My Girlfriend is a Wicked Girl

Chapter 322 A Traitor Has Been Found Among Us

The Japanese Financial Services Agency, referred to as FSA, was formerly the Financial Order Committee established in 1998. It was only a temporary department established in response to the Asian financial turmoil in 1998 and to clean up the mess that followed. , which eventually became the financial industry regulator directly under the Prime Minister's Residence in 2001.

The Asian financial turmoil in 1998 led to the bankruptcy of several large banks in Japan, and the Japanese government was devastated. In that year, two prime ministers were changed, and they did not dare to trust the Ministry of Finance anymore. The Ministry of Finance is now only responsible for the macro-policy and supervision of the financial industry. The authority was completely transferred to the Financial Services Agency.

At present, the main responsibility of the Financial Services Agency is to ensure the stability of Japan's financial order, protect the interests of depositors, policy holders, and securities investors, and promote the development of the national financial industry by the way. Niwa Arika is the Financial Services Agency Did the special commissioner sent by the inspection bureau to Donglian—the gang of Donglian bastards, use the national deposits to run amok? Did you fill your pockets and seek personal gain when lending money? Is it because the state-owned banks have not effectively fulfilled their role in supporting key industries?

No? I don't think so, take your archived data, I want to study it...

Therefore, the Financial Services Department is the mother-in-law of all banks. They come to pick and criticize when they have nothing to do, and start to slap banks in the face after grabbing the little tail. Since 2002, there has been no Japanese banker who does not hate the Financial Services Agency.

Various inspections, groups come to gang fights once every half a year, and people come here every day to look at this and that. Vultures are ruthless - the Ministry of Finance used to be so comfortable when it supervised, hello, hello, hello, everyone, but I changed to the Financial Services Agency, and everyone is a state moth. I really wish I could kill all the bank employees.

Kitahara Hideji was reminded by Takemura Yoko, and felt that something was wrong, so he took the time to use his mobile phone to give himself a science popularization, and he was quite speechless - he came to Donglian for an internship. After three or four days, he became an intern at Donglian. It's the opposite of the world, it's so weird...

But right now he has been stripped of his blue overalls and put on a black suit again, and in the time it takes to change his clothes, the desk is ready for him, right next to this impatient old woman like Niwa, there is no way reject.

Niwa sat there and continued to browse through the documents and files, comparing them with the information she had collected, and at the same time said to Takemura Yoko: "Where is the data I want? You will press it again immediately!"

Yoko didn't even dare to say anything, so she turned around and went to urge her—she was an employee of Donglian, but unfortunately, she was sent here to obey Niwa's orders, serve and monitor by the way, and as a bank employee, she ate bear's heart Leopard didn't even dare to twist with Niwa.

A dog sent by the imperial court is also an angel when it arrives in the local area. It can only resist softly, and it must not be confronted face to face.

Niwa pushed the half-person-high folder to Hideji Kitahara, and ordered: "Read these quickly, and give me a summary of any doubtful points."

Hideji Kitahara looked at her, reached out to touch the pen and started to work—he came to Donglian for an internship, and Donglian sent him to be an assistant to the commissioner of the Financial Services Agency. live!

But he looked at it and put it into it, frowned and searched carefully, and from time to time he searched the Internet for active comparisons, feeling more caring than Niwa.

He has caught a good hand of cards in his life, which is basically as good as the sky. If he wants to live a better life than ordinary people, it is really easy and simple.

For example, he can train himself to be a top athlete, as long as he takes it easy and doesn't use too much force to be dissected scientifically, his income will naturally be very high, or he can become the owner of a restaurant with a very hot business, making daily progress. Gold is also out of the question.


With such a good card, why not try Hu Guoshi Wushuang? If you can be Hu Guoshi Wushuang, why do you want to be a fool? Even if he becomes a butt, he won't forgive himself!

He wants to try to touch the three extremes of life, that is, to be powerful for a while, to be rich, and to be famous in history, so he cannot do without understanding all aspects of this society and how various organizational situations work.

For example, if you plan to start a business, how do you manage people? How to organize the team? How to determine the company structure? Is it better to be flat or pyramid? In terms of production, how to manage inventory and how to prepare and form an assembly line? How should grassroots managers be trained? How to control the wages and benefits of workers? How to deal with banks and trade unions?

These are not things that can be learned by just reading a book, and it is even more impossible to click the mouse twice like in the game.

I really want to do something practical, but thinking about it is useless, of course I have to understand, learn, plan, and then it's my turn to execute.

It's just that he hasn't fully considered what he will do in the future, and what he plans to use as a breakthrough. After all, Chang Lizhi is not as good as Li Changzhi. When some things are decided, he has to work hard without hesitation and no regrets, so he would rather set goals and make plans Spend a little more time, and you can't just start working as soon as your brain is hot. After the passion is exhausted, I'm afraid there will be a mess left, and all the time and energy will be wasted. It's not worth it.

So now is the time for him to absorb nutrients, which is considered a developmental period. Although Niwa's wife is impolite and quick-tempered, many of the information she provided are beyond the reach of ordinary people. They have gone deep into Japanese factories and companies. Even the various subtleties of foreign companies are really precious. For this reason, it is nothing to do some white labor for this woman. Most people don't have this opportunity yet!

Hideji Kitahara is a dedicated personality with a full brain power, and he keeps handing over the processed documents with summaries to Niwa's desk. Niwa's personality is similar to his, and he works in a hurry and carefully. He quickly divides the compared materials into three parts. Parts: No problem, there are small flaws but harmless, and suspected tricks-the third part is rare, and it needs to be studied carefully and checked by many parties to be sure.

Although Hideji Kitahara has a keen mind and quick access to foreign language materials, he lacks professional knowledge and made many mistakes. Niwa was not angry, but took the time to give him a few simple explanations - Hideji Kitahara's intelligence is not a problem Yes, not only can one point be understood, but also draw inferences from one instance, so that similar mistakes will not be made immediately.

Of course, more professional judgments are still made by Niwa, who is also an assistant and half-translator by the way. It's just that the more he worked as an assistant, the more qualified he became, Niwa couldn't help but glance at him—this kid is very good, how did he get reduced to the point of being a dispatch worker? Finding a small language translation job is twice as much as doing chores, right? Is it because I am not deeply involved in the world, and no one gives advice?

The idea in her mind turned around and then she threw it aside again, planning to talk to Kitahara Shuji again when she got a chance, the task is still urgent at the moment - to work as a dispatch worker at Donglian, it is better to go back to the Financial Services Department with her as a part-time worker after the job is over Forget about the personnel, this kid is a talented person, probably because of his lack of academic qualifications, he became such a bird.

The two of them were busy here with full attention, Takemura Yoko observed Kitahara Shuuji through the gap between the grids for a while, then took a breath--are you so stupid that you are bubbling? Where are you from? Let's do foreign work, why do you need to be so active? We are paid by the Eastern Union, not by the Financial Services Agency!

She acted immediately, went to the tea room to brew two cups of coffee, filled a plate of cream puffs, and then sent it to the desks of Arika Niwa and Hideji Kitahara, and said with a gentle smile: "Commissioner Niwa, Kitahara-san, take a break with a cup of coffee Shall we take a moment?"

Niwa's temper is a little bit anxious, and he also pays attention to the task, but he is not completely inhumane. After looking at the coffee, he said to Kitahara Hideji: "You can rest for a quarter of an hour if you are tired."

Hideji Kitahara is looking at the investment. It turns out that the profit of the manufacturing industry is like this. I have never heard of it before, but the manufacturing industry is a low-margin industry. Where does the profit go? In society, in what form is the circulation of wealth carried out?

His mind was spinning fast, eager to find the answer, and he replied casually: "I'm not tired."

"Then continue!" Niwa was a happy person, and immediately lowered his head again.

The smile froze on Yoko's face, and she wanted to pour coffee on Kitahara Hideji's head. Your boy's position is too unsteady. If you say you rebelled, you will rebel. Do you still want to hang out in the Eastern Union in the future?

She moved around with a stiff face, put the coffee on Hideji Kitahara's table, and emphasized in a low voice as much as possible: "Kitahara-san, the coffee is here, so you can work better when you wake up."

The focus is on "refreshing the mind" and "working". Now that Hideji Kitahara can grind his teeth with biscuits for a day, maybe Donglian can give him three salaries and bonuses. The Ministry is dedicated to this, and Yoko Takemura is one of them, but it doesn't matter if one's own people check on one's own people, it's not good to make family scandals public.

Kitahara Hideji raised his head in surprise, looked at Yoko's delicate white-collar expression, and seemed to understand, but immediately smiled and said: "Thank you, Senior Takemura, but I don't drink coffee, I usually only drink tea."

He drinks tea instead of coffee. Many people think that this is a natural drink, but it is not.

Under normal circumstances, the caffeine contained in the same volume of coffee is more than twice that of tea, and tea also contains antioxidants in addition to caffeine-antioxidants will slow down the absorption of caffeine, so tea is beneficial to the brain. The arousal effect is continuous and slow, which is conducive to long-term work, while the arousal effect of coffee is fast, waking up quickly, sleepy faster, doubled tiredness afterwards, and slightly addictive.

As a strict and self-disciplined good-natured boy, Hideji Kitahara does not drink coffee but only drinks tea. At the same time, he also understands what Yoko Takemura is alluding to, but he doesn't care - Donglian sent him to be Niwa's assistant, since he is here , then he must do things well, this is a matter of principle.

What's more, he should be regarded as half a guest of Donglian, but he was kicked to do hard work, second only to cleaning the toilet, which was a waste of his time. In a sense, this was also a kind of humiliation and injury, and there was no waiting Speaking of guest etiquette, he is still holding his breath!

You kicked me here and there, never regarded me as a serious intern, and now you hint at this and that, you dare not explain it clearly, you think I'm a piece of mud, a little bit No temper? Is it a puppet that you manipulate?

Did you treat me as a guest or as your own?

Kitahara Hideji pretended not to understand here, but Niwa raised his eyes to look at Yoko, and ordered: "Make us tea, and then go about your business."

Yoko didn't dare to say anything more, let alone pour coffee on Hideji Kitahara's head to wake him up, took the coffee and walked away dejectedly, and Niwa took another deep look at Hideji Kitahara, and praised: "You are not bad, you are very nice. good."

Capable, courageous, and wise, he is a talent, and it is really good to get it back and become his long-term assistant.

Kitahara Hideji laughed dumbly, he was not a person in the banking industry at all, and he didn't rely on Donglian to live. If Donglian finds out something, it can be regarded as helping Donglian recover some losses, which is beneficial to Donglian as a whole-it is estimated that it will be scolded by the Financial Services Agency, and its face will be damaged, but it is better to cut off the cancer early, long-term The pain is not as good as short-term pain, and it is worse than holding on to it.

He didn't explain, but said modestly: "Commissioner Niwa is overrated, I..."

"Hurry up and work!"

Hideji Kitahara didn't finish his sentence, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable-it's hard for people who haven't experienced it to understand the aggrieved feeling of being interrupted all the time!

Aren't you too annoying to be in the Financial Services Agency, and then kicked out as a commissioner?

Kitahara Hideji took a deep breath before suppressing the inexplicable irritability, and buried his head in the pile of documents again, while Yoko hid in the cubicle after serving tea, and began to report to the superior——It’s not good, the section chief, We have a traitor among us!

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