Mu Xiu also felt impossible.

   She has some understanding of the difficulty of this technique.

   Few people learn it.

   It seems that there are other requirements besides the state of mind.

   takes a lot of time, and few people will spend time on it.

   If it takes enough time to learn, it’s okay, but most people, even if they spend a lot of time, still can’t learn.

   This led to Kunlun Mountain, and few people went to learn colorful auspicious clouds.

   "It's normal if it doesn't, I just talk about it.

   After all, the difficulty of colorful auspicious clouds is obvious to all.

   I just think that since the other party is the only disciple of Ninth Peak, there must be something extraordinary, just in case it will. "Mu Xiu said softly.

   "In fact, the focus of Colorful Xiangyun is not the state of mind, but the perception of the clouds of heaven and earth. This kind of insight is hard to come by, so few people can learn it.

   The younger brother of Ninth Peak is not very old, so it will not be normal.

   It is said that the uncle of the Ninth Peak also came to realize it accidentally.

   So Junior Brother Ninth Peak won’t be nothing.

   It's abnormal after meeting. "Ao Longyu said calmly.

   She didn't mean anything else, seeking truth from facts.

   Some people think that colorful auspicious clouds belong to the ninth peak, and the people of the ninth peak should be able to do it. It won't be because of poor talent.

   Right, not right.

   "It is true, and Junior Brother Ninth Peak, who has relatively limited talents, should spend time on cultivation.

   It is not wise to waste a lot of time cultivating colorful auspicious clouds. "Jing Ting nodded and said.

   Ao Longyu glanced at the other person and didn't say much.

   "Speaking of which, I heard that if someone comprehends colorful auspicious clouds, there will be rainbows hanging in the sky." Mu Xiu looked up at the sky and continued:

   "Just like that, gorgeous... dazzling."

   When it came to this, Mu Xiu was taken aback.

   She was a little surprised:

   "Is this a rainbow?

   Is it raining today? "

   Jingting and Ao Longyu also looked at the sky at this time.

   They also saw the rainbow suddenly hanging on the sky.

   is no different from the ordinary rainbow after rain.

  If they didn't discuss colorful auspicious clouds, they would definitely not feel anything, but they just discussed and understood what visions of colorful auspicious clouds would have, and this vision appeared.

   is a bit unacceptable for a while.

  "It should be a coincidence, and this is the rainbow hanging on the Ninth Peak.

   In addition to the three of us on the Ninth Peak, it is also the uncle and the junior.

   That uncle has already realized that that junior should come back to pick us up, it is impossible to practice. "Jing Ting analyzed it, and then came to a conclusion:

   "So, it must happen that a rainbow appeared today."

   "Yes, it must be so." Mu Xiu responded with a smile.

   She felt that she had been worrying too much.

   "What will happen afterwards?" Ao Longyu asked suddenly.

   "Follow-up?" Mu Xiu thought for a while and said:

   "It seems that a person who understands, there will be colorful lights on his body."

   "Is that so?" Ao Longyu asked, pointing to the figure in front of him.

   At this time, Mu Xiu and Jingting immediately looked over, and then they saw a person standing in front of him. He looked at the sky, and a flash of colorful light flashed past his body.

   But it was just a flash, like an illusion.

   Mu Xiu: "......"

   Jingting: "......"

   Isn't it?

   Does anyone really understand the colorful clouds?

   There should have been hallucinations just now, or the realization of colorful auspicious clouds is not such a vision.

   The other party is too young to practice for 30 to 40 years.

  Building a foundation for a successful cultivation.

   Jianglan returned to his mind. He felt that he had a new understanding of colorful auspicious clouds and he could experiment with plant eggs when he had time.

   feels useless.

   At this time, Jiang Lan saw three people standing in front of him.

   One man and two women.

   There is one girl who seems to have seen it before.

   Ao Longyu.

   Jiang Lan immediately remembered.

   At this time, there was no pattern on Ao Longyu's face, and probably healed from his injuries.

   As for the other person's appearance, nothing has changed over the years.

  'S face is as calm as ever.

   Jiang Lan has never seen the other two people.

   But what is certain is that the cultivation base of these three people is very high.

   Besides, I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

   He felt that the physical power of these three people was very strong.

   "I have seen the brothers and sisters, the master asked me to pick up people to the Nether Cave." Jiang Lan said neither humble nor overbearing.

   His master asked him to pick up people, but he didn't say which ones.

   "There are only three of us. We have Junior Brother Lao." Ao Longyu said.

   "Senior brother and sister come with me." Jiang Lan led the way as he said.

   Jianglan walked in front, and the others followed.

   Although this junior only has the perfect cultivation base, but the three of Ao Longyu are guests after all.

   Jing Ting and Mu Xiu, who followed behind, looked at Jiang Lan with an expressionless expression.

   They saw the scene just now, so they wanted to ask what happened.

   Did you really understand the colorful auspicious clouds?

   Ao Longyu walked calmly, as if he didn't care about anything.

   Especially without responsibility.

   She doesn’t have to worry about too much.

   "Does Junior Brother know why we are here?" Mu Xiu asked Jiang Lan from the side.

   "Master never told." Jiang Lan just shook his head calmly.

   He really didn't know why these people came to Nether Cave.

   It’s not a good place there.

   Staying for a long time is not good for cultivation.

   Even if these people are also practicing Kunlun Heart Sutra, they cannot escape the side effects of Nether Cave.

   If there is not enough resistance, it is easy to get confused.

   was ruined ever since.

   "We will stay at the entrance of the Netherworld Cave for a few months, so these days may disturb Junior Brother." Mu Xiu said.

   Jiang Lan glanced at the senior sister, then shook his head and said:

   "Senior sister, if she is only at the entrance of the Nether, then it won't bother me.

   I live in the Nether Cave.

   The master didn’t order, and he usually didn’t go out of the hole. "

   Mu Xiu: "......"

   Jingting: "......"

   This time it was Ao Longyu who was a little surprised.

   Where is the Nether Cave, where does this Junior Brother live for a long time?

   Is it true that you won’t get into trouble?

  A good heart isn’t so good, right?

   Jingting and they are also very surprised, this Junior Brother is not already enchanted, right?

   Because of Jiang Lan's words, they don't know how to pick it up.

   So they couldn't ask Jiang Lan about the situation just now.

   Mu Xiu actually wanted to ask about Qi Cai Xiangyun.

   Soon, Jiang Lan took them to the entrance of the Netherworld Cave.

   "Senior brother and sister, do you want to go in and have a look?" Jiang Lan asked.

   "Thank you, Junior Brother, to lead the way." Jingting said.

   Jianglan has average talent, and his cultivation is very low for them.

   But that is also the ninth peak personally passed the big disciple, and will not give the opposite face on the ninth peak, that is, I don't want to borrow the nether cave for cultivation.

   Jiang Lan nodded, and then led the way.

   "The first time you enter the Nether Cave, it's best to open some defenses, otherwise you will be easily hit by the Nether breath." Jiang Lan walked in front and kindly reminded.

   Ao Longyu, they looked at Jiang Lan and then walked into the Nether Cave.

   They were a little surprised just when they entered.

   The thick nether aura rushed to them directly.

   They have a feeling that if there is no protection, they will definitely be affected.

   Don't talk about staying in a place like this for a long time, just staying longer can have a big impact.

   But when they look at Jiang Lan, they feel a little weird.


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