My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 590: Winner

"Sidney is really a genius designer! Unexpectedly, when fighting the elves, he can design such a big killer for their races! Okay, let’s take a look at the works of Baiyu, Baiyu, Can you tell me the name of your work?" Elroy asked.

"Undead," Bai Yu replied, with too many attributes, so just name it casually.

"Okay, which master shall we ask for a comment?" Elroy asked.

Waverard glanced at the other two, and Dorothy said, "I have already reviewed Sidney's work. Come on, you two."

Colwyn said: "Then I will come."

"This crossbow... how do you say it, the single-shot power is not particularly eye-catching, but its shooting speed... is terrible. It can be imagined that the dragon's roar just now can be said to be a single-shot with very high lethality, but its weakness is attack. The pace is slow. If the undead confronts it, it’s really hard to say who is stronger, but obviously, Dragon Roar has only one chance. If you can’t hit the opponent, you will die, and the undead will also die. If you don’t hide it once, you will die, but If you dodge it, you will win, but the speed of the dragon's roar winding is too touching. It is estimated that the undead will not give him a chance to wind it. So, from the perspective of a duel, I think the fire and thunder are a little better... "

"Wait, I don't think so, sorry, Lord Colwyn, I interrupted you." Dorothy said.

"It's okay, it's just a discussion, it doesn't affect anything." Colwyn shook his hand to indicate that it was okay.

"But in terms of single-shot power, it is clear that Dragon Roar is slightly better." Dorothy retorted.

Colwyn smiled thickly: "We also need to consider practicality. The dragon's roar requires too much power to open the strings. For ordinary soldiers, it does not have too much practicality. If it is mercenaries, do you think Which one would they choose? Weapon design should consider cost, practicability and functionality. It takes only two or three seconds to attack once. It is definitely not as practical as two or three attacks per second, right?"

Dorothy thought for a while: "I keep my opinion, you can continue to comment."

Colwyn nodded, and then said: "But I found a problem. All magic additional attacks come from arrows. This is a bit of a contradiction for the design of the crossbow. The crossbow and the arrow are integrated, but the crossbow But it doesn’t have magical additional attacks... and looking at it from a different standpoint, Baiyu players designed to use arrows to perform magical additional attacks, and it can be considered to be strong in attaching all known magical attacks... This makes me very difficult to judge. In this regard , Leave it to the other two masters to decide."

"Let’s talk about the magazine, the strong magazine is designed in space, and I see that the Baiyu players only use deep-sea cold steel for processing. Although the nature has changed greatly, in general, deep-sea cold steel is not particularly valuable. When he expanded the space, he did not use any materials related to the space magic circle. Therefore, this should be the technology from the Yanhuang family. I will not comment on this point, but the benefit is that, If our soldier uses the undead, in addition to carrying enough arrows, he can also bring enough rations, water, medicine... that is to say, one more space equipment, although the space equipment is not bad cabbage, but it is also It is not something that ordinary soldiers can use. The official guide price of a space ring is 25 points. Even if it is purchased through fingertips, it will not be less than 20 points... So at this point, I think it is a very brilliant design."

"We won't talk about the teleportation array. Although there are some minor flaws in the layout, the design idea is correct. Let us do it. It is nothing more than saving a little material. This will not be in the integral. There is too much manifestation."

"I don't know how to evaluate the attribute attack. In terms of the enhancement of my own attributes, I feel that there are agility, strength, and mental bonuses. It seems that there are some other effects. Can Baiyu give me some introduction?"

"The reason why it is called the undead is that it can provide the user with an attack that is sufficient to block two high-level magic power. At the same time, when the user is injured, as long as it is not in the category of serious injuries, it can provide slow recovery, even if it is fatal Serious injuries can also prevent the injury from getting worse and get a chance for treatment. At the same time, it also provides a broad-spectrum detoxification spell. As long as it is not too tricky or partial, it can at least maintain an effect that no longer deteriorates. The poison of the spear before the arrangement has a certain delaying effect. At the same time, it also provides a continuous physical defense enhancement effect. It can resist heavy weapon attacks such as cutting, smashing, smashing, and hammering. The strength should be intermediate magic. Attacks will not suffer fatal damage, but the resistance to sharp objects is increased, but it is not decisive. It can only be said that the physical strength is increased by one-fifth compared with the absence of the case, but these need to be on the crossbow. A separate Philosopher’s Stone is placed to provide energy..."

The spectators who heard this introduction made a noise. Such a function can save a life only when it is critical! What is a better choice for weapons that can save lives and provide good attacks? As for the roar of the dragon, good or bad, the cost alone is close to one hundred points, and where are so many useful functions? There is a chance if you survive, what's the point of death with one blow? Are you a hero?

Sidney's face is a bit ugly: shameless guy, provide these functions... this is an attack weapon! It is an assault weapon! What is the difference between you and when you sell horse-drawn carriages that you can bathe and play golf in your horse-drawn carriages? The carriage is for carrying. You add some bells and whistles. Do you want Bilian's?

"These functions don't seem to have much to do with the functions of the crossbow itself..." Dorothy hesitated.

"As long as it's related to fighting, it's all related. If eating is just for satiety, why should we seek taste enjoyment? If the clothes are just for protection from the cold and shame, everyone simply puts on sack." Wilfried said indifferently.

Dorothy sighed insignificantly: I can only help you to this point. Even the old man Wilfred has set the tone. What can I do?

Elroy asked: "Sportsman Baiyu, can you explain your design ideas?"

"Alive, you can kill more enemies; as long as you are faster than the enemy, I will kill him first; there will be various accidents in the battle, we cannot guarantee that every hit can be effectively hit, so if you can't hit it at once, we Come a few more times." Bai Yu said.

The spectators laughed. Indeed, everyone is of the same level. Who can guarantee that he will hit a hit? It is correct by the quantity. I can't hit you with the chalk head. Why do I throw a box over here? Can you avoid it? The battlefield is to kill the enemy as soon as possible, and do not give the enemy a chance to counterattack. The more intense the number of attacks, the better.

"So, player Baiyu, how strong is your undead crossbow?" Elroy asked.

Bai Yu frowned and thought for a while: "Estimate the attack strength of advanced magic, if you don't point at a place to attack... it is impossible to destroy it with a range of attack magic in a short time, but high-level magic like Wind Slash is sure to cut the crossbow string. I can't hold it a few times."

Elroy said moved: "Is it so strong? Can you demonstrate it?"

Bai Yu replied: "No problem, who would you please try?"

Elroy said: "Then I will come."

Bai Yu nodded, went to the referee's position, and placed the Undead Liannu on the ground.

Elroy hit with a burst of fireball, and then another rock falling technique hit it. The air sank obviously, and the whole ground sank a few centimeters. Then there was another burst of ice spear rain, but these magics fell... A Taoist shield protects the undead Liannu.

Bai Yu said shyly: "I forgot to tell you, this is a Taoist shield from the Yanhuang family... If the energy supply system is not exhausted, it will always be effective... Why, I will take the magic stone (spirit stone) off you Try again?"

Elroy stopped speechlessly. Everyone else was shocked by the amazing performance of his all-rounds. He said that he was indeed a descendant of the blood of God. At this time, when he saw his stinky expression, everyone was shocked. Laughing, the square was filled with joyful atmosphere for a while.

Bai Yu took out the spirit stone and motioned.

Elroy sighed. Is this a big bear for everyone?

He shook his hand, and suddenly there was a big axe, which completely contrasted with his handsome and beautiful appearance. He controlled his power and slashed it with one axe.


With a muffled sound, the axe blade fell on the crossbow arm made of Jintong wood, but only a shallow mark was cut.


All the spectators present were cultivators, and they were all ears and eyes. Without 4.0 or at least 3.5, so as long as the spectators could see, they could clearly see the shallow cut marks, even the huge cutting power. , Pressed the undead Liannu into the ground.

You know that the ground here is also cured by magic. Elroy stepped back, Bai Yu pulled the undead crossbow out of the ground, took a breath, and blew off the dust on it, looked around, and found the target. , Opened the insurance, shaking for a while.


But after two or three laps, more than a dozen arrows have been shot out. Thunder, poison, fire, ice, and some arrows that don’t know the effect are flying randomly. The discerning person can see that between the second arrow and the third arrow, magic The shield has been broken, and the fifth target has been blown to the ground. Then, the seven or eight arrows at the back shot straight towards the spectator, hula, the spectators all flashed away, and their faces turned green. .

However, only five or six arrows were stopped by the barrier, and they were actually knocked down by these arrows! There are four or five arrows flying out of the enchantment range. If it weren't for these spectators to hide quickly, I'm afraid it would be a bad luck to a bunch of people!

Bai Yu was also taken aback. Who made this enchantment? Are you messing up? It's a tofu project!

At this time, all the talents reacted. What was said earlier that the attack power of a single arrow is slightly weaker than that of Dragon's Roar... Compared to that, it is a little weaker, but you can call Dragon's Roar to attack the enchantment? Shoot an arrow, draw a bow, and then come back, the buffer time is too long, and the barrier has time to recover, even if it is ten arrows, it can't break the barrier! The attack power of the undead is relatively weak, but it is also considered the forefront of the existing advanced magic crossbows! And the attack power per unit time explodes the enchantment, okay? Who asked who would dare to hard-top such a intensive attack? It is estimated that the senior monks and fighters who specialize in the flesh would not dare to praise this Haikou, right?

For a while, the entire square was a bit quiet, but Elroy coughed dryly, "Well, just now... it was really an accident. I would like to ask the three notaries. These two works have been witnessed by you. A player made his own and didn’t have any fake hands. Are you sure about this result?"

Grand Duke Reichel, Duke Campbell, and Duke Sandvina of Purple Thornflower replied in unison:

"These two works are real and effective."

Elroy turned his head and asked three more referees:

"Three masters, please three of you give the decision of victory or defeat."

Waverard, Colwyn, and Dorothy discussed a few words in a low voice, and finally Waverard said:

"We believe that the white feather player's Undead Lienbow has significant advantages in terms of function, creativity, blessing effect, cost, and solidity. When both of them meet the standards of advanced magic weapons, only the attack power is comparable to the dragon roar. The heavy crossbow is tied, so we think that the undead of the Baiyu player Liennu won the victory, so the winner: Baiyu player."

Hearing this result, Sidney's face was pale and lost, and Elroy turned his head and asked, "Three notaries, is this result valid?"

"Effective! The winner this time is Bai Yu!" X3.

"Does White Feather have anything to say?" Elroy asked.

"Sidney, you are very strong, but you suffer from not knowing the skills of the Yanhuang family. The confrontation between us is just a skill contest between the two of us. Temporary wins and losses do not represent much, because people always make progress. I believe you will get stronger and stronger!" Bai Yu said high-sounding words, his face was awe-inspiring, but he said in his heart: Brother, you should never be better than me in this life.

"The White Feather is very good! Sidney, what do you say?" Elroy asked.

"Next time I will definitely beat you!" Sidney said with a grimace.

"Okay, a very exciting game, thank you all for the audience! This is the end of the Tianjiao show titled by the Chamber of Commerce! Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce Transportation Department for sponsoring the materials for this event, as well as the venue and tools provided by the Logistics Department. I also want to thank our third-party referee and fourth-party notarization! The Chamber of Commerce has decided that from today next year, it will be held once a year..."

At this time, the spectators who watched the entire game rushed in anxiously, but were blocked by the personnel arranged by the chamber of commerce on site.

"Bai Yu, help me make a magic weapon! The cost is negotiable!"

"Sidney! You are the strongest!"

"Behind, don't push my ass! My old lady fights with you!"

"Goose roast! Are you a female?"

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