My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 741: Kebamutus

Bai Yu hurriedly said: "The two masters can't help it. You two have just recovered from a major injury, so you can go to war? Just Cthulhu, don't bother the masters to do it! The disciples can do it..."

Kwong Lingdeng's figure paused, and sighed: "Xiao Yu, do you think I don't know? You are afraid that I will do something good or bad again. It is not easy to come to Na Cthulhu. When you fought with it, It's the realm of distraction, and I must have improved at this time. That's why I am full of confidence. This old fellow and I are just two distracting cultivators. They weren't their opponents, but did it drag you down?"

Bai Yu yelled hard to answer.

Ouyang Sanjian said in a rough voice, "Four brothers, don't use these words to hold Xiao Yu'er, the teacher does not have to be good at the disciple! It is good that he is stronger than us, if one generation is weaker than the generation, that is not a heavenly work. Shouldn't it be extinct? Our cultivation is normal if Cthulhu is not. If we can break through the boundary, how can we fight it? Since Xiao Yuer is confident, it's very good!"

Kuang Lingdeng sat back to his original position, and continued to take the medicinal materials absent-mindedly. After a long time, he said, "I'm not as good as you, a fool. You're right. It's a good thing that Xiaoyu is better than us."

"Go, take care of this evil thing for your masters, Tiangong... Tiangong..."

Ouyang Sanjian also said: "Go, Xiao Yuer, I will take care of the family affairs with your four masters, and the injuries are all getting better at this time. Your four masters are Danding, so you can take care of them."

Bai Yu said: "The Xuanhuang Pagoda is protected by merit. You must not go out of the tower. Cthulhu has great skills, and it is impossible to break the protection of the Xuanhuang Pagoda at will. As long as you do not have any problems, I will have no worries. ."

Outside the tower, Bai Yu suddenly appeared at the base of the tower, laying dozens of talisman, the mysterious yellow tower gradually disappeared, after all, it was the projection clone of the strong Cthulhu that had to be confronted, even if you were careful.

Bai Yu distinguished the direction, summoned the aircraft, and then smashed out a runway with mental strength, and launched the aircraft to fly into the distance.

At this time, the snowflakes falling in the air were changed from water in the air. At this time, the surface of the ocean on Haogang star had formed a thick layer of ice, and Haogang star could be said to have become a big ice ball. After another two years, the temperature will drop to an environment where even oxygen is liquefied and then ice crystals fall. The bottom temperature will eventually turn Haogang into a near-vacuum death star with all the gas turned into crystalline form, while in the ocean In the deepest part, there may be sea water that has not been frozen by geothermal heat. There will still be microorganisms living there. At that time, Haogang Star will not have a human being able to survive and become a veritable death star. In the existence of Cthulhu, perhaps one day, Haogang Star will be captured by a star very accidentally, and then it will gain light and heat and rejuvenate.

But this time...

Bai Yu's anger was suppressed. Cthulhu is a race that should be extinct. No matter how supernatural, fair, and just, I am a human being. Naturally, I must make plans for the survival of the human race!

At this time, Bai Yu had already flew hundreds of miles away with the aircraft, remembering this direction, there was a huge desert. In this desert, there were few people in the desert before it suffered a catastrophe, let alone this time, only Fighting with Cthulhu in this desert will not bring harm to the Yu Clan of Haogang.

Er Yatou reminded: "Bai Yu, has reached the middle of the desert."

Bai Yu nodded, adjusted the angle of the wing's elevation angle, and then stopped the power of the eight propellers in turn. The speed of the aircraft slowed down, and at the same time, it began to descend.

The desert was also covered with a thick layer of snow at this time, and the white feather fell from the sky and hit the ground fiercely.


There was a huge muffled noise, and the snowflakes were smashed to splash Lao Gao.

"Kebamutus! I'm here! I know you are under the crust! Come out!" Bai Yu's spiritual thoughts spread underground.

Kebamutus was the name of this Cthulhu body. Bai Yu had been attacked by it before, and he had heard Zhuang Zhou blurt out the name very clearly. It seems that Zhuang Zhou also had dealings with it. However, it is not clear why its projection clone should be supported by a monk, or even pretending to be a monk Yuanqing.

Bai Yu's spiritual thoughts were full of provocation and arrogance.

Hidden underground, Cthuluk Bamutus maintained his human form at this time, still looking like a handsome young monk, but behind him was a large black shadow waving twisted tentacles.

"Interesting, who can know my real name?"

After waves of provocative thoughts came Kebamutus finally stopped devouring the energy under the earth's crust, and the dark shadow had slowly gathered and returned to Kebamutus.

This provocative idea does not arouse his anger for a high-ranking Gekthulhu like it, it is just that someone can know his real name is what he is most interested in.

"Then let me play with you?" Cthulhu controlled Yuan Qing's face with an evil smile.

Bai Yu sensed the feedback from Cthulhu, it was because it responded to its own challenge.

A large amount of yellow sand flew into the air with Bai Xue, and then fluttered down.

Cthulhu shot out from the ground, and then fell heavily.

"Are the rules of heaven and earth confused?" Chaos is Cthulhu's favorite thing, Kebamutus smiled.

"Unexpectedly... you actually came back. I thought you just left the human race on this planet and went to another planet." Kebamutus said.

Bai Yu said coldly: "If you don't die, I won't go anywhere."

Kebamutus shook his head: "You are not my opponent. Hasn't this been...have been verified? What? Are you going to come and die? Okay, originally this body is not as good as you, or your body is better."

Bai Yu sneered and said, "Want? Come and get it! I'm here."

Kebamutus said: "What's the hurry? This world... always belongs to me, so it doesn't matter if one moment in the morning and the other in the evening...can satisfy my curiosity?"

Bai Yu said: "I'm here to kill you, so I won't satisfy your curiosity, it's best to let you die with doubts."

Kebamutus smiled: "Kill me? I'm just a clone formed by a projection. How do you kill me? More importantly, you were beaten and fled in embarrassment before. Did you forget? Where are you? The confidence to come? What I want to ask is, how did you know my real name?"

Bai Yu said: "With this question...sorry to be wiped out!"

"Destroy me? Black cage! Do you use your...little flame?" Kebamutus summoned a metallic cage, laughed, and moved towards the white feather cover.

Bai Yu stepped heavily under his feet, and had already flashed to the side. He was already wearing the Seven Love Soul Fire suit, with a bow and arrow in his hand, and he shot an arrow towards Kebamutus.

The black cage slammed heavily on the ground, but in an instant it turned into a black vine and swept towards the white feathers.

Bai Yu was almost caught by the vine and jumped on the snow, but the black vine was like a bone maggot, chasing after him.

Kebamutus shook his head and said: "Look at you, you don't have much progress, and you want to kill me without shame, what to kill? Do you rely on your courage and determination?"

The previous arrow had been swept away by a large shadow of the tentacles behind its human image, and near the front of the tentacles, a small flame was burning.

Kebamutus glanced at the burning tentacles, shook his head and said, "You have made some progress, but it's not enough. It's still far away. Even if it burns for another year, it won't hurt me. "

The energy in its body suddenly exploded, and the soul fire that was burning hard was blown far away, disappearing in the air.

A few more arrows came, and Kebamutus used his tentacles to fly the soul-fire version of the arrows one by one.

Its originally smiling expression slowly became deserted: "It's not fun, I thought you have become stronger, but only at this level, this is a waste of my time."

While avoiding the changing vines of the dark cage, Bai Yu kept bowing and shooting at Kebamutus.

"Black Gunkiller..."

Finally, Kebamutus became impatient, and the soft sound of the vines jumping and tracking the white feathers dissipated into a black mist. Then, the black mist flew to Kebamutus like an arrow. A large amount of black smoke came and converged from behind it, and finally, it turned into a spear in the hands of Yuanqing, its body.

"Human, you also try my attack power."

Bai Yu's eyes flickered, and he said in his heart: "It's almost there. It no longer has too much guard against my soul fire attacks. Now I the strongest power."

No longer entangled Bai Yu, Bai Yu suddenly imagined a sword of soul flame burning with a blazing flame and rushed towards Cthulhu.

Cthulhu’s face is full of regret and impatience: "Your little flame is stronger, it can cause me some trouble, but... at this level, it is not my opponent, your soul, um, I It smells scent, it must be delicious, right?"

Cthulhu manipulated Yuan Qing's body and laughed wildly.

Bai Yu's sword fended off a shot from Cthulhu's chest stabbing, but because the strength was not as strong as the black gunshot, the flame sword was beaten into two sections, and the other section flew into the air.

In Cthulhu’s mad laughter, the spear that had already been opened was swept over by Bai Yu’s throat, and Bai Yu knew that Cthulhu’s highly condensed black air was to the human race, just like his own soul fire. Like Sulu, after being touched, he will suffer endlessly. How dare to let it get close easily, and a donkey rolls and avoids the tip of the gun that swept toward the throat.

Cthulhu contemptuously said: "Pay attention to your demeanor. You have also been overhauled by the human race. Can such tricks be used?"

Bai Yu stood up and looked at Cthulhu with the dark mist behind him, and sneered: "No matter what the trick is, as long as it can prevent you from polluting my soul, as long as it can kill you, it's a good trick!"

Cthulhu smiled and said, " are too weak! What kind of tricks can't save you today!" The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: convenience Next time you read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 741 Kebamutus), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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