifuku Academy did not score a point. Regardless of his physical fitness, technical and tactical level, and battlefield, he was completely crushed by the opponent, and this is only It can be regarded as a half-time game. If you play a full game, you may be able to score a basketball game with the explosive mentality of the private Daifuku Academy.

"Let's go!" Both players left the field, and Kitahara Hideji also stood up and said.

Yoko stood up obediently and took his hand again, while Xueli grumbled very dissatisfied with the result. He felt that he had lost a lot of time when he ran all the way and only watched the half-court game. He kept talking about school. The women's softball team may play better than these boys, at least they won't be shaved by the opponent and lose face to the entire Aichi Prefecture.

Shijima Ryu didn't have much to say, he looked more uncomfortable than he had lost, and followed behind with his head down with a gloomy face.

They waited at the exit of the passage for a while, and then the private Dafu came out. Carrying her bag and hanging her head, while Suzuki Hanako followed and comforted the students softly, she was able to provide psychological counseling to the students. It was also considered to be against her school doctor's profession, but the obvious effect was that the soul of the whole team seemed to be beaten. No more, like a sparse group of zombies.

Shijima Ryu stood aside and bowed his head in salute and said, "Thank you, senior!" But no one paid attention to him. Those second graders, especially the third grade, lost the prestige and prestige of their usual seniors, all of them bowed their heads and looked regretful and painful.

Maybe you didn't sweat a little while regretting training? Or hate the lottery for such a first-time opponent?

Uchida Yuma followed at the end. He didn't even carry the bag. He carried the bag in his hand but the strap was not adjusted properly. It was too long, so he dragged himself all the way without paying attention. He looked like he was defeated and fled. He saw Kitahara Hidejiwajishimaru, and stopped in a daze. His eyes were dull and his face was as gray as death. After a long while, he murmured, "Aru, Kitahara, am I not suitable for baseball?"

He feels good about playing at school himself, and he feels like he is back to kindergarten level when he participates in the competition.

Kitahara sighed, and Shijishima Ryu hurriedly comforted him: "This time it's just that the opponent is too strong, Stallion, don't give up your dreams!"

Uchida Yuma stared at him blankly for a while, lowered his head and burst into tears, choked up and said: "My dream is dead, my passionate youth is over... I also told Junko-chan to dedicate this victory to her. What about this? Alu, what about this?"

Hideji Kitahara patted him on the shoulder as a relief. This guy said a few days ago that he would dedicate the victory to the friendship between them. Did this turn around and give it to the Basakura Girls’ school girl who looked at her face? But it’s not important anyway, I didn’t get the victory anyway...

Shijima Ryu also didn't care about Uchida's carrying him and Sakamoto Junko to keep in touch with him on the Internet. He just took his shoulders and comforted him softly-everyone values ​​something different, to Uchida For this kind of teenager, maybe he can remember the failure of this competition for several years.

It's not impossible that I don't even want to play baseball anymore.

The original plan was to play locally for a while after watching the ball, like trying the famous local specialty miso soup, but now Uchida Yuma is like this, no one mentions it again.

The crowd went back to Nagoya directly with the team's big bus, got off the bus and announced the dissolution directly. Shijima Ryu gave Kitahara an apologetic look, and then took Uchida Yuma away, seeming to want to send him home directly. -Uchida is in a very bad state of mind. It seems that his self-confidence has been hit hard and he is beginning to doubt his life.

Watching them go, Kitahara Xiuji asked Xueli: "Are you going back with me to study or..."

Xueli hurriedly interrupted him, and sighed in a low voice: "Today is in a bad mood, the show time, let's not learn it! Alas, I knew I would lose so badly so I didn't watch it. My sister was right, let's The school has no background, the ball clubs are all weak chickens, participating in the national competition is entirely to die...that, I went straight home."

She was afraid that Hideji Kitahara would have to get her back to the apartment to do the problem, waved her hand and ran away.

Xiuji Kitahara didn't care about her, and planned to make up for her homework tomorrow. Today, I should let her take a half-day off. After all, she was studied by two top students during this period, which was hard enough.

He led Yoko to the station, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Yoko, you have wasted most of your time." It is meaningless to go to the game today. It is estimated that the time can go back, maybe Uchida Yuma can Kneeling on the ground and begging him to stay away.

When I went back to school, maybe the private Daifuku Academy regional competition was shaved and shaved, and he scored a rare 20:0 score. I can report to the colonel, shame on the whole school, and directly replace the football club to become the new week’s. laughing stock.

Yoko was very obedient, shook her head repeatedly, and said with a sweet smile: "Nothing, Onixan, I saw a lot of new things today, which is very interesting." She paused, then comforted: "Onixan's school lost. Don't be too sad, it will be better next time."

Kitahara Xiuji smiled and said: "I'm not sad, UU read but just looked at them and thought that no matter what the game, I still won!"

Life is the same, it will be painful if you fail, and you can laugh only if you win. How uncomfortable Uchida Yuma is now, maybe Naganogawa is so happy—they should be happy, and they took a big step toward the top of the mountain.

And Uchida Yuma goes to training every afternoon. This investment is a waste of water. Just wait for the Koshien finals to be watched on TV in August. If Naganogawa scores in Koshien this year, it doesn't matter whether he can take out the red. Gan Daqi, just showing his face on TV, guesses Uchida will have a complicated mood to watch.

Kitahara Hideji and Yoko went back to the apartment chatting all the way, but when Yoko went up to the fourth floor, Yoko screamed in shock, and Kitahara Hideji looked up and found that the front door of Yoko's house was open and the apartment was managed. The clerk was instructing two or three workers to move things out, and they were piled up in the corridor indiscriminately, as if they were about to be discarded.

"You...what are you doing?" No matter how you don't like it, it's Yoko's home after all, so she ran over.

The apartment manager also noticed Yoko, and only after recognizing it, he asked, a little strangely, "Are you a child of Ono's family? Why are you still here?"

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