My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 701: Olive branch

Stewart looked at the pious kneeling primitive people with satisfaction. At this time, he finally felt that kind of supreme happiness again. How long was the last time? When I was a mortal, when I was the first person on the planet, I was depressed for too long! Keeping low and small, the God Realm is a complicated place. Without a backing, who would care about a little **** servant? How can you gain faith without your own believers? Relying on work in the divine system? It’s not bad that you can keep your divine power from declining. This time, I really picked a big bargain!

Through the voice transmission with the other five people, he already knew that the entire planet except Baiyu had been occupied by them. After he left, he could lower the oracles and let his followers launch a holy war... of the entire planet. Human race should all become my believers! Stewart chuckled.

He input his divine power into the sacrifice. These divine powers can automatically collect the beliefs of all believers. At the same time, they can also activate the function of connecting the altar and himself. From time to time, he must show the holy so that the believers can deepen their beliefs. Play the role of coordinates, let your own **** clone come here, and take away the accumulated beliefs.

Stewart left three divine marks on the altar: bloodthirsty, skin hardening, and lay healing.

"Be loyal to God and pray to God, and God will give you strength, protection, and healing!"

After Stewart finished speaking, it turned into a streamer and flew in the direction of the spaceship.

These three devotees of magical arts really dedicated their loyalty to him, and become their own believers. They can automatically form the pattern of magical arts and use them in battle. When praying to the altar, they will also hear the holy words of the gods, which is actually The mental interference he left in the altar for repeated brainwashing, the holy words of the gods contains his religious teachings, as long as the church is formed according to the teachings, and the paladins and paladins are trained and apologists, you can get a powerful church. The army was when its religion swept the entire planet.

Flew back to the spaceship, Stewart was very surprised to see everyone had returned, Bai Yu was also there, he took a deep look at Dragon Jia and Dragon Yi, he hoped that these two people really did what they promised, and did not do it themselves. Tell Bai Yu about the matter.

"Let's go." Stewart waved his hand.

Bai Yu smiled and shook his head: "Your Excellency, as I said just now, I still need to stay here for a while. If it's convenient, please give me the specific destination route, and I will come back by myself after I finish the processing."

Stewart looked a little ugly: "Our mission is to rescue you. You are the target of the mission. If you don't go back, how can we count the mission completed?"

Bai Yu spread out his hand and said: "I am very grateful for your assistance, but I am fine, and I don't need to be rescued. I need to deal with the matter here before I can go back."

Stewart said with a stern face: "Are you sincere in making me unable to complete the task?"

Bai Yu retorted: "Your Excellency, now there are differences between us, so there are only two solutions. One is that you wait here for a while. Presumably this will not have a big impact on you? Just find me and bring it with you. I'm going back, a little later, it won't have a bad effect on you; the second option is to go back first, and I will go back by myself after I have dealt with the matter in my hands."

Stewart gritted his teeth and said: "You have not obtained the status of the God Realm. You can only choose to obey the arrangements of the God Realm reception office. It is not what you want to stay. The star map involves the safety of the God Realm. How can I be different? Give you a copy? You have to understand! You haven't obtained the status of the gods."

Bai Yu's face also scowled: "Who am I, you know clearly, you are going to do business with me now? Okay! I give up my status and welfare in the gods, please please."

Stewart choked, why doesn't this guy play cards according to common sense?

If the above learned that his indiscriminate pressure on Bai Yu had caused bad consequences, it would be him who suffered, hell, why do I have such a disagreement with his aura?

He didn't want to think about it. He arrogantly arranged this arrangement as soon as he arrived. He felt that Bai Yu was disrespectful to him. The preconceived one wanted to take strong measures to force Bai Yu to quell his dissatisfaction, but who knew that Bai Yu was a softer or not harder. People who are stronger are stronger, how can they talk happily?

"Ah, Lord Stewart, I hope you can control your emotions. If you mishandle it and cause bad consequences, I can only report everything that happened here." Long Jia said.

Stewart's face turned dark: "But what should we do now? Can't we wait here forever?"

Long Jia retorted: "Why not? We are going back now, and the mission time is overtime. What's the impact of being late? If Bai Yu does have something here, what's wrong with waiting for him to deal with the matter? Are you rushing now? Will you be able to be appointed as a jue after you go back?

Stewart let out two heavy breaths: "Okay! Then let's wait for him to take care of things here!"

After speaking, it turned into a streamer and entered the spaceship. The other five people also returned to the spaceship in an embarrassing manner.

Long Jia smiled and said: "Your Excellency Bai Yu, we have stayed in the spacecraft for a few years and hope to rest on this planet for a period of time. I wonder if it will cause you trouble?"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "How can it be possible that the planet is so big that it can't accommodate two of you? It's better for the two to go to the place where I settled. Although my place is a bit rudimentary, it can shelter from the wind and rain anyway."

Sacred mountain.

"Your Mightiness……"

Long Jia shook his hand and interrupted Bai Yu's words: "Don't use such a formal address, just call me by name."

Bai Yu's kindness is like flowing: "Dragon Armor..."

Dragon Armor interrupted Bai Yu again: "Just call me Mosien."

Bai Yu asked: "So your name is not Dragon Armor?"

Long Jia nodded and said: "Originally, it disappeared after a few chapters, but the author gave me a scene without a name, so it would be inappropriate. He clicked one from the foreign male name file on the desktop. He was my assistant, Horus. ."

Bai Yu asked: "You don't need to be too entangled in the name or something, I want to know, is the situation between us and Cthulhu at a disadvantage?"

Mosien was silent and replied: "The battle with Cthulhu has never gone smoothly, because Cthulhu is too keen to exploit the flaws in the human mind, especially the source of troops recruited by the new barracks, sometimes Cthulhu is a large-scale psychic bewitched, ha ha, the entire corps is in chaos, and there are all attacking friendly forces."

"Why do you have to...cannon fodder to fight Cthulhu?" Bai Yu finally asked the question he had always wanted to know the answer.

"Cthulhu is intangible and intangible. It is just a piece of monsters resembling shadows and black fog. Fighting with them in close combat can easily be polluted by this black fog. Our human race, Bia human race, elves and dwarves laugh and multiply. The ability is much stronger, although the talent is not as good as them, but the number is far more than him...As a strategy maker and executor, perhaps the names of people are divided by numbers, which is cold-blooded and cruel, but does not guarantee the safety of high-end combat power. , Our human race has long lost. If we want to survive, we must become strong. Weakness is the original sin. We can’t control our own lives and can only be controlled by others. As a chess piece, what can we complain about?” Mosien replied .

Bai Yu frowned and said, "Is it the only way? Isn't this way too rough?"

Mosien sighed: "You have never encountered that kind of overwhelming Cthulhu war, where your personal abilities have been weakened to the extreme. It all depends on the cooperation with our comrades in arms. Sometimes we have to win against Cthulhu. To cause enough damage, we must sacrifice these low-level fighters. We are also helpless. We can only insist that they are killed and disabled after being attacked. We can only insist that we cannot move easily in our position."

Bai Yu said: "Isn't there something...that can minimize the impact of Cthulhu on the mind?"

Mosien sighed: "I think this is also the reason why the above attaches so much importance to you and took so much effort to get you from the Yanhuang family. In terms of manufacturing protective gear and weapons, although we have dwarves and alchemists, we have to admit In terms of creative and functional combinations, the system of dwarves and alchemists is too low cost-effective compared to your Yanhuang system."

"The effects of the equipment made by dwarves and alchemists are too random, and they lack some systematic and programmatic things. To achieve a certain effect, you must use materials that have this effect. However, once there is a composite effect In terms of the balance of various effects, it’s not doing well. That’s why I said that the effects of multi-attribute equipment are very random. In this regard, the Yanhuang family has taken the lead. There is already a complete system, and there are enough. Formulas, recipes."

Bai Yu was the first time I heard someone analyze the difference between the Western and Yanhuang types. Obviously, this was also the olive branch that the other party handed over. At this time, his expression was very serious, and Mosien was secretly proud when he saw him supporting him.

"Western departments pay more attention to results, and generally don't look at the consequences, and they are tolerant of failure; Yanhuang family prefers to consider the overall situation, wanting to grasp everything in the plan, and lose courageously. The result is that the Western department acted hard, but lacked the stamina; The Yanhuang family is more concerned about gains and losses, and has huge potential, but it often fails to convert potential into combat power.

"This can be seen from the treatment of the two departments. The Western department advocates quick results. For all kinds of injuries, if one holy cure cannot be cured, only two will be used, and if it is not possible, only three will be used until it is cured. , Pursue the universality of the treatment method. All broken hands, broken feet, and internal injuries are solved by holy therapy, and the best curative effect can be obtained by squeezing and overdrawing the life potential. The Yanhuang family pursues the right remedy, and there is little overdraw in the future to realize the present. Rehabilitation is slow, and the combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the Western system."

Speaking of Mosien, he suddenly laughed: "Speaking of which, because of this, there were once Western gods who were very dissatisfied with the Yanhuang family. People who said that the Yanhuang family liked to care about gains and losses, and their personality was too soft, but the next day they were beaten. Face, several non-employed Sanxians of the Yanhuang family, you call Sanxian, right? In order to cover the retreat of the team, I froze with Cthulhu to the end on a besieged planet, in order not to let my own The body was used by Cthulhu, and they all chose to explode."

"So, the Yanhuang family is the same **** human race, but when they resisted Cthulhu, they chose a different way, which made people feel very weak and frustrated. Our Prophecy Department may be the department with the most intelligence in the Western Department. We all know what sacrifices the department has made, but for most other departments, there are many things they don’t know about. Therefore, some prejudices against the Yanhuang family have formed, such as the Yanhuang family dare not fight hard battles, It's only suitable for auxiliary work or the like." Mosien sighed.

Bai Yu said: "I don’t know what the Yanhuang family thinks, but the thinking mode of the Yanhuang family and I are in the same line. Fight Cthulhu better."

Mosien nodded: "You have reached the point of this sentence, you should have received the inheritance of your quasi-sage Zhuang Zhou from the Yanhuang family?"

Bai Yu touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "Do you also know this?"

Mosien said: "That's of course, so this is also an in-depth cooperation between us and the Yanhuang family. We need the softness of the Yanhuang family to balance the strength of the Western family, because you have strong R&D capabilities. This is from us. You can see it, and you can see the treasures you have left. The flaws in the treasures you have created are getting less and less, indicating that you have worked out a system for making treasures, which is too important for our Western department. "

"Plus, you have the same system as Your Excellency Zhuang Zhou. Your Excellency Cthulhu has always been a thorn in Cthulhu's eyes. He can't wait to kill Cthulhu soon. He is extremely lethal to Cthulhu, so we believe you in this regard, Sooner or later, we can reach the same level. This is too important for the Western system and humanity as a whole."

"Since I am so important...the group of people on the, it's the guy on the head, who can't deal with me right away, am I offending him?" Bai Yu said that he didn't have a good temper.

"It's nothing more than benefits that move people's hearts..." Mosien sneered.

Bai Yu's heart moved: "What do you mean by interest...?"

Mosien smiled bitterly: "You will know soon after this matter goes back. I can only tell you that I am very embarrassed in this matter, but we never get involved in this matter."

Bai Yu was silent for a while and said: "Don't talk about these things that make everyone unhappy. After I settled down here, I used the various flowers and fruits here to make a kind of Baihua Baiguo wine. You can try it.

The wooden pavilion built by Bai Yu looks ugly. In fact, there are several spirit gathering formations around the wooden pavilion. The spirits here are very strong. Mosien has felt since he came to this wooden pavilion, and he was secretly surprised that Bai Yu adapted to this. The world is too fast, right?

When Bai Yu took out three white jade wine cups and poured the fruit wine, Mosien and Holu drank them, and immediately discovered the benefits of this Baihua Baiguo wine. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 701 Olive Branch), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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