My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 785: Congenital, Dotai

This made Cen Yu's heart blushing, and he was so dizzy by the liar that he ran into Danxiangzhai without death, and asked where the shopkeeper's Danxiangzhai was.

Uncle Zhu looked at the reckless fairy and smiled at Mimi and said, "If the fairy asks me Danxiangzhai to buy medicinal pills, I should also know that my Danxiangzhai's medicinal pills are in limited supply, and I count them every day. The killers, I bought the pill early in the morning..."

Cen Yu wondered: "What about the Sanxians who really need the pill? They buy the pill, but those who really need it can't buy it!"

Uncle Zhu said: "We also limit the amount of these killers. As long as they come early, they can still buy them. They only rely on these medicines to survive. They go far and go to other markets to increase prices. Selling, that's their way of survival, I won't choke to death."

It turned out that these scalper parties kept banning it. After discussing with Bai Yu, Uncle Zhu and Bai Yu simply made these scalpers become Danxiangzhai’s external business agents, allowing them to buy some medicinal pills every day, supply them in a limited amount, and so on. When a certain number is reached, they will go to other markets to sell them. As for how much they sell, Dan Xiangzhai does not interfere.

And these scalpers are also very united, firmly holding their positions and not allowing others to become scalpers again. As for the pills that the casual practitioners want to buy, Danxiangzhai will be supplied in accordance with the daily prescribed quantity. They dare to buy low and sell high like the scalper party. Naturally, the scalper party will take care of them.

Cen Yuxin nodded and said, "Gui Zhai's actions are really...unpredictable."

There will always be various scalpers in the market where the supply is less than demand. The scalpers will not get the ones that you want to use, but the ones that don’t need are kept in their hands. Of course, the more reason is that the pill that I cultivated was actually caused by your thinking of using it to make money.

It's just that Danxiangzhai is only suitable for small workshops like Danxiangzhai, but Wanmiaodange is not so suitable for large merchants with sales outlets all over the fairy world.

Cen Yuxin said, "The shopkeeper, is your store really sold out today?"

Uncle Zhu regretfully said: "Indeed, the daily output is limited, and there is no extra to sell."

I specifically went to the door to ask. Of course, it would not be buying the blood-replenishing pills and Qi-condensing pills that rotten on the street. It must be those rare pills made by Bai Yu himself, so the conversation between the two of them was dazzling. Turning a blind eye to other medicines can be considered a silent wedge.

Cen Yuxin nodded and said, "But I have no relationship with these pills. I will come early tomorrow."

Uncle Zhu smiled and said: "If you are destined, you are destined."

Cen Yuxin said goodbye and left. When they left, Dong Lao Er sneaked out from behind.

"Hey, Uncle Bamboo, thanks!"

Uncle Zhu glanced at him obliquely: "How much did you lie? Two fairies rushed in angrily."

Dong Lao Er said reservedly: "Not much, not much, only three hundred immortals."

Uncle Zhu was holding a teacup for a cup of tea, and when he heard "only three hundred immortal crystals", he puffed and sprayed Dong Laoer across the counter.

"Get out of here, go out, so much, don't get tired of me Dan Xiangzhai!"

Uncle Zhu didn't have a good air.

Dong Lao Er was sprayed with tea and didn't take it seriously. He wiped a hand and stubbornly said: "Why? This is earned by skill! Isn't it the incense burner made by Shengxianghao? That little girl is on the pole. I want to buy it, I haven’t said anything yet, at most I just made up a story with her; besides, the fellow trainers in our workshop, who didn’t make up a few stories and put them on the old objects? I also picked one out. Put it on the incense burner very ordinary, and said that she was wronged with thirty or fifty immortal jade. Who knew that the little lady gave a 200 immortal crystal like Xianbao. I hesitated and she reported another one. 300 Xianjing, this kind of person who is not short of money must be rich and unkind, so he will not put money in his eyes, and cheating on her is a fortune!"

Uncle Zhu just heard the passing and couldn't laugh or cry. These two fairies, gentle and elegant, turned out to be two clubs? Speaking of it, it's no wonder Dong Er, you have to treat the new goods as antiquities, and raise the price yourself. Do you still expect these Sanxians who are struggling on the poverty line to have any bottom line?

The two masters and servants who were deceived for the day trip walked down the street, and Xue Xue finally couldn't help but ask: "Miss, the squad clearly just rushed in, why don't we continue to chase? The shopkeeper must have colluded with them! "

Cen Yuxin waved his hand and said, "This matter ends here. This matter should have nothing to do with the shopkeeper. It should be true that he knew the person. He is not familiar with us. It is normal for him to help acquaintances, so Don't bother with this matter either."

Yinxue pouted her mouth and said, "Where are the three hundred spirit crystals!"

Cen Yu said faintly: "It's no wonder that we are fighting. If you think about it, I only asked one question, and he said that he would not sell it. Then we went on a pole and reported a 200, and then madly raised it to 300. Deputy I took the money to the way you agreed. Isn’t this just being taken advantage of? It deserves to be cheated. Later, I met another old man selling the stove. Didn’t you notice, we turned around and left. Instead, he Automatically lowered the price to 30 Lingyu...I said, we are still stupid...too level, think about it, isn’t this a terribly awkward scam? Those immortals who followed the booze, it is estimated that many of them are Their people..."

Xue Yin said in disbelief, "Then why didn't you find the liar? Humph, the treasurer who protects the liar is not a good thing!"

Cen Yuxin glanced at her: "Sou? We are only a chamber of commerce. Do you think we have government functions? Xuexue, why are you so impetuous lately? Besides, we must work hard to make Danxiangzhai well. Tell me to search?"

Xue Yin suddenly saved, and said depressed: "I forgot."

Cen Yu shook his head and said, "Don't hurt your heart. I will give you the spirit crystal when I go back, so that you won't lose the money."

Xue Yin said stubbornly: "No, this incense burner is not worthy of you, miss you, give it back to me, I smashed it!"

Cen Yuxin refused: "Is there anything I don't deserve? I like it. I won't transfer it to you. I will use it to burn incense tonight!"

At the small cave of Xuanfeng, after a few days of cultivation, the surface of the cocoon gradually became black.

Ming Lian was fussy and worried. After asking Bai Yu, Bai Yu said:

"This cocoon was transformed by Qiu Ling's flesh and blood, and the medicinal power supports its activity. Qiu Ling is reborn in it once, and its vitality is about to be exhausted. It will naturally turn black, wither, and brittle. When Qiu Ling wakes up, he will It's the time when the cocoon turns into a butterfly."

Minglian asked in surprise: "Could it be that Miss Cheng has two butterfly wings coming out?"

The girl with a headache from Bai Yu had no imagination, and said: "No, no, what Qiu Ling was like when he broke the cocoon, there will be no abnormalities, turning the cocoon into a butterfly is just a description.

Minglian patted her chest: "Scare me."

Just after sighing, Ming Lian was surprised again: "Mr. Bai, Miss, this cocoon shell is starting to shake!"

Bai Yu said with joy: "You quickly get your clothes ready, and when Qiuling comes out, you can change them into her."

Minglian said with joy, "Miss, is this coming out?"

Bai Yu said: "Ten You, Jiu is finished!"

Hong Miaozi said next to him: "The Daoist Gao Tu Huan rebirth, it is gratifying and congratulating!"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Isn't there half of yours? Same joy and joy!"

Hong Miaozi twisted his beard and smiled: "Exactly, exactly!"

The sound of tearing silk came from inside, and Minglian exclaimed: "Miss! Miss!"

"Master...Master!" Yin Qiuling's weak voice came from inside, accompanied by a coughing sound.

Bai Yu said solemnly: "Qiu Ling, I am here."

The tearing sound continued, Ming Lian was tearing this weird meat cocoon apart, Yin Qiuling just tore it apart and lost strength. At this time, he lost the strength and let Ming Lian help herself to continue tearing.

"Master, I do... have a long dream." Yin Qiuling said intermittently.

Bai Yu is outside, she is inside, just listen to her continue to say: "I dreamed that I was hungry for many years, I'm so hungry!"

Bai Yu couldn't laugh or cry. Yin Qiuling was like a baby before. The umbilical cord connected to her cocoon provides nutrients and internal respiration. At this time, the newborn body grows to fourteen years old, which is equivalent to having never eaten anything in the abdomen, and is naturally hungry. It's terrible, even dreaming of wanting to eat.

Bai Yu said: "It's okay, you can eat when you enter the door. Now you have an innate vitality in your body. If you eat acquired food, it will pollute that innate vitality. Wait for Minglian to serve you. Good clothes, I will teach you the introductory technique, you can refine this innate energy, you can eat, hold on again."

Hong Miaozi envied: "The baby is born, the innate aura is polluted by the acquired aura, and it is slowly exhausted, but Qiu Ling can refine it for himself at this time, this future...tsk tut... Dao Tu No worries!"

Bai Yu also didn't smile, he was extremely proud, Qiu Ling should be his closed disciple, right? It is estimated that among all the disciples, her good fortune will inevitably far exceed that of the brothers and sisters.

After a long time, Ming Lian helped Yin Qiuling out with a little strength.

Bai Yu and Hong Miaozi looked at Yin Qiuling up and down, but felt that Yin Qiuling still had the foundation before, but she was more beautiful than before, but now she is still young and her figure is not long, but looking at her appearance, she will be a little older, definitely. A peerless beauty.

Hong Miaozi nodded: "After a few years... "Fang Hua Pu" will be added with Qiuling's name..."

Yin Qiuling said softly: "Master."

Bai Yu said: "Okay, don’t be too polite. I will pass on your introductory tactics. From refining qi to golden core, you can refine this innate qi with the introductory tactics. After you get started, I will have I'll tell you something."

Yin Qiuling nodded.

Bai Yu gently tapped her finger between her eyebrows and injected the technique into her sea of ​​consciousness. Yin Qiuling's eyebrows frowned slightly, seemingly painful.

Bai Yu said: "Minglian, you can sit down with Qiuling and wait for her to move the sun."

Ming Lian did it according to words.

Yin Qiuling began to perform the exercises. At first, there was nothing surprising, but when the innate aura was refined, Yin Qiuling had actually become a congenital Dao embryo under the good fortune of the innate aura and the birth and death reincarnation pill, and this innate aura was transformed. Entering the physical body, it becomes an innate Taoist body that is truly ingenious. On the Taoist body, the weather radiates first, and the surrounding vegetation becomes more and more green, and it actually begins to echo with Yin Qiuling, exuding the aura of celestial spirits.

"Tsk tusk tusk, the natural Dao body is close to the heaven and the earth, even these plants resonate with her unknowingly, it's incredible!" Hong Miaozi sighed.

Bai Yu also shook his head again and again. What kind of cultivation monster did he get out? I'm afraid of this qualification... Well, it seems that I can't touch the fish anymore. Don't be more than ten years away. When Yin Qiuling grows up as a big girl, his cultivation base is higher than that of his cheap master. That would be embarrassing. I want to yell: "Wukong..." Bah, yell: "Qiu Ling, save me!"

However, Yin Qiuling has already absorbed the innate qi in a short time, and has begun to enter the qi refining period. It is not too bad to enter the qi refining period. She is like a black hole, driving the surrounding fairy qi to form. A vortex visible to the naked eye, even white clouds were drawn into this vortex, Bai Yu said nervously: "Fellow Daoist, this it bigger?"

Congenital Dao Body, Congenital Body, and Dao Body are all incredible physiques for cultivation, not to mention two being one, plus Bai Yu's understanding of how Yin Qiuling should practice, there has been an abdomen case long ago, and she has been passed on to her introductory mentality, that’s okay. It is said that it was completely customized by Yin Qiuling, without any detours. This absorption of the spirit of the spirit suddenly formed a vortex of the spirit of fifty or sixty kilometers in diameter, which appeared extremely conspicuous in the air.

Hong Miaozi stood up with a sad face: "Hey, my cheap master can't do without a little effort."

He invited a black crane nestling next to Yin Qiuling. Although the black crane was not very intelligent and lived like a stupid bird, he instinctively knew that it would be great to be close to this little girl with strong innate temperament. At this time, he was summoned by Hong Miaozi, and he gave a very unhappy long mutter.

Hongmiao snapped his fingers on it, and smiled and cursed: "I know it's good! When the little master enters the door, you will count your work! Stop screaming, startled your little master, and see how I can deal with you!"

As expected, the black crane whispered low, leaned down, and waited for Hong Miaozi to stand on its back, kicked hard with both claws, and flew into the air.

Before waiting for a few breaths, several streams of light flashed across the sky and came towards the small cave mansion of Xuanfeng.

Hong Miaozi slightly exudes a hint of golden fairy power:

"Poor Dao is magnificent, the disciples are practicing here, which has caused a world of alienation and disturbed all the immortal families. Please let the immortal families have a lot of food."

The stream of light coming from all directions was the sword light that the immortal imprisoned. Some of them seemed to be unable to recognize the magnificence. However, awed by the power of the golden immortal, he still stopped, and a person who seemed to recognize it said:

"Hong Miao? But... the Hong Miao son who is known as the Immortal Zhenren?"

"It's the poor Tao, and I ask all the immortals to give me some face." Hong Miaozi answered.

The immortal laughed when he heard what Hong Miaozi said, "Unexpectedly, I don't think that Xuanyu Mountain is a farewell, did Zhen Immortal actually live in seclusion here to train disciples? Poor Dao Wanqi Sect Lu Ze!"

Hong Miaozi laughed too. It turned out to be an old acquaintance: "Oh! It turned out to be Friends of Lu Dao, how come you come to this poor country when you have time?"

Although Lu Ze didn't have a deep friendship, at least it was an acquaintance. When there was nothing necessary, he explained it specifically. Lu Ze would not insist on seeing the truth out of curiosity.

"Isn't this the day when Wanmiao Pill Pavilion auctions the'Pill of Poison Removal and Condensation'? Didn't I come here to try my luck?" Lu Ze replied. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 785 Xiantian, Dao Body) reading record, next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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